Friday, June 20, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Chronicles 13 & 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Under King Saul’s reign, the Ark of the Covenant had basically been neglected. It represented the presence of God.  Neglecting God and His presence is always a bad sign.  King David consulted with his leaders and they decided to bring it back to Jerusalem.  This was a time of great celebration and rejoicing.  They were celebrating with all their might.  It was a great worship service to honor God.  For some reason they didn’t transport it the way God had instructed. They put it on a cart.  When one of the oxen stumbled, Uzzah reached out to steady the ark and, because this was against what they were to do, God struck him dead right there. There was an extreme change in everyone there and David got angry at God.  They left the Ark at the home of Obed-edom for three months.
    In chapter 14 we see a contradiction in David’s life.  On the negative side, David took several wives.  This was against the commands for the kings.  This eventually brought him many problems.  On the positive side, when the Philistines attacked, David sought the Lord for direction what to do.  God gave them victory when David obeyed.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Even when we don’t fully understand, it is important to do things God’s way.  They should have transported the Ark by carrying it, not on the cart. David should have not had multiple wives, even though it was a cultural thing among the nations of the area.  When David asked God’s directions regarding the Philistines, things worked out well.  Ask God.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Keep on asking God for direction and help.  Keep on trusting that God will show you His way for your decisions.  Don’t assume you know what God will say.