Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bible Chapter: Joshua 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Israel got themselves into trouble because, as 9:14 says, “but they did not inquire of the Lord”.  Men from Gibeon deceived the Israelite leaders to make them think they were from a distant land, and not close neighbors.  Israel made a pact with them to not destroy them.  This decision went against the commands God had given to destroy the sinful inhabitants of the land.  This would lead to future problems.
    In spite of the fact that they failed to ask God and made an ill-advised covenant with Gibeon, God was with them.  As they faced another major battle, God promised to be with them.  The enemies would not be able to stand up against Israel.  As a sign, God made the sun stand still for almost a whole day as they defeated the enemy.  This was an awesome sign.  The God Who created it all in the first place suspended the rules of the universe and stopped things for a time.  This proved God’s word to them that they were not to be afraid.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This book of history (Joshua) is a good example of God’s provision and protection.  They faced many battles to take the land.  God said He would be with them.  History repeats itself and there are constantly battles.  Today the battles we face are spiritual battles.  God is still with His people to take them through.  I must always remember this.  I must continue to put my trust in God to win.  As in these chapters, today there are many “cities” to conquer.

3.  How can I help someone?
    A passage from Proverbs comes to mind here.  A paraphrase:  Trust in God with all your heart, don’t try to figure it out, in everything you to recognize God, He will give you His direction.