Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bible Chapter: Ruth 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Having been reading and writing about the history of God’s chosen people so far, there have been many stories of exciting things God did.  But, along with these are many sad stories of the things that the people did.  More than once I have read of the sinful actions that were done and the consequences that would result.  This leads us to the very short book of Ruth.  It is a breath of fresh air.  It is set in the time of the judges, at a time when there was famine.  It starts out with some sad details of a family that had to go to a foreign land to survive the famine.  Then three of the four died in the land.  But, the story quickly turned around and it becomes an uplifting story.  It is encouraging to see that there were people who were still serving God.  It is uplifting to read the good things that happened because of faithfulness and loving sacrifice.  This story shows how God will take people who appear to be having nothing but problems and turn things around.  Naomi felt that God had abandoned her.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.
    This book shows God’s love for all people.  Ruth was brought in to the kingly line of Israel.  One could say that it was just coincidence that Ruth began to glean in Boaz’s fields.  But, we see God’s direction.  We see his heart to obey God in providing for people in need.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    It is encouraging to see God’s hand of blessing on these two women who had suffered so much.  Ruth made some major sacrifices to provide for Naomi.  No one would have faulted her for staying in her homeland.  But her commitment to Naomi, her understanding of God and her commitment to Him show that she cared more for others than herself.  When she went to the fields of Boaz to glean it says that she worked hard all day to gather food.  Ruth was not lazy.  She was caring.  These are good lessons to apply in life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Life has many challenging situations.  Many of them are extremely difficult and it seems as if we won’t make it.  It can seem as if God has abandoned us.  History gives us the privilege of looking back and seeing the whole picture.  We don’t see the whole picture as we are experiencing a battle.  The good news is that God see it all from His perspective and that we can trust HIM.