Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Samuel 17 & 18

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Chapter 17 is a story that shows the power of God.  It is a story that has so impacted society that a “David and Goliath” story is commonly understood as the little guy, the underdog taking on the strong, powerful force and winning.  David expressed great faith as he said the heathen Goliath would go down.  He told Goliath that he came against him in the name of the Lord God Almighty.  God never has any problem using anyone who is willing to trust Him.  One time I heard someone speak saying that David’s motivation was the financial reward King Saul promised.  But, David openly declared that he was relying on God and giving God all the glory.
    Saul was the king of Israel.  God had already told Saul and his reign was limited.  God told Samuel that the reason why David was going to be the next king was because of his heart.  We see Saul’s jealous and murderous heart as he responded to the song the women sang.  After all the good things David did for Saul, he treated David as an enemy.  Saul tried to set David up for failure.  It didn’t work.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    David found great success.  The Bible tells us that is because he worked hard to do what was right and follow God.  We won’t all end up as the king or queen of a nation.  Most people probably will live life in obscurity.  That’s fine.  The key is that each person is seeking God’s direction and obeying His Word.  As long as David did that he prospered.  It was when David began to drift that his problems developed.  Trusting God and expecting God to do the miraculous is how we must live.  Question: do I really expect God to come through with His miraculous power?

3.  How can I help someone?
    A heart towards God with a full expectation that God will be with you -- that is the best way to live.  Never let jealousy take over, it only destroys the jealous person.