Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Chronicles 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Chapter nine wraps up the genealogies of the nation.  It starts out with a reminder of the captivity the nation endured because of their unfaithfulness.  The people were in the process of returning and re-settling the land.  The first to return were some of the priests, Levites and temple servants.  They began to return to their religious responsibilities.
    Chapter nine ends with the genealogy of Saul.  Saul was the first king of Israel.  Going into chapter ten the author quickly covers the life of Saul, basically talking about his final battle with the Philistines.  Saul and his sons were all killed in that battle.  When he was wounded, Saul fell on his sword to prevent the Philistines from taking him captive and torturing him.  A key verse to understand about Saul’s life is 10:13 that says Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord.  He didn’t follow the word of the Lord and even sought guidance from a medium.  We won’t all be famous, but we can all be faithful to God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    When a person attains to a position of leadership and influence, he/she must never forget the importance of fulfilling that place responsibly.  They must never forget to serve and honor God.  Whatever a person may accomplish, they must always remember that it was God who gave them the skills and abilities they have and must honor God in all they do.  In reading these history books in the Bible I often wonder what could have been accomplished if the people simply would have been faithful to God.  If they had obeyed Him they would have been spared so many horrible situations.  Life would have been so much better.  God can elevate a person.  God can also take the person down.
    The concept of judgement is not popular in modern culture.  “Don’t judge!!” is a popular cry.  Yet, we must always remember that God is the ultimate Judge and He really will judge people.  The results will either be reward or punishment.  Obedience is the key to the results of the judgement.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the blessings of obedience.  God desires the best for people and really wants to be able to reward them for their faithfulness.