Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Samuel 27 & 28

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    David is considered one of the heros of the Bible.  He did many amazing things for the Lord.  The Bible tells the whole story. So, it also includes failures that people made.  God is honest in His book.  This is a good lesson for us all to learn, since none of us are perfect.  After Saul let David go and promised to not try to kill him, it appears that David didn’t believe him.  David did something really strange.  He went over to the enemy, he went to live among the Philistines.  David even agreed to fight with them against Israel.  I have to admit there are times when I don’t understand some of the things he did.
    Saul showed that he was a spiritually confused person.  He went back and forth from listening and obeying God to doing the exact opposite of what was commanded.  Here we see him seeking the advice of a witch.  And, he tried to hide his identity.  That makes no sense.  For, if he believed the witch could contact the supernatural and give him answers, how did he not believe she would have the ability to know who he was?

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One of the great challenges of life is to continue to live in full compliance with the commands of God.  The spiritual battle is strong and it is easy to slide off to the point where we don’t really trust God.  We know we can and we say we can, but we don’t always give evidence of trusting God.  We must work to stay close to God and not live on a spiritual roller coaster.  I wonder what more David would have accomplished if he hadn’t had his ups and downs.  That is the question for each of us.  How much does God want to do with us?  What would a stronger life of faith accomplish for eternity?

3.  How can I help someone?
    Be fully aware of spiritual compromise and the impact of a strong faith life.  We must continually learn to be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might.