Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Samuel 25 & 26

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Samuel's death is quickly covered here.  After all he did, his obituary is quite short.  Samuel was a godly man who made a major positive impact on Israel.  He was honest and ethical in his conduct.  He was a positive example for all who want to serve the Lord.
    This chapter then moved to a story about a man named Nabal.  I don't know anyone who would want their heritage to be that he was a surly and mean man.  That was Nabal.  He was rich and yet he treated people poorly.  David sent a greeting to him with a culturally reasonable request for supplies.  While Nabal's men had been shearing the sheep David had protected them from roving bands of thieves.  Nabal refused to respond in kind to help them.
    The heading in my Bible for chapter 26 says "David Again Spares Saul's Life".  One more time David had the opportunity to kill Saul, and he refused.  This brought an interesting discussion between them where David told the king he would not strike out against God's anointed.  Saul finally acknowledged his sin in trying to kill David. He invited him to come back and promised to not try to harm him again. Then they parted ways.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    David reaction to Nabal's poor treatment of his men was not a good reaction.  David let anger take over and he went with his army to go and kill Nabal and all the men who were with him.  There can be no justification for this response.  Thankfully, Abigail was warned of what was coming and brought a large peace offering.  God used her and she prevented David from doing what he planned.  David acknowledged that God had sent her.  He realized he was wrong to plan this revenge.
    Learning how to respond to harsh situations is important.  Sometimes pride gets in the way.  We want to respond and show someone that they can't push us around like that.  David had been willing to let God take care of Saul and his attempts to kill him. David should have been just as willing to let God take care of Nabal.  Very quickly after this event Nabal died.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Treat others with kindness.  Selfishness is always ugly.  And, let God take care of revenge.