Bible Chapter: Matthew 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The invitation to be a part of God’s kingdom is open to all. God is always reaching out to people to invite them to come in and work for Him. Even if someone has a death-bed conversion, they have the full privilege to be with the Lord for eternity. There are no super-stars in God’s place and He expects us to work faithfully for Him after we are saved. There is to be no jealousy among believers. If we could be fully successful in this one area, (getting rid of jealousy) the church would be much stronger and effective.
An illustration of jealousy came up when the mother of James and John went to Jesus asking for a special favor. She wanted her boys to get special treatment and a unique place in His kingdom. This caused jealousy among the twelve. Jesus used this teaching moment to let them, and us, know that greatness in God’s work is different from the rest of the world. Greatness is the one who serves others. It has nothing to do with position and fame or status. It has everything to do with humility and faithfulness to do what pleases God. Greatness doesn’t draw attention to one’s self. Greatness serves for God’s glory and lets God deal with reward.
Jesus pointed out one issue that is usually ignored when people seek position and recognition in the church. Jesus asked of they could drink the cup He would have to drink. They were sure they could. This thought of drinking the cup deals with the suffering and struggles that come with the great spiritual battles that lead to spiritual victories. They may seem like a simple thing to endure before they come. While the battle is going on many have succumbed to the struggle and given up.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The cup that Jesus was facing was His death. Jesus told the disciples that He would be betrayed. It wasn’t enough that Jesus would have to die, it included betrayal. I think the thought of betrayal multiplies the horror and suffering Jesus faced. Those who are close to you are the ones who should protect and support. Anything less is betrayal.
A famous character from TV was The Lone Ranger. He was a Texas Ranger who survived a massacre of Rangers and decided he would work for truth and justice in the wild west. He wore the mask to protect his identity. Many wondered who he was and wanted to get the mask off him. The one person who stood by him, faithfully, through all they experienced was Tonto. His commitment of friendship and faithfulness to his friend was legendary. He never betrayed the masked man.
When a person receives Jesus as their Savior, they make a commitment to Him. They make Jesus the Lord of life. Lord means Jesus is the Authority in life. He is holy, loving, gracious and merciful. He is worthy of commitment and faithfulness and must never be betrayed. It is unthinkable that one who commits their life to Jesus would let the deceptions of evil cause them to walk away. Sadly, many have done this. A very good practical application is to think of all Jesus has done for us and how much He is worthy of our faithfulness to Him.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to see Jesus, not religious form and ritual. They need to see Him as the One who showed the greatest love in the world. Instead of thinking only of becoming religious and going through a routine, they need to see Jesus as the loving change-agent who makes them new and gives purpose for life. I need to reflect Him in such a way that people are drawn to HIM.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 19
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jesus was never shy to deal with any topic. Here He talked about marriage and divorce. If He were in the public arena today, many of the elite and media would attack Him intensely. He would be called a hate-monger. He would be called narrow, bigoted and out of touch with reality. They would point to surveys and opinion polls that accept all the “alternative” lifestyles. The truth is that Jesus was simply declaring the eternal truth from God’s Word. He said that God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman committed to each other for as long as they both are alive. This is the most fulfilling and productive lifestyle. Divorce was never God’s plan and it is always painful. Verse 6 explains why. It was God who does the joining in the marriage and He uses a very powerful super-glue.
Again, Jesus talked about the importance of children and how much God loves them. Jesus encouraged them to come to Him. Nothing has changed. Children today are still better off when they know Jesus and grow up in a godly atmosphere.
This chapter ends with a story about commitment. A rich young man came to Jesus asking about eternal life. The Bible tells us that it is a gift from God that is freely received. Here Jesus talked about the commitment necessary to maintain it. God expects His followers on earth to live in complete commitment to Him. No earthly possession can be more important than God. This is why it seems to be more difficult these days for people to serve the Lord. They have so many toys and conveniences that they think they couldn’t live without them. It is important to remember that all of these things only last for a while, then they are gone.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to continue to be faithful to my wife. That is not a problem as I want to be faithful to her. We have been married for forty years. God’s super-glue gets stickier as time goes by. God’s plan for marriage is a great one.
I also need to keep a proper perspective on material possessions. I have often said that things breed. It is amazing how they accumulate. I like what Jesus said in verse 26. Nothing is impossible with God. He helps me live for Him and keep, or continue to develop, the proper perspective on stuff and eternity. Every person who ever got in a big argument over an inheritance eventually either lost it, spent it or left it to someone else.
3. How can I help someone?
Especially in view of the social and moral standards in the 21st century, I must not be afraid to try to help people understand the importance of Biblical morality. People are living together and think nothing of it. We have a “hook up” culture where people are breaking God’s moral laws with people they don’t even know. When people destroy God’s moral standards as they are doing today they are setting themselves up for many failures. Even though there is much mockery against God’s ways, they are still and always will be the best. This is especially important for young people to understand.
I can also help people see the issues of material possessions. Fancy things are nice, but now always necessary.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
“Who is the greatest?” “I’m better than you are.” These thoughts have resounded from playgrounds to corporate offices. The thought of being better than the other person permeates our society. The way that some people prove themselves better is by putting the other person down. I’m reminded of a line in a song written by Lowell Lundstrom - “be nice to the little guy on his way up, or you’ll meet him on your way down”. There is a difference between wanting to do our best and needing to be better than someone else.
Being better, being more important than others, is not something that should be a part of a maturing Christian’s life. We are called to be servants of the Lord. Jesus responded to the question of greatness by pointing their attention to a child. What is universally needed is an inner change. Jesus said that unless we are converted and become as little children we will not enter His kingdom. Learning humility and the simplicity of a child takes a person to greatness. All must take that childlike step of faith to believe in Jesus. Our life-attitude must change to following Jesus. Conversion leads to changes in actions, relationships, commitments, habits, entertainment. Everything about life changes.
