Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 18

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    “Who is the greatest?”  “I’m better than you are.”  These thoughts have resounded from playgrounds to corporate offices.  The thought of being better than the other person permeates our society.  The way that some people prove themselves better is by putting the other person down.  I’m reminded of a line in a song written by Lowell Lundstrom - “be nice to the little guy on his way up, or you’ll meet him on your way down”.  There is a difference between wanting to do our best and needing to be better than someone else.
    Being better, being more important than others, is not something that should be a part of a maturing Christian’s life.  We are called to be servants of the Lord.  Jesus responded to the question of greatness by pointing their attention to a child.  What is universally needed is an inner change.  Jesus said that unless we are converted and become as little children we will not enter His kingdom.  Learning humility and the simplicity of a child takes a person to greatness.  All must take that childlike step of faith to believe in Jesus.  Our life-attitude must change to following Jesus. Conversion leads to changes in actions, relationships, commitments, habits, entertainment.  Everything about life changes.
    Jesus also showed His overwhelming compassion for children.  It would be better for a person to wear a cement swim suit and drop in the ocean than to cause one child to be hurt so they turn from God.  God’s wrath will come on the person who injures a child.  There is a major spiritual battle against children in our modern world.  Children are abused and lose faith in adults.  They are taught to fear.  Their peace is stolen from them by destructive and abusive relationships their parents enter in to.  Confusion reigns and children have the delights and innocence of childhood stolen.  In the process they lose any confidence they might have in God.  Jesus loves children and everyone else should, as well.
    Another major topic in this chapter is being willing to forgive.  An unwillingness to forgive when someone does us wrong will cause major problems.  Jesus said that we will block our own forgiveness when we show no mercy and forgiveness.  Often people who refuse to forgive are bitter and filled with resentment.  That shows one of the reasons why we must learn to forgive – bitterness and resentment are a prison that controls a person.  Jesus wants to set us free.  Harboring unforgiveness traps a person and life is miserable.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Always keep in mind how important children are to God.  Be aware of the battle to hurt them. This does not mean that children should not be disciplined.  It is actually more hurtful and destructive to children to be allowed to get away with bad behavior.  Loving them is giving them guidance and helping them understand the amazing love of Jesus for them.
    I also need to work hard to keep spiritual unity and harmony.  I need to work to heal broken relationships and prevent problems in the church.  I need to be a forgiving person.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Help people see the truth when the get caught up in temptation to sin.  Help them see what they have done and work to bring them to a place of repentance.  I can help them with the areas of forgiveness.  I need to care for children and do all I can to help them grow up in a way that pleases the Lord.  Living in harmony with God’s ways will make for the best possible life.