Bible Chapter: Matthew 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The editors of my Bible have put the heading “John the Baptist Beheaded” at the beginning of this chapter. That’s a challenging beginning. As I read the chapter I was reminded that it can be dangerous to your health to be a follower of Jesus who tells the truth like it is. John had been arrested for telling Herod that he shouldn’t take another man’s wife. (That is still true.) He said it was sin, it was wrong. That eventually cost John his life. I am also reminded that God calls for His people to tell the truth. As I write this I have recently read an article in a religious publication about a large church celebrating the coming of their new pastor. The article clearly identifies this person as living a lifestyle the Bible calls sin. They talk about praying and finding the leading of the Holy Spirit in bringing this wonderful person onboard as their pastor. They are thrilled.
John the Baptist saw leadership participating in sin and called him on it. Those in leadership are supposed to be setting an example, setting the pattern for obedient and righteous living. Herod failed in this and covered his tracks by blaming John. Sinners love to shift the blame to someone else. In Matthew 13 Jesus told parables about the church that foretold of times of wickedness. In chapter 14 the story of John’s beheading was told. In our modern world many people who reject sin in some churches are invited to leave. We need to stand for the righteousness the Bible presents.
This chapter also tells of the miraculous feeding of 5,000. All they had was five loaves of bread and two fish. That was all Jesus needed. The picture that I see here is that God is never limited to provide. He doesn’t panic, He provides. The crowd had sought Jesus and spend much time seeing His compassionate ministry. Then they were hungry. We all need to be reminded that God’s provision goes on and on. Nothing is too hard for Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Trust God. Continue to learn to rely on His power and provision. He will guide and direct and take care of His children. We must not be afraid to call the issues of life according to God’s guidebook. We must lovingly tell it like it is and let God deal with the results. I must expect the miraculous to come from God.
Jesus gave Peter a faith lesson, walking on the water. Part of this lesson is to trust God to the end. Jesus chided Peter for wavering in the midst of the miracle, he was already walking on water. He said he had little faith. The lesson is to trust God for all that we think is impossible and watch God come through.
3. How can I help someone?
Pray with people who have needs. Pray the prayer of faith to see God help them trust HIM more. I need to be an encourager of trust in God. God’s power doesn’t change. Sadly, today, even folks who believe in being born again through Jesus often don’t expect the miracles to happen. Someone told them that God doesn’t do that any more and they don’t expect it. I need to help people see a growing faith in Jesus. Miracles will always happen. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.