Jesus also showed His overwhelming compassion for children. It would be better for a person to wear a cement swim suit and drop in the ocean than to cause one child to be hurt so they turn from God. God’s wrath will come on the person who injures a child. There is a major spiritual battle against children in our modern world. Children are abused and lose faith in adults. They are taught to fear. Their peace is stolen from them by destructive and abusive relationships their parents enter in to. Confusion reigns and children have the delights and innocence of childhood stolen. In the process they lose any confidence they might have in God. Jesus loves children and everyone else should, as well.
Another major topic in this chapter is being willing to forgive. An unwillingness to forgive when someone does us wrong will cause major problems. Jesus said that we will block our own forgiveness when we show no mercy and forgiveness. Often people who refuse to forgive are bitter and filled with resentment. That shows one of the reasons why we must learn to forgive – bitterness and resentment are a prison that controls a person. Jesus wants to set us free. Harboring unforgiveness traps a person and life is miserable.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Always keep in mind how important children are to God. Be aware of the battle to hurt them. This does not mean that children should not be disciplined. It is actually more hurtful and destructive to children to be allowed to get away with bad behavior. Loving them is giving them guidance and helping them understand the amazing love of Jesus for them.
I also need to work hard to keep spiritual unity and harmony. I need to work to heal broken relationships and prevent problems in the church. I need to be a forgiving person.
3. How can I help someone?
Help people see the truth when the get caught up in temptation to sin. Help them see what they have done and work to bring them to a place of repentance. I can help them with the areas of forgiveness. I need to care for children and do all I can to help them grow up in a way that pleases the Lord. Living in harmony with God’s ways will make for the best possible life.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 17
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus took Peter, James and John on a mountain for an amazing experience. It was there that Jesus was changed, transformed, changed to another form. Think of metamorphosis. The glory and power of God filled Him and His face shined like the sun. This was an amazing experience for the three disciples. They were overwhelmed and wanted to stay there. The strong presence of the Lord does that. Time means nothing. There is no experience in the world like being in God’s presence. When we experience God’s presence we really want to stay there. We need to seek HIM more and spend more time in God’s presence.
We also see a lesson in faith. The promises of God for our faith is that it can move mountains. It is faith that overcomes evil power. Miracles come from faith, faith in God. Faith grows as we exercise it and we trust God for more and more. Real faith will bring glory to God, not us. It’s not like the woman I knew many years ago. She would hear about something great that God did, then pray for the situation so she could tell people that she had prayed for it. Faith is not to make our lives easier or anything like that. Faith will give God the honor and praise.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Put faith in the forefront of life. Ask God to help me look to Him FIRST. The prayer of faith is powerful and a foundational principle of the Christian life. God’s provision is amazing and often unique. In His conversation with Peter about a tax, Jesus showed God’s provision. The command was to go fishing and you will find the money for the tax. I’m sure many have wished God would help them pay their taxes that way. This expression of genuine faith will bring praise to God as I and other believers pray and pray and pray.
3. How can I help someone?
So many people are hurting and confused. I can help people by praying for them, by praying a prayer of faith for their needs to show them that God is real and cares for them. There are a multitude of testimonies of God’s provision for unbelievers in answer to prayer. Some people will only respond to the call of God for their salvation as they see God’s supernatural intervention in their lives. Don’t be afraid to pray for people. Don’t be afraid to tell people in times of distress that I am praying for them, and then watch God intervene.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
A word jumped out to me at the beginning of this chapter. People came to Jesus “testing” Him. They came trying to trick Jesus, to trip Him up and make Him fail. They wanted Him to flunk so they could accuse Him. Jesus faced testing. We will face testing. Jesus kept His focus on eternal truth and was always ready to quote scripture. This is a good illustration for us to have victory - Keep eternity in focus and properly quote scriptures. It works.
Jesus warned about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. This was their corruption of doctrine and the evil they try to promote. False doctrine causes many problems. While the Bible is very deep in the things it teaches, it is also simple and should be understood in that way. Take the Bible at face value. Learn to interpret scriptures based on other scriptures. Know that the Bible will not contradict itself. God breathed life into the inspired words that holy men wrote down. God has protected the message from change for thousands of years. There will always be religious people trying to take advantage of the Bible and those seeking to follow its teachings. The more we focus on Biblical truths the more we will be able to recognize the false.
Peter’s confession in verse 16 is necessary for all of us. This goes along with Romans 10:9 - That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. NIV To confess that Jesus is Lord is our step to salvation. Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. As God speaks to a person’s heart and they respond to His calling, they confess Jesus as Lord of their life and they are changed. It is important to continually confess Jesus as Lord. This is not to continually get saved again and again, but to keep our hearts and minds focused on HIM. That is a life of victory.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can daily declare my belief in Jesus and my trust in Him. I can know that I will face trials, but I don’t have to be overcome by them because of my faith in Jesus. Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against His followers. There IS victory available. We go through trials and struggles. It is when these times come that it is even more important to focus on God’s promises and His presence in my life. He will continue to remind and encourage me. He said to come to Him when things are rough and He will give us rest.
