Friday, March 14, 2014

Bible Chapter: Joshua 23 & 24

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Joshua grew very old.  The Lord had fulfilled His promises to Israel and they lived in the land in peace.  As Joshua realized that he didn’t have long to live, he called the nation together to remind them of all that God had done for them.  He challenged them again to be strong and faithfully serve the Lord.  If they would do that, God would be with them and help them.  They were again challenged to throw away any false gods.  They were commanded to not intermingle with or marry those heathen that were still around.  Joshua knew that the people would be drawn in to false worship and evil practices of they had connection with the other peoples around them.
    Joshua reminded them that all their victories were because of God’s help.  God drove out the strong armies that withstood Israel’s advances.  If they compromised, they would no longer have God’s help to bring victory.  The issue of compromise is still a problem for God’s people.  As I write this I have just read another article about two famous church groups that are discussing compromise of moral issues because of what the world is doing.  One person stated that their church wouldn’t dare call them on their decisions because it would be embarrassing and give bad publicity.  Joshua wasn’t worried about bad publicity.  He was concerned that the people would follow God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One of the most challenging verses in the Bible is where Joshua told the people to make a specific choice to serve God.  They were to make a deliberate and intentional decision about their spiritual service and worship.  God will never allow split loyalties.  Joshua said clearly that he and his household would serve the Lord God.  The people said they would do so, as well.  Sadly, that commitment only lasted as long as the current spiritual leaders lived.  They soon forsook their commitments to serve God.
    People must made a choice.  People must identify not only their to serve God, but WHY they serve God.  I can say that my father was a pastor, so I inherited a belief in God.  No, that will never work.  I must serve God because I made the decision.  I must serve God because He is worthy.  I must serve God because it is a commitment I want to make.  I don’t think people think much about this choice.  I also see that people are deceived in to thinking that no one should influence another person regarding their belief in God.  That is part of the lie of the devil.  Joshua said many times to the nation to pass on the good news about God to their children.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the importance of the decision to serve God.  No one will ever regret their commitment to God as they enjoy the beauties of heaven forever.