Bible Chapter: Leviticus 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One thought that jumped out to me as I read these chapters is that God was revealing to them the important principle of cleaning out, destroying an infection. There are items that, as they are contaminated must be burned. Today we know the importance of isolating disease. Back then this wasn’t understood, but God knew it and He gave this knowledge to Israel.
It is common to struggle to understand the depth of these details of the issue of people and things being unclean. I like the way the Fire Bible describes it in a footnote. It says:
All the things described as “unclean” in Leviticus had to do with reflecting God’s purity and purposes. Most related to physical or environmental issues such as injury, disease (chs. 13-14; Nu 5:2; 12:10-14), death (Nu 5:2; 31:19; 35:33) and contamination (14:33-57). These laws reflected God’s character and his concern for his people. (1) All of these things that were described as “unclean” reflected how creation had strayed from the perfection God originally intended. The laws of uncleanness constantly reminded the people of the devastating results of their sin. (2) But these laws also showed God’s care for the people. For example, because the Israelites lived so closely with one another and wandered from place to place, infectious (i.e., contagious) skin diseases or environmental hazards could cause widespread death and destruction to many other groups of people. That is why these “unclean” things had to be contained and controlled. God’s laws about cleanliness in body and home were safety measures that show his care and compassion for humankind.
(Quotation from the Fire Bible footnote on Leviticus 13:3.)
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Since the human race has strayed from God’s best, actually it is probably more accurate to say it has run from God’s best, I must live daily in moving towards God’s best. I must never forget the destructive effect of sin. I see it often. My experiences in life have taken me to many places where I have seen the ruin that sin brings. The Bible says we are to flee from youthful lusts. We are to run and take God’s way of escape from temptation.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the truth of what happens when they sin. The fun they had for a short time leads to a major loss. God’s ways are always best.