I can apply the Word of God and not try to manipulate it. Peter rebuked Jesus when He said He would be killed. Peter said it wouldn’t happen. Jesus called Peter a stumbling block. Peter didn’t like the thought of Jesus going to the cross. Jesus knew it was necessary. I need to listen to the voice of God and not try to change what God says is best.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people when they are going through trials and tests. I can be an encouragement to them to keep their focus on Jesus. There is some “yeast” in the church world that says we will never have tests, that everything is supposed to be wonderful and perfect. I can help people focus on Jesus and trust Him to carry them through. Through Jesus we can overcome.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
What is a true follower of Jesus? That question is partially answered in this chapter. The answer often has been the person who most effectively follows the human rules of religion. Jesus chided the Pharisees for their love of the tradition they promoted in place of a heart for God. They were excited when people didn’t do everything just right in their eyes and follow their endless rules. Jesus quoted Isaiah speaking of their hearts being far from God, honoring Him only with their lips. Their worship was vain and their teaching was only some manmade rules. Their lives were really unclean in God’s eyes. Tradition was more important to them than the Word of God.
The disciples made an interesting comment that didn’t phase Jesus. They said that the Pharisees were offended by Jesus’ comments. Jesus responded by saying that whatever the Father had not planted would be pulled up. He called them blind guides of the blind who will both fall in the ditch. The Pharisees were concerned about their traditions regarding eating. Jesus said it wasn’t what a person eats that makes the difference. It is what is in their heart. Matthew 15:19-20 NKJV
19 “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”
The believer who has a heart for God will live the direct commands of the Bible and will also have deep Bible-based convictions that influence daily behavior. These convictions will lead to actions that honor God.
Jesus delivered the daughter of a woman who desperately reached out to Him. She wouldn’t give up. That is a good lesson, keep persevering. Jesus commended her faith.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus had a way of getting to the heart of issues. When the Pharisees insisted that their religious traditions were the most important thing, Jesus got past their confusion to point out what is most important to God. Jesus always focused on the heart issues. He focused on what people allow to enter and impact their actions. It is out of the heart that all kinds of evil comes. This is why I must keep my heart pure. We are all subject to temptation. The cleaner the heart is the more strength we have to reject the temptation. It is important to separate the issues of human tradition and divine inspiration found in the Bible. It is also important to seek God’s help in developing Godly convictions to guide daily decisions.
3. How can I help someone?
The world is a confused mess. People need to see others around them who are not consumed by the same mess and disarray. People with a heart for God will live a lifestyle that helps others and shows them the peace and love of God. These promises in the Bible are real and make a difference when applied. The world needs to see something better. I must be continually convinced that I have what the world needs and it (He) will work. Jesus is their only answer.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The editors of my Bible have put the heading “John the Baptist Beheaded” at the beginning of this chapter. That’s a challenging beginning. As I read the chapter I was reminded that it can be dangerous to your health to be a follower of Jesus who tells the truth like it is. John had been arrested for telling Herod that he shouldn’t take another man’s wife. (That is still true.) He said it was sin, it was wrong. That eventually cost John his life. I am also reminded that God calls for His people to tell the truth. As I write this I have recently read an article in a religious publication about a large church celebrating the coming of their new pastor. The article clearly identifies this person as living a lifestyle the Bible calls sin. They talk about praying and finding the leading of the Holy Spirit in bringing this wonderful person onboard as their pastor. They are thrilled.
John the Baptist saw leadership participating in sin and called him on it. Those in leadership are supposed to be setting an example, setting the pattern for obedient and righteous living. Herod failed in this and covered his tracks by blaming John. Sinners love to shift the blame to someone else. In Matthew 13 Jesus told parables about the church that foretold of times of wickedness. In chapter 14 the story of John’s beheading was told. In our modern world many people who reject sin in some churches are invited to leave. We need to stand for the righteousness the Bible presents.
This chapter also tells of the miraculous feeding of 5,000. All they had was five loaves of bread and two fish. That was all Jesus needed. The picture that I see here is that God is never limited to provide. He doesn’t panic, He provides. The crowd had sought Jesus and spend much time seeing His compassionate ministry. Then they were hungry. We all need to be reminded that God’s provision goes on and on. Nothing is too hard for Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Trust God. Continue to learn to rely on His power and provision. He will guide and direct and take care of His children. We must not be afraid to call the issues of life according to God’s guidebook. We must lovingly tell it like it is and let God deal with the results. I must expect the miraculous to come from God.
Jesus gave Peter a faith lesson, walking on the water. Part of this lesson is to trust God to the end. Jesus chided Peter for wavering in the midst of the miracle, he was already walking on water. He said he had little faith. The lesson is to trust God for all that we think is impossible and watch God come through.
3. How can I help someone?
Pray with people who have needs. Pray the prayer of faith to see God help them trust HIM more. I need to be an encourager of trust in God. God’s power doesn’t change. Sadly, today, even folks who believe in being born again through Jesus often don’t expect the miracles to happen. Someone told them that God doesn’t do that any more and they don’t expect it. I need to help people see a growing faith in Jesus. Miracles will always happen. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This is a chapter of parables. Jesus taught eternal principles through these stories. The series of parables in this chapter teach about God’s eternal kingdom on this earth and the final results at the end of the age. He taught that there will be people who simply won’t hear or see the eternal truths. V. 13 “Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” This is really a sad thought, people look but don’t see. They hear but don’t grasp truth.
These parables clearly teach that there is a powerful spiritual battle in and for the church. There will be false believers and leaders who will infiltrate the church and try to destroy it with deceptive and appealing teachings. True believers must stay fully committed to Jesus and continually live devoted to righteousness. Satan will sow evil seeds among the established church. Jesus said that God would leave the bad seed till the judgement at end of the age. This bad seed will work to promote false doctrine and unrighteousness, at the same time undermining God’s authority. The modern world is seeing this lived out. Truth is being compromised. It is shocking to see the many things promoted by churches that the Bible clearly calls sin. These folks will be in for a jolt when they stand before God and it is all revealed.
