Friday, September 14, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The work that God has commissioned the church to do is spiritual work.  It takes spiritual power because it is a spiritual battle.  Jesus sent out the disciples with spiritual power over the challenges they would face.  The followers of Jesus are equipped with His power.  They were to go out with faith in God that He would provide for their needs, that spiritual victories would be won and that they would win the battle.
    Serving the Lord means that there are spiritual battles.  As I write, just this week I received a letter from someone on the spiritual front lines.  She described great victories.  At the same time she told of battles that almost put her under.  Jesus clearly told his disciples they would have battles.  They would be persecuted.  In the end they would win so they needed to stick with His commands.
    Often in the spiritual battle believers feel like failures.  “What value am I?  What good am I doing?”  Jesus clearly shows the worth of each one.  If a little sparrow that has minimal financial worth doesn’t fall to the ground without God’s notice, how much more valuable are the followers of Jesus.  We are not to be in fear of those who cannot touch our eternal home.
    The spiritual battle requires taking up the cross and following Jesus.  It requires losing our lives to God so that we then will have it.  Some day we will be fully assured that it is worth whatever it took to be with Jesus for eternity.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Stick with it. Stick with Jesus.  Stay faithful and obedient to Him.  Don’t listen to the folks who try to tell you that all Christians have nothing but victory and an easy life.  That simply doesn’t match what Jesus taught.  He did teach that we will have power and victory.  In the same breath He said that there are evil people out there who are determined to destroy the followers of Jesus.  In our modern culture we are seeing more of that.  There are many direct attacks against Jesus, even the mention of His name.  People in positions of power are working to muzzle believers.  When that happens, stay faithful to Jesus.
    I need to continue to remind myself that God is in control and that He gives me value and purpose for life.  He has a plan and will never be puzzled as to what to do and how to guide.  Be faithful in the big and small things, for even giving a cup of cold water will not lose the reward.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I must not be intimidated to show God’s love to people.  It is especially true that those who don’t know Jesus in a personal relationship are being overwhelmed with confusion and lies.  The battle is being shaped by the forces of evil and the deceptions are effective.  I need to continue to show Jesus to people.