Bible Chapter: Exodus 25 & 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.In the process of giving the Law to Israel, God gave them very specific instructions about the tabernacle they were to make. This was a portable tent, a movable place where they would come and worship God. This is the first time God’s people had a specific place set aside for their worship. We are so used to having church buildings, but they had no place built and set aside for worship. God was very clear about how they were to make it. It was very ornate, made of much gold and fine building materials.
As I was reading these chapter I was reminded of a story I heard once. In some country where they build temples to their gods, an American asked a local person how much the ornate temple they were looking at had cost. The man replied, I don’t know, it is for our god. Some might question the work and materials that went in to the tabernacle. But, it was for God and the sacrifice was worth it. It was a beautiful place where they met God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Part of this reading includes a statement that they were to receive an offering from all whose hearts prompt them to give. Learning to listen to God is important. It is very important to learn to listen to God regarding being generous and giving. Some complain that the only thing the church is concerned about is raising money. That is not true. But, what is true is that God blesses generosity and want us to recognize that God is lavish in His creation and He is not stingy. It is a good thing to wisely use our resources to the best productivity. There are those who genuinely need help. God’s work is always in need of resources. Don’t be stingy. Generous people are great people to be around.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the awesomeness of God. We see that in the beautiful tabernacle and furnishings God designed. God is worthy of whatever it takes to serve and worship Him. God cares about details. God cares about the details of our lives and is always ready to be here with us.