The life that God offers His followers is priceless. It is worth everything. It requires giving all, giving up anything that would interfere and fully commit to HIM. We can begin to grasp the value here on this earth, but eternity will reveal the extreme value gained through submission and obedience.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There is one standard for life. The Bible is God’s revealed Word. I must work to continue to learn what the Bible is really teaching. I must keep growing spiritually because there will always be more. I must not put anything in the Bible that doesn’t exist and I must not try to remove parts that I don’t like. The kingdom that God has established is eternal and not open for debate or suggestions. Since God is sovereign, He sets the table and I must sit up and follow His ways. Truth is not open for debate.
The more I recognize these principles the better life will be. There are some very hard things that the Bible teaches that must be accepted, grasped and applied. There is amazingly deep treasure to be mined in the Bible. Dig.
3. How can I help someone?
I must not compromise the clear truths of the Bible. I must live them and set an example. As I can better understand them I am in a better place to help people see God’s truths. It is ONLY God’s way, His plan of forgiveness and relationship that will satisfy people and give them hope. I must help people see Jesus.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Sabbath means rest. The Jews recognized the seventh day as their Sabbath. They did no work and they worshiped God. It was a very special day. The concept of the Sabbath goes back to Genesis 2 where God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. This follows through and is included in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8-11, where they were told to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy.
The issue in Matthew 12 was that the Pharisees had taken the laws of God and made them extreme. Their traditions were more important that God’s law. They chided Jesus and His followers for “working” on the Sabbath to meet their hunger. Jesus put them in their place to tell them what the Sabbath was really about. All this leads me to think about our modern Sabbath. Christians have honored Sunday, the first day of the week, since Jesus’ resurrection. We have had our primary services on Sunday and traditionally made it a day of rest.
Our modern society no longer recognizes Sunday as special. Anything happens on Sunday. Christians need to stop and think about the application of a Sabbath rest in their lives. What does Sunday mean? Should it mean something special? Should it and our commitment to a special time of worship have a priority? It seems that church and all that it implies has been put on the back burner in the lives of many Christians. “I’ll get to church if nothing gets in the way.” Believers need to be reminded of Hebrews 10:25 about not forsaking our times together.
This chapter has several critical issues. It brings up the importance of unity. Jesus was accused of driving out demons by Satan’s power. Jesus said that a divided kingdom would fall apart. The forces of evil continually work to cause Christians to fight against each other. Disunity in the church only gives the victory to evil. We must not allow anything to cause problems among believers.
One other thought to mention. It is the most important issue - the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus really did die and then came back to life. It was not a metaphor, it was not a trick, it was not a deception. Jesus died because of the sin of the world and His sacrifice provides for us to receive the gift of God, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter challenges priorities in my life. Time with God and other believers must be on top. I can’t make excuses and get to God when I have time, or I will never have time for God. Looking at the price Jesus paid on the cross, I see that I can’t throw away the sacrifice by acting like it is not important.
I must also understand the priority of spiritual unity. The local church is God’s plan for building His Kingdom. Through the ministries of a local body the world will be impacted. Sadly, history is littered with the remains of countless churches that at one time thrived. Today, there is nothing. The average local church is small. We hear much about mega-churches, but two thirds of all churches in America are under 100 people. One of the reasons for this is the struggles that many churches face regarding strong unity. I must work hard for churches to be unified.
3. How can I help someone?
Most of the people I meet know about God, about the concept that Jesus died on the cross. They don’t all know how to apply it. I can help people by keeping in focus the sacrifice, the fact that Jesus followed the sign of Jonah, so they can be set free. I can be always ready to show them God’s love. Matthew 12 ends with the words of Jesus that anyone who does God’s will is his brother or sister. I can help people by continually striving to understand and then do God’s will.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Matthew 11 starts out with a story that has always amazed me. John the Baptist had been in a powerful ministry. He clearly and boldly proclaimed the truth of God’s Word. He never backed down from telling the truth. And yet, even John had hard times and periods of doubt. He had been arrested for telling Herod he was sinning. Herod wouldn’t put up with that and locked John up. In this setting, John sent word to the One whom he had previously proclaimed as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world asking if He really was the One who was to come.
The answer that Jesus gave to John’s query is telling. The proof of the reality of Jesus and His power is in the supernatural results. The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor hear the gospel. Jesus proved who He was by the results of His ministry. God is still proving Himself by the displays of His power.
A lesson learned from John the Baptist is to never compromise. There are people who can impact our lives here on earth but they cannot take our eternity. John didn’t let popular opinion change truth. Eternal truth is not determined by the latest opinion poll. Jesus said that judgement would be coming. When judgement comes there will only be honest judging of people and their responses in life. Those who deserve it will be punished.
This chapter ends with an awesome passage. Jesus invited all to come who are weary and overburdened and He will give them rest. We are to connect with Jesus and find that He is there to help us through. We don’t have to carry the whole burden alone, for His is there. When life gets hard, be reminded that Jesus is there to carry you through. This is the thinking behind the famous poem about footprints in the sand.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Don’t compromise divine truth and teaching. It has been said that believers are to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Some churches today are only looking at what is popular and modifying their teachings and beliefs to conform to the latest opinions. John didn’t do that. It cost him his life but he won the battle.
I need to continually run to Jesus for His strength. Jesus said that we can yoke up with Him and see His strength. Paul wrote in one of his letters that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. So, I need to get close to Jesus and stay there.
3. How can I help someone?
If I don’t compromise truth, I will have something to give to people when they are in need. The wimpy doctrine some churches espouse doesn’t help when the real battles rise up. If I have a solid walk with Jesus then I have something to share. I can encourage them to reach out to Jesus to get help in time of need. Jesus often shows His power by ministering to unbelievers.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The work that God has commissioned the church to do is spiritual work. It takes spiritual power because it is a spiritual battle. Jesus sent out the disciples with spiritual power over the challenges they would face. The followers of Jesus are equipped with His power. They were to go out with faith in God that He would provide for their needs, that spiritual victories would be won and that they would win the battle.
