Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bible Chapter: II Kings 15 & 16

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Even a king will be judged by God when he disobeys.  This list of kings is the list that continues to grow as I read through this book.  Azariah was afflicted with leprosy because of his disobedience.  I have to admit some confusion in reading about several of the kings who, it was said, did right in the sight of God, and yet they didn’t remove the places where people worshiped idols.  If they were seeking to obey God, why didn’t they tear down the idol temples?  These high places made it convenient for the people to make their evil sacrifices.  The existence of these high places continued to be a downfall of the nation.
    Because their hearts were not right towards God, many of the kings participated in barbarous atrocities, such as ripping babies out of the wombs of pregnant women.  Ahaz reigned in Jerusalem for sixteen years and even sacrificed his son in the fire.  The Bible is clear that those in positions of leadership are held to a higher accountability and are expected to set a good example.  Many of the kings completely failed in this regard.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    These chapters tell of dark times of spiritual chaos that reigned.  These times of apostasy are very sad.  It seems that the kings were following the trends that were popular at the time instead of setting the proper pace for the nation.  That speaks to our current world.  What is needed is people to set the pace of righteousness.  Spiritual leaders must stand up and not be afraid to declare what God has said.  The Bible is still the standard for life.  The moral truths do not change.  I must apply that in my life and the things I proclaim.

3.  How can I help someone?
    When I was in drivers’ ed we were told this.  “You can break man’s laws.  You cannot break nature’s laws.”  It means that you can speed and get away with it (sometimes).  You can’t go too fast around a corner or try to stop too quickly.  You will pay the consequences.  The application here is that those who try to break God’s laws will pay the price.  They may think it doesn’t matter and that they can do anything they want.  That simply is not so.  Some day judgement will come.