Monday, June 16, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Chronicles 5 & 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    “It doesn’t matter what I do.  It won’t affect anyone.”  That is the mentality of many people.  Yet, Chapter five starts out with a statement that totally refutes that thought.  Because of Reuben’s sin, his rights as first-born were given away.  As Jacob’s firstborn, he was destined to receive the special benefits and larger inheritance of the birthright. He was entitled to the top place of leadership, authority and honor  in his clan.  He lost all of this because of his inability to control his sexual passion.  What he did was  sin.  (See Genesis 35:22.)  This shows his lack of character.  Moral failure will bring many consequences and much sorrow.
    We see another example of spiritual failure with the tribe of Manasseh.  They were unfaithful to God and prostituted themselves with the false gods of the land. It is important to grasp the truth that sin and disobedience bring God’s judgement.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    These chapters show us some of the negative consequences of sin.  We also see that there were some who were faithful to God.  The Temple musicians were mentioned.  They were in charge of the music in God’s house.  They ministered with music before the Lord.  They did what was expected.  That is encouraging to read in the midst of so many others who failed.
    Music is one of God’s great gifts to the world.  Yes, it is often controversial.  Yet, it is a gift that God created for people to use.  Music is a wonderful tool to use in worshiping God.  It has powerful properties.  Music that uplifts God also uplifts the person singing or listening to it.  Let music be a beneficial part to your life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    When the tempter comes by showing you some wonderful fun you can have, look at the price tag.  It is always higher than you are willing to pay.  I have often been in a store and found something that would be fun to have.  Then I look at the price and say that there is no way I will pay that much.  I don’t buy it.  That is what we must be thinking when we are tempted.  It looks like fun for a while.  But, we must look at the price tag and then reject it.  Obedience to God is always better.