Bible Chapter: Exodus 27 & 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.I have heard an expression about people who don’t know what they are doing, or who don’t plan well. It is called “management by crisis”. This describes people who don’t really know what they are doing and just muddle through life. This is the total opposite of these chapters. We see God’s amazing plans He revealed. We see that God clearly showed Israel what they were to do to worship God. The fine detail and the beauty of the design show the worth of God, the Creator. Each of the pieces they created were part of their worship and growing relationship with God. God provided for the forgiveness of sins through the sacrifices. Everything they needed was given to them.
One of the challenges I have found in reading these chapters over the years has been to get a good mental picture of what these items looked like. I appreciate the drawings included in my study Bible. I use the Fire Bible, Don Stamps general editor. It is an excellent study tool to help me understand the scriptures better.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God has a plan for my life. God wants everyone to come to Him. In these chapters, as God was revealing His laws and expectations of their worship they saw God’s care for them. I have always been impressed by the fine detail of the tabernacle, and then later, the temple in Jerusalem. God cares about the details. That is encouraging that He cares about the details of life.
3. How can I help someone?
So many people think that life is just something to endure, hopefully to have some fun along the way. People need to see God loves them and cares for them. He wants them to learn God’s plan and serve Him. Just as we see God’s creativity in these chapters, we can see it in our lives as well.