Serving the Lord means that there are spiritual battles. As I write, just this week I received a letter from someone on the spiritual front lines. She described great victories. At the same time she told of battles that almost put her under. Jesus clearly told his disciples they would have battles. They would be persecuted. In the end they would win so they needed to stick with His commands.
Often in the spiritual battle believers feel like failures. “What value am I? What good am I doing?” Jesus clearly shows the worth of each one. If a little sparrow that has minimal financial worth doesn’t fall to the ground without God’s notice, how much more valuable are the followers of Jesus. We are not to be in fear of those who cannot touch our eternal home.
The spiritual battle requires taking up the cross and following Jesus. It requires losing our lives to God so that we then will have it. Some day we will be fully assured that it is worth whatever it took to be with Jesus for eternity.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Stick with it. Stick with Jesus. Stay faithful and obedient to Him. Don’t listen to the folks who try to tell you that all Christians have nothing but victory and an easy life. That simply doesn’t match what Jesus taught. He did teach that we will have power and victory. In the same breath He said that there are evil people out there who are determined to destroy the followers of Jesus. In our modern culture we are seeing more of that. There are many direct attacks against Jesus, even the mention of His name. People in positions of power are working to muzzle believers. When that happens, stay faithful to Jesus.
I need to continue to remind myself that God is in control and that He gives me value and purpose for life. He has a plan and will never be puzzled as to what to do and how to guide. Be faithful in the big and small things, for even giving a cup of cold water will not lose the reward.
3. How can I help someone?
I must not be intimidated to show God’s love to people. It is especially true that those who don’t know Jesus in a personal relationship are being overwhelmed with confusion and lies. The battle is being shaped by the forces of evil and the deceptions are effective. I need to continue to show Jesus to people.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Matthew 9 is filled with the supernatural. Many miracles are recorded here. Included in the supernatural is the forgiveness of sins. A paralyzed man was brought to Jesus and He forgave his sins. The religious folks there thought this was blasphemy. To show that He had the power, Jesus also healed the man right there. He got up and walked. Power displays are no problem for God. Think of that the next time you see a massive display of lightening.
Matthew also covers his calling from Jesus to follow Him. Matthew was a tax collector. These were hated people because they generally were not honest and greatly overtaxed the people. Then they had a meal at Matthew’s house where many tax collectors came to feast. From this we see that God wants all people and will change and use anyone who responds to His call in their life. Jesus’ response to the Pharisees was that healthy people don’t need a doctor, but those who are sick. The only hope for those bound in sin is the forgiveness and deliverance that Jesus gives.
Many things in the Bible are hard to do. Jesus said that His followers will fast, and this is not fun to do. Fasting is giving up food for a specific period of time and seeking God. It is a spiritual discipline over the power of the physical desires. It is not popular, but Jesus calls for believers to do it.
The chapter ends with a call by Jesus to pray for workers. There are now billions of people in the world who have not heard of Jesus. They don’t know the joy that comes from being delivered from the power of sin. Pray for workers to go. This passage focuses on eternity. The life we live here on earth seems long. Compared to eternity, it is nothing. There are countless people who have been called by God to work for Him who have rejected the call. Jesus said that we are to pray for workers to go and tell the good news.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Reading all these miracles should cause me to have great faith. Jesus is the same forever and He had no problem doing the supernatural back then. He has no problem doing the supernatural now. It seems common in the church world today to believe that people will be saved when they pray for forgiveness. Jesus said that it is no harder for Him to forgive than to heal. We must believe for the supernatural and expect to see miracles. I fear that in general we don’t have faith for the really big things.
I am also thinking of the last verses of the chapter. The need is so massive to tell people about Jesus. Jesus specifically tells us to pray for workers. This is something that all believers must do on regular basis. I also must be listening to God to see if I am doing all He wants me to do. There will be more and new things that God calls His followers to do.
3. How can I help someone?
I can be the worker to help people see Jesus and their need of a personal relationship with Him. I need to be ready to pray with people to believe that God will supernaturally intervene in their lives. There are countless testimonies of people healed by God before they were saved. Many have turned to Jesus when they saw a friend or family member healed.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Faith. That’s the word that jumps out as I read Matthew 8. It tells the stories of faith. There is nothing that is too hard for God.
Leprosy was common in Jesus’ day. It was basically a death sentence. Lepers were required to stay away from everyone else. Jesus never shied away from anyone with a need. He reached out to the outcasts. He also healed them or did whatever was needed. The key is that when they left, they were changed. This leper was healed.
Jesus visited Peter’s house and healed many. Evil forces were no match for the power of Jesus. He drove them all out.
Reading a chapter like this is both encouraging and challenging. It is encouraging to know that nothing is too hard for God. It is challenging to know that I must grow in my walk with the Lord to trust Him for every aspect of life. Faith in God is required to live a victorious life. In Jesus we are more than conquerors, but that takes daily dying to self. Jesus chided the disciples in verse 26 when He said, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Fear comes when we know we don’t have control. But the truth is that, even when we think we are in charge, we aren’t. We need to learn to fully trust Jesus in all situations.
There is an important balance about faith. It is not a magical formula to get me what I want. It is my learning to trust God for anything and everything so that HE gets all the glory for the results. The things I can’t fully understand will be sorted out in heaven. In the mean time I know I can fully trust God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Keep this front and center in my life: I am totally reliant on God for every issue in life. He can step in and provide, heal, and change whatever is needed. This world is only temporary. It is preparation for eternity with the Lord. I need to be reminded of what Paul wrote.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 2:20 NKJV
Faith is like a muscle that grows the more it is exercised.
