Bible Chapter: Exodus 33 & 34
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What can we do without God? Well, actually there are many things we can do in our own strength. The question is, why would we want to? Moses understood the importance of God’s presence and His going with them. Because of Israel’s sin and idolatry God said He would not go with them to the promised land. Moses interceded with God to change His mind. If God wasn’t going with them, he didn’t want to go. This truth is just as important today. We can have much material success. We can gather a following that seems spiritual. But, without God’s powerful presence, we are lost. We need God’s presence. Moses showed how potent God is. Even being in His presence changed Moses’ countenance so that he had to cover his face.
God emphasized to Moses that they must not make treaties or compromise with the heathen they were going to conquer. That would result in spiritual apostasy, causing the younger generation to worship idols. This is an important principle: stay close to God and teach the younger generation God’s truths. It is best to live as far from any participation in evil as we can. Those who live for God set a strong foundation for their future generations. Those who live for sin set their future generations up for failure. They literally teach their children to sin.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Moses learned the importance of having God’s power and presence in his life. Even though he had the position of national leader, he didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere without God. I can learn skills and develop the ability to do things. I am more and more aware that I must have God’s direction and power, or I will only muddle through life. I won’t accomplish anything of lasting value if I try to do it all myself.
3. How can I help someone?
Especially those who call on the name of Jesus must recognize that all good things only come from God. We can and must develop our skills and talents. We must use what we have for good and for eternity. But we will never reach the heights God plans for us when we try to do things on our own. I want to help people see the awesomeness of God’s presence.