Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 13

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This is a chapter of parables. Jesus taught eternal principles through these stories.  The series of parables in this chapter teach about God’s eternal kingdom on this earth and the final results at the end of the age.  He taught that there will be people who simply won’t hear or see the eternal truths.  V. 13 “Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”  This is really a sad thought, people look but don’t see.  They hear but don’t grasp truth.
    These parables clearly teach that there is a powerful spiritual battle in and for the church.  There will be false believers and leaders who will infiltrate the church and try to destroy it with deceptive and appealing teachings.  True believers must stay fully committed to Jesus and continually live devoted to righteousness.  Satan will sow evil seeds among the established church.  Jesus said that God would leave the bad seed till the judgement at end of the age.  This bad seed will work to promote false doctrine and unrighteousness, at the same time undermining God’s authority.  The modern world is seeing this lived out.  Truth is being compromised.  It is shocking to see the many things promoted by churches that the Bible clearly calls sin.  These folks will be in for a jolt when they stand before God and it is all revealed.
    The life that God offers His followers is priceless.  It is worth everything.  It requires giving all, giving up anything that would interfere and fully commit to HIM.  We can begin to grasp the value here on this earth, but eternity will reveal the extreme value gained through submission and obedience.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    There is one standard for life.  The Bible is God’s revealed Word.  I must work to continue to learn what the Bible is really teaching.  I must keep growing spiritually because there will always be more.  I must not put anything in the Bible that doesn’t exist and I must not try to remove parts that I don’t like.  The kingdom that God has established is eternal and not open for debate or suggestions.  Since God is sovereign, He sets the table and I must sit up and follow His ways.  Truth is not open for debate.
    The more I recognize these principles the better life will be.  There are some very hard things that the Bible teaches that must be accepted, grasped and applied.  There is amazingly deep treasure to be mined in the Bible.  Dig.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I must not compromise the clear truths of the Bible.  I must live them and set an example.  As I can better understand them I am in a better place to help people see God’s truths.  It is ONLY God’s way, His plan of forgiveness and relationship that will satisfy people and give them hope.  I must help people see Jesus.