Bible Chapter: Exodus 31 & 32
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.I have always been amazed that Israel could make the beautiful and intricate tabernacle and articles out in the desert. They had no modern technology. But, this was no problem for God. God gave the skill to Bezalel to make it all. I am also amazed these days to see the things that people can create. The high tech toys we have are the things that people used to dream about. Now we have them. God still gives ideas and abilities to enable people to create awesome things. God reveals the secrets of science and people have abilities to make and produce all the things we need and enjoy in life. The answer to the question of “why” in so many scientific truths is simply, “that’s the way God made it”.
God also emphasized a necessary truth for life: we need to take a Sabbath rest. He created our bodies to need a break, a time to worship God and be physically refreshed. Sadly, this truth has been abandoned by modern society with the thought that we can go 24/7 and not have any consequences.
Then we get in to a very sad chapter. Shortly before this we read that Israel promised to obey and worship God. Then, when Moses was up on the mountain with God longer than they thought he should be, they made idols and started worshiping them, participating in lewd behaviors. God severely judged them for their actions.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Two major thoughts jump out to me from this reading:
1. God has all knowledge and will reveal what we need to know in order to do His work. Whatever God has for us to do for Him will be empowered by Him. We have gifts and abilities and we must develop them and then use them. I can’t make excuses and not work to develop what God has called me to do. I have to do what God asks.
2. The deception that pulls people away from serving God is amazing. I read how they made a golden calf and then said, this is the god that brought us out of Egypt. Hello!!! You just made something and then, this thing you just made, is what helped you previously? If people would look at some of the things they say, they would see how silly they are. I must listen to what God says in His Word and then respond in obedience to what it says.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see they can do amazing things with God’s help. We often put ourselves down and limit what we can accomplish because we don’t trust God or use the gifts He has given to us. I also want to help people see the clear message of the Gospel and receive the benefits of obedience.