Monday, April 7, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Samuel 5 & 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    After Israel made the mistake of not fully trusting God and bringing the Ark to the battlefield, it was captured by the Philistines.  We see here a direct conflict between the spiritual forces and God won.  The Philistines brought the Ark and put it in the temple of Dagon.  The next day Dagon was bowing down to the Ark.  After this happened twice they got the message.  As I read this I was thinking that it was a pathetic situation that the Philistines had to pick up their god, and then the next day it was broken.  A person has to pick up their god and put it back in place??  Their god didn’t have the ability to take care of itself?  Why didn’t they recognize that they were worshiping an inferior manmade object and turn to the real God?  They acknowledged previous victories the God of Israel had accomplished.  They quickly recognized that the God of Israel was the powerful victor and returned the Ark.  They made sacrifices to God in hopes of forgiveness as they sent the Ark back to Israel.  But, they did not serve HIM.
    The people in Beth Shemesh rejoiced at the return of the ark and celebrated by offering a sacrifice to God.  Sadly, some broke God’s commands and looked in the Ark.  They paid for that sin with their lives.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The question I already mentioned comes to mind as I think of the application of these chapters.  Why is it that people will stick with a belief system that has so many flaws when they see something better?  I see people today who have so many problems and yet stick with them rather than give all to God and go His way.  It seems like the familiar, with all its flaws, is better than change.  People hang on to what they have because they are comfortable and familiar with it, in spite of the pain it brings.  Learning to understand and apply God’s ways as revealed in the Bible make life so much better.  It shouldn’t be that difficult, but it often is.  This is a good picture of the spiritual battle that rages.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Someone wrote a song that says, look and live, look to Jesus now and live.  That is awesome advice.  Look to, submit to Jesus, and find out what living is really all about.