Bible Chapter: Exodus 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Complaining to God and blaming God. The human race has had this ability for a long time. It is very common today. People try to define who God is to be and how He is to function. If God doesn’t work exactly like they want, they refuse to believe in Him. I find this interesting. If I am able to define and dictate God’s actions, then I must be greater than God. If I am greater than God, then I don’t need God. Israel was quick to complain and forget the horrors of slavery. They said they had it good in Egypt, lots of food, etc. They forgot all the miracles God performed to free them and get them on their journey. They said God brought them out there to starve. They didn’t give God much credit.
God knew exactly what He was doing. He had a plan and told Moses what they were to do. God would provide all the food and nourishment they needed. Provision for His people is never a problem for God. They ate bread from heaven. They had all they needed. This bread (manna) was also a test from God. Would they obey and take what they needed and use it as God directed? Many of them did. A few had a better idea. Those who disobeyed brought God’s wrath. Again, a lesson in obedience.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the lessons of the manna was to take a double portion on the sixth day. They were to take a Sabbath rest on the seventh day. This principle of rest and spiritual restoration was established by God at the beginning. He still tells His followers to practice it. The modern world has totally ignored it. We used to have laws that made many businesses close on Sunday. Somehow, no one starved during those days. We made it and thrived in life. Those laws have all been repealed and Sunday is no different than any other day of the week. We now have a 24/7 society. The person who says they will make this one day different and not live like the rest of the week is now an oddity. Even many Christians don’t make Sunday special. Church attendance is an option, but not necessarily the top option. Churches today specialize in a sixty minute service so people can get out and get more important things done. Throughout the Bible we see the lessons of God’s opinion of the Sabbath. He expects us to give Him a special day of worship and rest. We need it physically and spiritually. We are much better off when we apply it.
3. How can I help someone?
God really does know what to do in every situation in life. People need to learn this. His wisdom leads to the importance of our obedience to His directives. When I can help people learn this, they will receive the benefits and blessings that come.