Friday, March 28, 2014

Bible Chapter: Judges 19 & 20

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    All my life I have been taught the Bible.  I have spent the last four decades teaching and preaching the Bible.  I have found many people who think it is not worth the effort to really study and apply the Bible in their lives.  It is too restricting.  They would rather do anything but let the message of God’s Word impact their lives.  Sadly, when people walk away from God and do their own thing, horrible problems happen.  We see this again here in Israel.  They had no leader and they became depraved and immoral.  This immorality caused them to do despicable things.
    The Bible tells the story as it happened.  These chapters are a very sad time in history.  Along with horrible sin, tens of thousands of people died.  People easily become overcome with uncontrollable passions.  They don’t care about others.  Sadly, this story tells of a town where the men burned with sexual desire for both men and women.  The thought of a traveling couple spending the night was too much for them.  They believed they should be able to do what they wanted.  The Levite didn’t protect his wife.  She was brutally raped and murdered.  There was no justice or accountability against the perpetrators.  They had their night of “fun” and thought it should all end there.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God’s righteousness is the one and only standard for living.  When people step away from God’s ways they quickly plunge to base actions.  I see the things happening in the world today.  I see things that our culture is not only sanctioning but promoting.  I never would have thought I could see these kinds of sins so actively promoted.  People are unashamed of their debauchery.  It is just normal.  I, and everyone who claims the name of Jesus, must see that we live in a relationship with Jesus that is fully committed to HIM.  It is vital to call right things right and wrong things wrong.  The standard is not a sliding scale of popularity.  The standard is God’s Word that was inspired by the Spirit of God and recorded by holy men who gave us the most important writing in history.
    The Psalmist told us that he hid God’s Word in his heart so he wouldn’t sin against God.  This is one of the top pieces of advice we will ever hear.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Do you see God’s Word?  Don’t make it more complex than it is.  Study it.  Learn it.  Apply it.  Reject compromise and grow close to Jesus.