Friday, March 21, 2014

Bible Chapter: Judges 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    It is amazing what greed, pride and desire for power will do.  We have here the story of Abimelech, who murdered his brothers so that he could become the king.  He manipulated and deceived people to gain power.  We see his evil heart in receiving seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith.  He used this money to hire some worthless folks to follow him.  This brought a time of sadness and eventual destruction to the nation.  Many people died.  This is an illustration of the bad things that can come when people walk away from God.
    After Abimelech’s death there were a few godly judges who ruled the nation.  Then the spiritual landslide happened again as the people did evil in God’s sight and worshiped false gods.  They came under evil oppression for eighteen years.  Then, in desperation, they again called out to God for deliverance.  It is interesting to see God’s response.  He told them to call out the gods they were serving and let them deliver.  This caused them to say even more, “we have sinned against God”.  The false gods they served had no power to save.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    As I ramble through life I often wonder about the things that people do.  There are some activities that are common among people, no matter what the culture.  These things are often illegal, and yet the find ways to do them.  People work to make these things legal and accepted.  Yet, the negative consequences continue to come.  The resulting problems can be pointed out and people still do them.  I wonder what is the great pull, the great desire people have to do these things.  I know that it is sin and the tempter is very powerful.  I also know that the only way to overcome sin is through the power of Jesus.  Yet, I still observe life and see sin controlling and destroying countless lives.  These are the same things we see over and over in these historical books of the Bible.  People, learn the lessons and serve the Lord.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see what is happening in their lives.  Sin is destroying, and yet they continue to participate in it.  They think they are happier in their miserable sinful existence and are afraid to take the step of faith to trust in Jesus.  Again the message, People, learn the lessons and serve the Lord.