Bible Chapter: Matthew 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What is a true follower of Jesus? That question is partially answered in this chapter. The answer often has been the person who most effectively follows the human rules of religion. Jesus chided the Pharisees for their love of the tradition they promoted in place of a heart for God. They were excited when people didn’t do everything just right in their eyes and follow their endless rules. Jesus quoted Isaiah speaking of their hearts being far from God, honoring Him only with their lips. Their worship was vain and their teaching was only some manmade rules. Their lives were really unclean in God’s eyes. Tradition was more important to them than the Word of God.
The disciples made an interesting comment that didn’t phase Jesus. They said that the Pharisees were offended by Jesus’ comments. Jesus responded by saying that whatever the Father had not planted would be pulled up. He called them blind guides of the blind who will both fall in the ditch. The Pharisees were concerned about their traditions regarding eating. Jesus said it wasn’t what a person eats that makes the difference. It is what is in their heart. Matthew 15:19-20 NKJV
19 “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”
The believer who has a heart for God will live the direct commands of the Bible and will also have deep Bible-based convictions that influence daily behavior. These convictions will lead to actions that honor God.
Jesus delivered the daughter of a woman who desperately reached out to Him. She wouldn’t give up. That is a good lesson, keep persevering. Jesus commended her faith.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus had a way of getting to the heart of issues. When the Pharisees insisted that their religious traditions were the most important thing, Jesus got past their confusion to point out what is most important to God. Jesus always focused on the heart issues. He focused on what people allow to enter and impact their actions. It is out of the heart that all kinds of evil comes. This is why I must keep my heart pure. We are all subject to temptation. The cleaner the heart is the more strength we have to reject the temptation. It is important to separate the issues of human tradition and divine inspiration found in the Bible. It is also important to seek God’s help in developing Godly convictions to guide daily decisions.
3. How can I help someone?
The world is a confused mess. People need to see others around them who are not consumed by the same mess and disarray. People with a heart for God will live a lifestyle that helps others and shows them the peace and love of God. These promises in the Bible are real and make a difference when applied. The world needs to see something better. I must be continually convinced that I have what the world needs and it (He) will work. Jesus is their only answer.