Bible Chapter: Exodus 17 & 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
Editor’s note: up to this point in the Connect2LIFE reading, we have been reading one chapter a day. We covered the New Testament in a year. If we continued that rate, it would take over three years to cover the Old Testament. From this point on, many days will include two chapters. This will allow us to cover the Old Testament in two years.1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Again, the people grumbled when they had a need. Again they blamed Moses and acted as if he had forced them from Egypt against their will. From their complaints one would think they actually liked it back in Egypt. They needed water. God instructed Moses to strike a rock and water would flow. They kept testing God. God showed His plans and provision. This is another reminder to trust God.
Then they had to deal with the Amalekites. We are here introduced to Joshua who would eventually lead the nation. Joshua was chosen to lead the army to fight against the attack. Moses took Aaron and Hur with him to the top of a hill overlooking the battle. We see a good picture of the necessity of supporting leaders to bring victory. God gave them victory as Moses was able to hold his hands up to God. It took them all, working together, to see it accomplished.
Another lesson learned, and this is a good teaching for the modern church, was when Jethro came to visit Moses. Moses was trying to lead, judge and do everything by himself for the whole nation. It couldn’t be done. Moses needed to appoint and delegate helpers to lead the people. This shows the importance of a good team doing God’s work.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I see the importance of working together in both of these chapters. Moses was an amazing man of God. The Bible gives him many accolades. But, when he tried to everything by himself, he couldn’t make it. He needed help. Working together and depending on God was necessary for Israel to have the victories they needed. This is necessary advice for the church today. In the past it has been the primary responsibility of the pastor to do so many things. That just can’t be done. More gets done as we all work together. This principle jumped out to me very emphatically as I read these chapters.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people be enabled to do the work God planned them to do. I want to help people step up and do more than they thought they could. Together, we will do more.