Bible Chapter: Matthew 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This is the continuation of the Sermon on the Mount.
The first thought that jumped out to me as I was reading this chapter is “impressing people”. It is so common to want to impress people. “I’m not what or who you think I am, I want to impress you as being better, more important, more generous, etc. than I really am.” This is the mentality that I can make myself better than you by putting you down. Jesus very specifically dealt with the issue of impressing people. Don’t try to impress people, just do what will please God and let Him sort out the issues of reward and status. If we are doing what God wants us to do, that is all that is needed.
Jesus first talked about giving to help people in need. The Bible says that there will always be people in need. We must be generous people, listening to God’s direction in this. Jesus also gave us what is called “The Lord’s Prayer”, also it is called “The Pattern Prayer”. We can learn much about improving our prayer life by studying the sections of His prayer. Jesus prayed often. Developing a prayer life is a vital part of life for every believer. Jesus also talked about fasting, expressing the expectation that we WILL fast.
Part of the Lord’s prayer includes the issue of forgiving. My study Bible has a note stating that the Greek word for forgive is used over 140 times in the New Testament. It has the implications of “to let go”, “to dismiss” and even “to cancel a debt”. Jesus taught that we are to be as forgiving to others as God is to us. This lesson will accomplish major growth in our spiritual walk.
This chapter ends with a discussion on material wealth. Money and the accumulation of things are not either spiritual or evil, they are neutral. The Bible says that the love of money is evil. Jesus talked about what people do with their wealth, what their attitudes are towards it. His command is that people are not to worry about material provision. Instead, trust God to provide. Verse 33 is one of the key verses in the Bible. Seek God FIRST and let Him take care of the rest of the details. As stewards of what God has blessed us with we are to carefully use and manage what we have. We are not to waste it. But, we are not to serve it and let it control our lives. Seek God and His righteousness and God will bring things together.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can continually strive to increase my personal prayer life. I can study what Jesus taught on how to pray and apply His teachings in my life. I must keep in mind the fact that God cares about those in need. He didn’t say to not help people, but don’t make a big deal about it, embarrassing them in the process.
I can continually learn to trust God. Jesus said that we are not to be people who worry. Will worry add an hour to your life? What will worry accomplish? Nothing. Replace worry with trust in God. Let trust be your standard for life.
3. How can I help someone?
Stay aware of needs. There are many needs I can do something about that don’t always have to cost money. Sometimes there is some knowledge I have that can be used to help someone. It can be time spent with them. Often people’s needs can be met with a listening ear and compassionate heart. Strive to see people as Jesus sees them.