Monday, September 3, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Matthew starts his book with the genealogy of Jesus, following the line of Joseph. While this makes for challenging reading for sixteen verses, (and causes many people to not even try reading the Bible) it is very important to include. It is another proof that Jesus was/is the promised Messiah.  It proves Jesus was a descendant of both Abraham and David. Luke’s gospel traces the genealogy through Mary’s father. These two books prove Jesus’ lineage both legally and biologically.  The Messiah MUST come through this lineage.
    Matthew is careful to write that Joseph was the husband of Mary, not the father of Jesus. While they were not yet married, they were engaged.  In their culture that was a binding as marriage, so it was proper to call him her husband.  The Bible carefully teaches that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was born.  Without this He would have been simply another baby boy born just like the rest of the world.  If Jesus didn’t have His supernatural birth, He would not be able to die on the cross for our sins.  Matthew also lets the reader know that after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary had a normal marriage.  The scriptures record brothers and sisters for Jesus.
    One interesting section is found in verses 18-21.  When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, he was shocked.  His plan was to send her away quietly somewhere to try to cover up her shame.  He knew that he was not the father.  God sent an angel to him to let him know that Mary had not sinned, but that this was God’s plan for the Messiah.  Sadly, this is a concept possibly missed by our modern world.  There can be confusion - what’s the problem?  The problem is that the Word of God clearly reserves sexual relationships for marriage.  Joseph and Mary were truly applying God’s principles and saving intimacy for marriage.  That always brings God’s blessings.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I can live with confidence and assurance in my salvation purchased by Jesus.  Skeptics love to jeer at those who believe in Jesus.  The genealogy and emphasis on the virgin birth give solid evidence that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and really was the Savior of the world who died on the cross.  The Bible is a legitimate reference book.  With confidence in Jesus, I can live with the peace of God that passes all understanding filling my heart.
    Mary was obedient to God and He used her in an amazing way.  God honors obedience.  He blesses those who listen to and apply the Bible.  As I will continue to live in obedience to God He will continue to guide and bless me.  Joseph and Mary didn’t understand everything from the beginning, but eventually God’s plan became clear.  Today, we don’t know and understand everything that is happening in our lives.  But, as we stick close to HIM we will gain understanding and will be thankful for being faithful and obedient.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Keep in mind that Jesus came to be the Savior for everyone in the world.  Be ready always to talk about what God has done in my life and that He will save them as well.  I must realize that even though it seems like others have it all together in life, if they don’t have Jesus in their hearts, they are missing the most important part.  As Christmas time comes I must be ready to help people understand the real story about the birth of Jesus.