Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bible Chapter: Joshua 11 & 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Obeying God brings the results desired.  I see this in these chapters.  Chapter 11 starts out with a group of kings all gathering together to destroy Israel.  They made an army with horses and chariots as numerous as the sand of the seashore.  It looked bad.  But, God made a promise to Joshua.  They were to not be afraid for the next day God would hand them all over to Israel.  This was another lesson in trust.  They were commanded to destroy the armies as well as their equipment.  The good news is that Israel obeyed and they saw God miraculously give them victory.
    A very important picture we see here is that God judges sin.  The Canaanite inhabitants of the land were so wicked that God judged them.  Wickedness will inevitably bring judgement.  It will happen.  Sadly, many people think they can live any way they please and nothing will happen.  Their lives are mocking God.  They have been deceived.  God, the righteous Judge, will hold all sinners accountable.  This truth has not and never will change.  People today are not smarter than previous generations.  We don’t have greater insights to life.  God, who never changes, still keeps track of sin and righteousness in people.  God is always the final Judge.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God had given directions to Moses regarding the promised land.  When Israel entered, they were to conquer the land.  A good teaching passage is found in the statement that Joshua took the entire land just as the Lord had directed Moses.  Then the land had rest from war.  They were living in obedience and saw the result of God’s help.  In reading these history books I see it over and over again -- God called for obedience and blessed them when they obeyed.  That truth needs to sink in.  God’s law is not based on a popularity contest.  God doesn’t take a poll and see what should be truth this week.  He doesn’t ask people what they like best.  He gives us His truth and expects obedience.  He blesses obedience.

3.  How can I help someone?
    God is full of mercy.  God does amazing things for people.  People must understand that there is a limit to God’s mercy and forgiveness.  Those who simply refuse to submit and live God’s way will reach a point of judgement.  We see that in these chapters.  I want to help people see that truth and submit to the awesome life God offers.