Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This chapter covers some significant information about Jesus after He was born.  Important leaders known as kings or magi came to worship Him.  Jesus is worthy of praise and worship from all.  The Bible says that some day EVERY knee will bow to Him.  He is worthy of our continual worship.
    King Herod tried to kill Jesus.  He was a very insecure leader whose normal routine was to kill off anyone who seemed to be a threat.  This is Satan’s standard method of operation - kill.  Violence and death come from the pit of hell.  Because of Herod’s insecurity the baby boys around Bethlehem were killed.  The forces of evil don’t care about the sorrow or pain they cause if they think it advances their cause.  Even in this we see prophecy fulfilled in the life of Jesus.
    God protected Jesus by sending this family to Egypt.  God knows what He is doing and how to guide His followers.  He spoke to Joseph to direct and protect.  When the right time came they returned to Israel and lived in Nazareth, again fulfilling prophecy (v. 23).

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God really does have a plan for our lives.  We must be willing to listen and then obey.  His plan may include inconvenience and challenges.  We will learn and mature spiritually in the process of listening to and implementing God’s plan.  God knows how to get the message through about what He wants us to do.
    God won’t necessarily kill off all the opposition.  It would have been easy to kill Herod and all the evil leaders who would try to kill Jesus.  The battle against evil still rages.  A key part to victory over evil is obedience to God’s leading in our lives.  Trust God about the timing of events.

3.  How can I help someone?
    As opportunities arise, help people see that God really does know what He is doing.  The enemy is good at confusion.  People today are confused about God.  Many say that if God is really God then He will kill off all the opposition and make everything perfect.  Some time in the future all opposition will be judged and things will be perfect, but God’s timing for that has not arrived yet.  Help people see that they really can trust God.