3. How can I help someone?
My faith must not be limited to only my needs and desires. There are others who don’t have faith who have needs. I must pray for them and let that be part of how God draws them in to Himself.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 7
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This is Matthew’s final chapter on the Sermon on the Mount.
Believers are encouraged to persevere in their prayer life. We are to ask, seek and knock. This literally means to keep on asking, seeking and knocking. There have been teachings that say we should pray once and then expect it to happen. They said that to pray more than once was a lack of faith. But, Jesus taught that we are to continue persevering in prayer till the answer comes.
Jesus taught that the way to eternal life is very narrow. The majority will reject it and rush down the wide and popular road to destruction. Modern culture is showing the reality of this teaching. Sadly, even many who call themselves Christian are running down the popular road with the crowd. Jesus said that the wide road leads to destruction. Life is found only by those who follow His narrow path. Many in the modern church world are compromising eternal truth in order to be more accepted and not have to deal with the persecution and ridicule that comes from the majority. Those who follow the popular path will sadly some day hear Jesus say, “Depart from me, I never knew you”.
Jesus also talked about the foundation for life. It is a guarantee that there will be hard storms in life. Strong storms require a strong foundation so that the structure has something solid to connect to. Building codes in places where they generally have storms and difficult weather situations are much stricter. They are necessary to prevent the collapse of buildings when the extreme weather arrives. People must have a foundation in Jesus and be well connected to HIM to survive the storms of life.
The last two verses of this chapter are probably often ignored. They stood out to me as an illustration of the power of Jesus. The crowd was amazed at His teaching. He showed them he had genuine authority. He wasn’t like the religious leaders they were used to who simply went through the routines of religion. Jesus was the real thing. He knew what He was talking about and His teaching touched them where they lived.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus said that a tree is known by the fruit it produces. An apple tree doesn’t produce bananas because the tree is “apple” from the inside out. It has the genetics of apples and can only produce apples. If the tree is properly nourished and pruned it will produce good fruit. Our spiritual lives are the same. First of all we must die to self and be made new and alive by the salvation Jesus paid for on the cross. This changes our spiritual genetics. We must be nourished and pruned spiritually by the Word of God. Then we will produce good fruit that has eternity in it.
Jesus also talked about those who do God’s will. This requires me to seek His truth and get close to Him so that I can hear from God. Then I will be more able to follow His will for life.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people by a better understanding of what Jesus taught regarding judging. There is a proper balance of identifying what is happening in a person’s life without being condemning. I must remember that I can’t expect unbelievers to act like believers. I can also help them by having genuine spiritual fruit growing in my life. They will be blessed. I think of the old hymn we used to sing, “Make Me A Blessing”.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This is the continuation of the Sermon on the Mount.
The first thought that jumped out to me as I was reading this chapter is “impressing people”. It is so common to want to impress people. “I’m not what or who you think I am, I want to impress you as being better, more important, more generous, etc. than I really am.” This is the mentality that I can make myself better than you by putting you down. Jesus very specifically dealt with the issue of impressing people. Don’t try to impress people, just do what will please God and let Him sort out the issues of reward and status. If we are doing what God wants us to do, that is all that is needed.
Jesus first talked about giving to help people in need. The Bible says that there will always be people in need. We must be generous people, listening to God’s direction in this. Jesus also gave us what is called “The Lord’s Prayer”, also it is called “The Pattern Prayer”. We can learn much about improving our prayer life by studying the sections of His prayer. Jesus prayed often. Developing a prayer life is a vital part of life for every believer. Jesus also talked about fasting, expressing the expectation that we WILL fast.
Part of the Lord’s prayer includes the issue of forgiving. My study Bible has a note stating that the Greek word for forgive is used over 140 times in the New Testament. It has the implications of “to let go”, “to dismiss” and even “to cancel a debt”. Jesus taught that we are to be as forgiving to others as God is to us. This lesson will accomplish major growth in our spiritual walk.
This chapter ends with a discussion on material wealth. Money and the accumulation of things are not either spiritual or evil, they are neutral. The Bible says that the love of money is evil. Jesus talked about what people do with their wealth, what their attitudes are towards it. His command is that people are not to worry about material provision. Instead, trust God to provide. Verse 33 is one of the key verses in the Bible. Seek God FIRST and let Him take care of the rest of the details. As stewards of what God has blessed us with we are to carefully use and manage what we have. We are not to waste it. But, we are not to serve it and let it control our lives. Seek God and His righteousness and God will bring things together.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can continually strive to increase my personal prayer life. I can study what Jesus taught on how to pray and apply His teachings in my life. I must keep in mind the fact that God cares about those in need. He didn’t say to not help people, but don’t make a big deal about it, embarrassing them in the process.
I can continually learn to trust God. Jesus said that we are not to be people who worry. Will worry add an hour to your life? What will worry accomplish? Nothing. Replace worry with trust in God. Let trust be your standard for life.
3. How can I help someone?
Stay aware of needs. There are many needs I can do something about that don’t always have to cost money. Sometimes there is some knowledge I have that can be used to help someone. It can be time spent with them. Often people’s needs can be met with a listening ear and compassionate heart. Strive to see people as Jesus sees them.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This chapter begins the Sermon on the Mount. This is one of the most important and foundational teachings of Jesus. The chapters covering this sermon cover so much materials, I can only comment on a few of the points.
Jesus laid out the foundational principles for righteous living. He said that His followers will face persecution. This is persecution for righteousness. Those who grow in their relationship with Jesus and live a righteous life will be on the receiving end of mockery, persecution and overall insults. If it really comes from living as Jesus taught, it will bring blessings from God.
