Monday, June 30, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Chronicles 25 & 26

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    King David continued his end-of-life directions.  He gave more assignments for worship and leadership.  Some were assigned to prophesy.  This is usually understood to mean that they used their voices to give God glory as they served Him.  As they sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit they would sing and play music to worship the Lord.  Music was an important part of their worship.
    David also organized many parts of the function of the city and nation.  He made assignments for the gatekeepers.  He also assigned those who would look after the treasures of God’s house.  Finally, here, he gave assignments to officers and judges.  As he was coming to the end of his life, King David was striving to have everything in order in the nation.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I’m thinking about the assignment of those who would use their musical talent as part of the worship in the temple.  Music is an amazing gift God has given to people.  It is a powerful and moving force.  When I think of it, God could have created the world and make all sounds similar and monotone.  He could have given no voice to birds who sing and chirp and add much to life.  He could have not created instruments with beautiful sounds.   We could be missing the amazing combination of instruments that we hear in orchestras and bands.  He could have not given people the ability to sing.  But, how much would be lost without music.  This is a wonderful gift from God.  We are privileged to use music as a part of our worship to God.  The Psalms are filled with songs of praise to God.  What a great gift God has given us.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Seek God and find your place of service.  We all don’t do the same things, but we all can do something for God.  Whatever you do, do your best for God.