Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Samuel 21 & 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The sad story continued as Saul’s jealousy and insecurity caused him to pursue David.  There is one verse that has always been interesting and challenging to me.  22:2 says that David began to lead a group of people.  This group consisted of people who were in distress, in debt or discontented.  David became their leader.  What a group.  Wouldn’t anyone be proud to lead such a group?  And yet it was from this beginning that David became a powerful and effective leader of the nation.  Small and inauspicious beginnings never predict the outcome.
    Sadly, Saul continued to chase David to kill him.  When he discovered that the priests at Nob had helped David, he had them all killed.  Eighty five innocent people were killed.  A heart of evil can conceive and fulfill much sorrow and horror.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I am thinking of the concept of influence.   What influences do I allow in my life.  Saul went from a humble beginning, to being drafted to the position of king, to become a powerful tyrant.  Horrible things happened.  Many innocent people suffered.  Saul’s life became miserable.  Instead of staying close to God in obedience, he let the influence of power and position cause him to make really bad choices.  He went from saying he was from the least important family in the smallest tribe in the nation to running roughshod over the people he considered his enemies.  We must be careful what we allow to influence our lives.

3.  How can I help someone?
    God can take and use anyone who is willing to obey and do what He directed.  Both Saul and David started out from nowhere.  They had different outcomes because of the difference in their hearts. Trust God and obey and watch where the adventure of life takes you.