Bible Chapter: Exodus 37 & 38
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.I am trying to picture the items made for them to use as they worshiped God. I see many of them described as covered with God. Some were made with pure gold. Then there was much silver and bronze. God gave the craftsmen skills to make everything just exactly according to His plans. Some might wonder about the extravagant value of all the materials. When that question comes up we must remember it was to honor God. God extravagantly created the universe. He made our world with countless forms of plant and animal life. He made so many beautiful things for us to enjoy. As the people of Israel were making a place of worship, it was only right to make it beautiful for the Creator. According to one translation I read, they used almost 2,200 pounds of gold and over 7500 pounds of silver. God was worth it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I think about all the materials the people willingly gave to build the Tabernacle. In a previous chapter it says they had to tell the people to quit giving as they had enough to complete the task. God loves a cheerful giver. This is a vital lesson to learn. I love to be around generous people. This is not because I am looking for something from them. It is because generosity makes for a friendly and desirable personality. Generally, it is a stingy person who is a grouch. Learning to be generous is a life-long process, but a great one to experience.
3. How can I help someone?
God has a great plan for life. He will reveal it. I want to help people find God’s plan for their lives and learn to be outward in their thinking, not inward and selfish.