Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Samuel 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This is a very interesting story.  It starts out with some missing donkeys.  But, the real issue wasn’t the donkeys, but a way directed by God to bring Saul to the prophet Samuel.  It was God’s response to the nation’s call for a king.  God had chosen Saul to become the first king of Israel.  The process of how God used the donkeys shows us how God uses ordinary situations to accomplish His purpose.
    Samuel anointed Saul as the king.  This separated him for the task of leadership as God provided him with the ability to do the task before him.  It even says that God made Saul a different person, changing his heart.  If Saul would have maintained this change, if he had not made foolish decisions as king, things would have turned out differently.  God will do amazing things in and through people, but they must continue, they must live what God is doing in their hearts.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God will use anyone.  Part of Saul’s original objections to the thought of becoming king was that he was the least of the least.  He was the least of the smallest clan of the smallest tribe.  He was a nobody.  That never stops God from using a person. This speaks volumes to me and so many people. In the eyes of the world we really fit in that nobody class.  We must remember that God looks at people and situations in a different way than the world and society sees things.  God not only enables people, He can change them and give them a completely new place.  Let God set the pace and follow Him.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Both Saul and his successor, David, started out in a position of being nothing.  They were considered to be nothing.  God used them both and we are reading about them thousands of years later. Don’t let the thought that you are considered little stop you.  Let God take over and watch what HE will do.