Bible Chapter: Exodus 21 & 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.After giving the Ten Commandments, God gave Israel many laws for them to follow. These guided them in their civil matters. They told them about how to treat people and hold people responsible for their actions. This is an important principle for a healthy society. People must learn responsibility for their actions. If they don’t do things in a proper manner, they must pay the price. Accountability is necessary. People who live without accountability and responsibility tear down their society.
God never approved of slavery. He gave them laws to direct them in how they handled slaves. They were more humane than the ways slaves had been treated. God’s plan was that Israel would eventually abolish slavery. Sadly, their hearts were not tender to hear from God on this issue at that time. Throughout this section of scripture we see God’s compassion for people in need. He gave them many laws so that people would be treated with respect, life would be honored and their culture would be a good place to live.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Treat people in the way God shows. This passage talks about how to prevent problems and help people who have been injured or incurred a loss. It talks about real responsibility for actions. All of these principles must be applied. Even though these laws applied to Israel at that time, the principles they are founded on are for all people and are timeless. God calls for us to respect life and have a commitment to fairness and justice. These are beneficial principles to apply to life.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see how God looks at life. The term is called world-view. It means how we look at life and the issues of life. The foundation for our thinking, the filter we use to see and live life, must be based on the things God reveals.