Friday, September 14, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 9

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Matthew 9 is filled with the supernatural.  Many miracles are recorded here.  Included in the supernatural is the forgiveness of sins.  A paralyzed man was brought to Jesus and He forgave his sins.  The religious folks there thought this was blasphemy.  To show that He had the power, Jesus also healed the man right there.  He got up and walked.  Power displays are no problem for God.  Think of that the next time you see a massive display of lightening.
    Matthew also covers his calling from Jesus to follow Him.  Matthew was a tax collector.  These were hated people because they generally were not honest and greatly overtaxed the people.  Then they had a meal at Matthew’s house where many tax collectors came to feast.  From this we see that God wants all people and will change and use anyone who responds to His call in their life.  Jesus’ response to the Pharisees was that healthy people don’t need a doctor, but those who are sick.  The only hope for those bound in sin is the forgiveness and deliverance that Jesus gives.
    Many things in the Bible are hard to do.  Jesus said that His followers will fast, and this is not fun to do.  Fasting is giving up food for a specific period of time and seeking God.  It is a spiritual discipline over the power of the physical desires.  It is not popular, but Jesus calls for believers to do it.
    The chapter ends with a call by Jesus to pray for workers.  There are now billions of people in the world who have not heard of Jesus.  They don’t know the joy that comes from being delivered from the power of sin.  Pray for workers to go.  This passage focuses on eternity.  The life we live here on earth seems long.  Compared to eternity, it is nothing.  There are countless people who have been called by God to work for Him who have rejected the call.  Jesus said that we are to pray for workers to go and tell the good news.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Reading all these miracles should cause me to have great faith.  Jesus is the same forever and He had no problem doing the supernatural back then.  He has no problem doing the supernatural now.  It seems common in the church world today to believe that people will be saved when they pray for forgiveness.  Jesus said that it is no harder for Him to forgive than to heal.  We must believe for the supernatural and expect to see miracles.  I fear that in general we don’t have faith for the really big things.
    I am also thinking of the last verses of the chapter.  The need is so massive to tell people about Jesus.  Jesus specifically tells us to pray for workers.  This is something that all believers must do on  regular basis.  I also must be listening to God to see if I am doing all He wants me to do.  There will be more and new things that God calls His followers to do.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can be the worker to help people see Jesus and their need of a personal relationship with Him.  I need to be ready to pray with people to believe that God will supernaturally intervene in their lives.  There are countless testimonies of people healed by God before they were saved.  Many have turned to Jesus when they saw a friend or family member healed.