Jesus said that His followers are salt and light. Salt is necessary for life to exist. Salt ads flavor. Life is not boring when you are staying close to the Lord. Salty Christians will influence the world around them and cause a thirst for Jesus in others. Jesus said believers are salt and light. Light guides people through the intricacies of life. Darkness is dangerous, but light gives confidence.
Jesus talked about righteousness. One of the issues I run into in life is the issue of good people. “I’m a good person.” That is a common statement. I meet lots of good people. The issue is not if someone is good or not. People are nice and help out and don’t kick little puppies. Jesus didn’t come to make us good, but righteous. Romans 3:10 says As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one;” (NKJV). Jesus said that our righteousness must exceed those religious folks He met. Being good is not the issue. Anyone can be good for a while if it suits their desires. Jesus came to change us and fill us with His righteousness.
As we are filled with His righteousness, it will impact every area of our lives. Jesus talked about morality. He applied our thought life to our moral standing. While many people would never consider committing adultery, they quickly fill their minds with sinful thoughts. Jesus said that to let our minds linger on immoral things is the same thing as committing adultery. It is adultery in the heart and that is just as bad.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
After a full commitment of my life to Jesus and receiving His forgiveness from sin, I must strive to live righteously continually living in His strength. Learning to see life from God’s perspective will impact the decisions I make. That means I must continually work at growing close to Jesus. I must continue to learn what righteousness really is. I must continue to learn what blessings, the spiritual well-being of believers, are in God’s sight. The Sermon on the Mount has been called the constitution of the church. The thought of application is strong in my thinking here. I must apply what Jesus taught.
3. How can I help someone?
Many people don’t understand how to take the Bible and apply it in life. They see it as a big book of rules and regulations that no person can fully understand. And, no person can actually live it. It’s nice theory, but not very practical. As I grow myself, I can help people see that they can, out of their own personal relationship with Jesus, mature spiritually and learn to apply scriptural principles and truths.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Matthew 4 is very practical, because EVERYONE deals with temptation. When dealing with an issue, it makes sense to look at those who are successful and learn how they did it. No one was more successful in dealing with temptation than Jesus. What did He do? He quoted scriptures. He had studied them and learned how to properly apply them. When the enemy, the adversary, the evil one came to Him trying to cause Him to fail, Jesus quoted the inspired WORD. There is power in the scriptures. Never hesitate to say “The Bible says . . .”. For believers to do that means that they have had to read and study it to get it in their hearts. Jesus understood that any gain He might received in yielding to temptation would be followed up by a major loss and price. It would never be worth it and would destroy eternity. Satan is the adversary, the accuser of all who believe in Jesus. The goal of his evil kingdom is to get people to never believe in Jesus. His goal for believers is to get them to walk away from Jesus. Jesus overcame the power of Satan and we have that same power available to us.
Jesus began calling His disciples. Jesus invited Peter and Andrew to follow Him so they would no longer catch fish, but men. Followers of Jesus are called to reach people for Jesus. Then Jesus recruited James and John. These all left their work on the fishing boats to follow Jesus. This began their lives as disciples of Jesus. A disciple is a learner. They had intense teaching directly from Jesus. They passed it on to the church. Some of them were later used by God to write parts of the New Testament.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I do not have to yield to temptation. I need to expect to have victory in this. People make all kinds of excuses to give themselves permission to yield to sin. The more the Bible gets in my heart, the more I can kick temptation in the teeth. Jesus gave us the pattern. The psalmist understood this.
Psalm 119:9-11 NKJV
9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. 10 With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! 11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You!
There is never permission to sin. The reason why God hates it so much is the destruction it does to His highest creation, people. I need to hate sin as much as God does.
I need to work hard on being a disciple, a learner of all that God wants me to learn. The Bible is full of good materials that will make all the difference in life. It is worth the effort to read and get is more and more in my life. I will never learn it all, but I can try.
3. How can I help someone?
I can never be part of temptation to lead someone to commit sin. I can stay far away from sin. I can encourage others that, through the power of God in their lives, they can overcome sin. I can show a life and lifestyle that overcomes sin. I can help believers get the Bible more and more in their lives. I can do this by getting the scriptures more in my life.
Matthew 4 ends with describing the supernatural ministry of Jesus. I can help people by growing spiritually so that I can minister to them. People need the supernatural intervention of God in their lives.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
John the Baptist preached repentance. The Holy Spirit speaks to hearts and shows their need to repent of sin. The Spirit helps people understand the horror and evil of sin. The picture of repentance is to turn around and go the other way. It is sorrow for sin. Repentance says I am making a major change in life. Repentance of sin receives the forgiveness that the Bible promises. This makes a person completely new. When Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, He didn’t do so in order that people could be forgiven and then keep on sinning. When people repent they change, their attitudes and lifestyles change. Jesus becomes the LORD of a repentant person’s life. That means that Jesus is in control. Verse 8 talks about the fruit of repentance. This is the evidence of genuine repentance that shows clearly in the daily life a person lives. Repentance recognizes the judgement that John talked about. Those who truly repent won’t receive the judgement for their sins, Jesus already took it on the cross.
This chapter includes the water baptism of Jesus. This scene shows us the Trinity. We see the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father shows His pleasure in Jesus. The Holy Spirit filled Jesus with the power He would need to minister and go to the cross. Jesus relied on the power of the Holy Spirit throughout His earthly ministry. Believers in Jesus must also rely on the power of the Holy Spirit for daily life.
While this chapter is not a lesson on water baptism, it shows that Jesus was baptized. The Bible teaches that all believers are to be baptized. It is a matter of obedience.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Keeping eternity in mind all the time helps answer questions that come up. God’s Kingdom is forever. Temptation comes regularly and those who have repented have not only turned from the sins of the past, but have made a commitment to God to reject temptation as it comes in the future. Keeping eternity in mind helps a believer grasp that hell is real and not worth the few moments of pleasure sin will offer. Repenting does not mean that a person has become religious as the Pharisees and Sadducees were. They had their religious forms and were proud of them. Their religious routines were more important that obeying God. Repentance opens up the personal relationship with Jesus. It paves the way for a life based on love. It makes a person completely new.
