Monday, March 17, 2014

Bible Chapter: Judges 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The book of Judges carries on the history of Israel.  They had entered the promised land and were taking control of it.  We see that God was giving them great victories.  We also see that there were times when they failed to drive out the Canaanites.  These people eventually became a thorn in their lives and influenced them away from God.  I see a picture of the importance of separating from sin and sinful activity. The more it hangs around the more it becomes a negative impact on life.
    In these chapters we can also see the importance of passing on God’s truths from generation to generation.  Each new generation must make a personal connection with God, or they will be drawn in to destructive and sinful behavior.  A very important question to ask is why should I serve God?  If I can’t give it a good answer, I will be drawn to the fun and temptation of sin.  I will think it is great at first, and then eventually see the high price it extracts.  In many cases, but then, it is too late.  This cycle of spiritual up and down is seen many times in the history of Israel. It is also seen in church history.  Serving God is not just a matter of following a religious routine.  Each individual must make a personal connection with God or there is nothing left.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Life is filled with really hard things.  It is often challenging to follow God’s ways.  It is becoming more and more unpopular to be obedient to God’s revealed Word in the Bible.  The behavior patterns we see in these history books are the same patterns we see in the world today.  One issue I see is shortsightedness.  When a person only sees what is right before them without seeing the future and the impact of decisions, then poor decisions will become the norm.  This passage tells us that the people served God till the next generation grew up.  Then they forsook God and provoked Him to anger.  This was because they never understood the reasons to serve and obey God.  They never connected with God.  I must maintain my connection with Him.

3.  How can I help someone?
    It is important to pass the faith along.  Jesus didn’t come to establish a mundane religious ritual.  He came to give us eternal hope.  We have what the Bible calls a blessed hope.  It is the glorious appearing of Jesus to take us to be with Him.  That is worth whatever it costs here on earth.