Bible Book: Matthew
Because the Bible is practical, here is an overview of the book.
Author: Matthew
Type of Book: Gospel
Matthew’s book tells the story of Jesus on this earth, starting a genealogy and His birth. It was written for a Jewish audience. It ends with the resurrection and what is known as the Great Commission - Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew used the scriptures to prove that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for.
Matthew gave an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life. The power of God was shown through Him in a way the people had not previously seen. Matthew tells the life of Jesus to Israel fulfilling their prophetic hopes by showing many prophecies He fulfilled.
Matthew gives in depth coverage of the Sermon on the Mount. Many of the foundational teachings of the Christian life are covered in this sermon. These teachings gives emphasis to the righteous standards expected for those who claim to follow Christ.