John said that Jesus would baptize believers in the Holy Spirit. Each believer must seek the fullness of this gift. Once received, the baptism must be active. Spirit-filled believers must continue to be filled and used by God. Spirit-filled believers will be used by God in supernatural ways.
3. How can I help someone?
The major need of every person in the world is repentance. I can help by being constantly alert to opportunities to help people find the road to repentance. John the Baptist told the truth in this message. People need to hear the truth. John spoke as God directed and people responded. I need to believe that people will respond. I need to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and show Jesus to the world I live in.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This chapter covers some significant information about Jesus after He was born. Important leaders known as kings or magi came to worship Him. Jesus is worthy of praise and worship from all. The Bible says that some day EVERY knee will bow to Him. He is worthy of our continual worship.
King Herod tried to kill Jesus. He was a very insecure leader whose normal routine was to kill off anyone who seemed to be a threat. This is Satan’s standard method of operation - kill. Violence and death come from the pit of hell. Because of Herod’s insecurity the baby boys around Bethlehem were killed. The forces of evil don’t care about the sorrow or pain they cause if they think it advances their cause. Even in this we see prophecy fulfilled in the life of Jesus.
God protected Jesus by sending this family to Egypt. God knows what He is doing and how to guide His followers. He spoke to Joseph to direct and protect. When the right time came they returned to Israel and lived in Nazareth, again fulfilling prophecy (v. 23).
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God really does have a plan for our lives. We must be willing to listen and then obey. His plan may include inconvenience and challenges. We will learn and mature spiritually in the process of listening to and implementing God’s plan. God knows how to get the message through about what He wants us to do.
God won’t necessarily kill off all the opposition. It would have been easy to kill Herod and all the evil leaders who would try to kill Jesus. The battle against evil still rages. A key part to victory over evil is obedience to God’s leading in our lives. Trust God about the timing of events.
3. How can I help someone?
As opportunities arise, help people see that God really does know what He is doing. The enemy is good at confusion. People today are confused about God. Many say that if God is really God then He will kill off all the opposition and make everything perfect. Some time in the future all opposition will be judged and things will be perfect, but God’s timing for that has not arrived yet. Help people see that they really can trust God.
Bible Chapter: Matthew 1
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Matthew starts his book with the genealogy of Jesus, following the line of Joseph. While this makes for challenging reading for sixteen verses, (and causes many people to not even try reading the Bible) it is very important to include. It is another proof that Jesus was/is the promised Messiah. It proves Jesus was a descendant of both Abraham and David. Luke’s gospel traces the genealogy through Mary’s father. These two books prove Jesus’ lineage both legally and biologically. The Messiah MUST come through this lineage.
Matthew is careful to write that Joseph was the husband of Mary, not the father of Jesus. While they were not yet married, they were engaged. In their culture that was a binding as marriage, so it was proper to call him her husband. The Bible carefully teaches that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was born. Without this He would have been simply another baby boy born just like the rest of the world. If Jesus didn’t have His supernatural birth, He would not be able to die on the cross for our sins. Matthew also lets the reader know that after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary had a normal marriage. The scriptures record brothers and sisters for Jesus.
One interesting section is found in verses 18-21. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, he was shocked. His plan was to send her away quietly somewhere to try to cover up her shame. He knew that he was not the father. God sent an angel to him to let him know that Mary had not sinned, but that this was God’s plan for the Messiah. Sadly, this is a concept possibly missed by our modern world. There can be confusion - what’s the problem? The problem is that the Word of God clearly reserves sexual relationships for marriage. Joseph and Mary were truly applying God’s principles and saving intimacy for marriage. That always brings God’s blessings.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can live with confidence and assurance in my salvation purchased by Jesus. Skeptics love to jeer at those who believe in Jesus. The genealogy and emphasis on the virgin birth give solid evidence that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and really was the Savior of the world who died on the cross. The Bible is a legitimate reference book. With confidence in Jesus, I can live with the peace of God that passes all understanding filling my heart.
Mary was obedient to God and He used her in an amazing way. God honors obedience. He blesses those who listen to and apply the Bible. As I will continue to live in obedience to God He will continue to guide and bless me. Joseph and Mary didn’t understand everything from the beginning, but eventually God’s plan became clear. Today, we don’t know and understand everything that is happening in our lives. But, as we stick close to HIM we will gain understanding and will be thankful for being faithful and obedient.
3. How can I help someone?
Keep in mind that Jesus came to be the Savior for everyone in the world. Be ready always to talk about what God has done in my life and that He will save them as well. I must realize that even though it seems like others have it all together in life, if they don’t have Jesus in their hearts, they are missing the most important part. As Christmas time comes I must be ready to help people understand the real story about the birth of Jesus.
Bible Book: Matthew
Because the Bible is practical, here is an overview of the book.
Author: Matthew
Type of Book: Gospel
Matthew’s book tells the story of Jesus on this earth, starting a genealogy and His birth. It was written for a Jewish audience. It ends with the resurrection and what is known as the Great Commission - Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew used the scriptures to prove that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for.
Matthew gave an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life. The power of God was shown through Him in a way the people had not previously seen. Matthew tells the life of Jesus to Israel fulfilling their prophetic hopes by showing many prophecies He fulfilled.
Matthew gives in depth coverage of the Sermon on the Mount. Many of the foundational teachings of the Christian life are covered in this sermon. These teachings gives emphasis to the righteous standards expected for those who claim to follow Christ.