Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 17 & 18

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Who deserves worship?  Only God deserves worship.  Some in Israel were making sacrifices to idols.  God said they must stop that and only offer sacrifices to Him.  We see a strong emphasis on the fact that life is in the blood.  The sacrifices were a substitute to take the punishment for sin.  The shedding of blood brought forgiveness.  The sacrifices also pointed forward to the time when Jesus would be the ultimate sacrifice for sin.  Some of their sacrifices where unbelievable, in that they were following the heathen practices of sacrificing children.  That must NEVER be.
    Another question from these chapters is this: Who sets the moral standards for our behavior?  God warned His people that they must reject the standards of the people around them and follow HIS standards.  That means that any sexual relationship or activity is limited only to a husband and wife.  Anything else is an abomination before God. Letting society set the standards leads to destruction.  I am observing in our world today that moral standards are becoming anything that anyone wants them to be.  The person who insists on biblical standards is attacked and ridiculed.  People think that by changing laws or getting a judge to declare something unconstitutional they have accomplished something.  The only thing they have accomplished is trying to change the unchangeable and opening themselves up for God’s judgement.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must always remember that life is valuable.  It is not a matter of convenience.  Life must be respected since life was made in the image of God.  I must also stand strong on God’s moral principles.  They are not up for debate and discussion. They are not available to change according to the whims of the time.  What God established cannot be redefined.  God’s morality stands.  I have observed that the more our society throws away God’s moral standards, the more problems we have.  There is a direct correlation between the slippery slope of changing moral standards and the deterioration of society.  History tells us that.  Modern experience tells us that.  Sadly, there is a major blind spot in our society that doesn’t see that.  I must apply God’s way.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the value that God places on life.  I want to help them see that following God’s moral principles makes our lives better. They don’t keep something good from us, they keep something bad from us.  We are always better off to do things God’s way.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 15 & 16

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God is pure and holy.  He wants a pure and holy people to follow Him.  When someone sins, God wants His people to stay far from it and the destruction it leaves.  So, an important principle is to stay far away from active participation in sin.
    God provided for atonement.  The basic meaning of the word is covering, making a payment for sin.  So we see the picture of covering sin.  The atonement made a payment for the offense of sin.  Israel needed the day of atonement because of their sin.  The sacrifices and rituals in the Day of Atonement pointed forward to the complete atonement Jesus would provide on the cross.  He did that because we all need covering for our sins.  While the Day of Atonement was an annual celebration, Jesus died once on the cross to pay for all sins.1 Peter 3:18 says "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit," (NKJV).  There is no more need of sacrifice for sin.  The need is accepting it and applying it in our lives.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The details of the Day of Atonement are complex and specific.  If the priest didn't follow the directions exactly, he would be judged.  The details of the sacrifice of Jesus show God's great plan was fulfilled.  The requirement for each one is to follow God's directions to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We must receive the forgiveness of sins He paid for and live a life with Jesus as Lord.  Lord means control.  We must make Jesus our Lord.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see what sin is and point them to the awesome life Jesus offers.  So many people believe the lie that says they are not really living till they are sinning.  Sadly, those who follow that deception end up having a very hard life and pay a major price for their "fun".

Friday, December 27, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 13 & 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    One thought that jumped out to me as I read these chapters is that God was revealing to them the important principle of cleaning out, destroying an infection.  There are items that, as they are contaminated must be burned.  Today we know the importance of isolating disease.  Back then this wasn’t understood, but God knew it and He gave this knowledge to Israel.
    It is common to struggle to understand the depth of these details of the issue of people and things being unclean.  I like the way the Fire Bible describes it in a footnote.  It says:
All the things described as “unclean” in Leviticus had to do with reflecting God’s purity and purposes. Most related to physical or environmental issues such as injury, disease (chs. 13-14; Nu 5:2; 12:10-14), death (Nu 5:2; 31:19; 35:33) and contamination (14:33-57). These laws reflected God’s character and his concern for his people. (1) All of these things that were described as “unclean” reflected how creation had strayed from the perfection God originally intended. The laws of uncleanness constantly reminded the people of the devastating results of their sin. (2) But these laws also showed God’s care for the people. For example, because the Israelites lived so closely with one another and wandered from place to place, infectious (i.e., contagious) skin diseases or environmental hazards could cause widespread death and destruction to many other groups of people. That is why these “unclean” things had to be contained and controlled. God’s laws about cleanliness in body and home were safety measures that show his care and compassion for humankind.
(Quotation from the Fire Bible footnote on Leviticus 13:3.)

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Since the human race has strayed from God’s best, actually it is probably more accurate to say it has run from God’s best, I must live daily in moving towards God’s best.  I must never forget the destructive effect of sin.  I see it often.  My experiences in life have taken me to many places where I have seen the ruin that sin brings.  The Bible says we are to flee from youthful lusts.  We are to run and take God’s way of escape from temptation.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the truth of what happens when they sin.  The fun they had for a short time leads to a major loss.  God’s ways are always best.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 11 & 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    These chapters are part of the Law regarding the eating and purification restrictions God gave them.  They can seem complex.  They were apparently given for health reasons, some of the animals could pass on diseases.  We can also see that God was giving them reminders of the importance of their separation from the rest of the world.  They were surrounded by sinful people and they must remain separate.  While we are not restricted by these strict dietary directives today, the principle of staying close to God and far from the sinning world still apply.  The modern lifestyles of Christians must be separate from the rest of the world so that God is honored.  I’m reminded of the passage that says we are to be holy because God is holy.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    People are born with a sinful nature.  That nature constantly wants to rise up and make itself known.  That sinful nature wants to control life.  Just when it seems like things are going along well in serving God, the tempter comes to try to bring us back to where we started.  This nature brings us to destruction and death.  Jesus gives life.  We must refuse to allow the old nature to have a “resurrection”.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to see God and His ways. They must see them as the best choice for life.  Some times God’s ways seem hard, but in the long run they are always the best ways.

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Aaron and his sons began their priestly ministry.  God had high expectations and standards for them.  He expected them to live a holy life.  Because of their positions, people would look up to them.  They were expected to set an example for the rest to follow.  They had to be sober and in control, especially as they were fulfilling their priestly duties.  They could not give control of their lives to any power other than God.
    The sacrifices offered teaches all about the substitutionary atonement.  This fancy sounding term means that God accepts a substitute sacrifice.  The animals that were sacrificed for the sins people committed were a substitute for the forgiveness of sins.  The innocent died in the place of the sinful.  This is exactly what Jesus did on the cross.  He died in the place of every human to provide forgiveness.  His blood satisfied the righteousness of God the Father to punish sins.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    We see God’s attitude about what He expected from the priests with what happened to Nadab and Abihu.  They disobeyed God by offering strange fire before Him.  God’s judgement was swift and sure and no one missed the point.  God is looking for obedience.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to learn God’s principles for life.  They are not simply to control, but to help people have the best life possible and receive the blessings that come from God.  Obedience is always the best choice.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 7 & 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    As people read these sections of scripture, it is easy to just pass over them and think they are not important.  What can we learn from them?  They can seem out of touch with modern life.  But, there is much we can learn about God and what He wants for His people.  In trying to understand, let me share a note in the Fire Bible talking about these chapters.
In the OT, worship ceremonies, such as the sacrifices and offerings, were a means of communication between God and his people. They were active, symbolic prayers by which the people admitted their sin and requested God’s forgiveness. These ceremonies provided a way for the people to maintain and renew their relationship with God. They also allowed the Israelites to express gratitude and dedication to God. On God’s part, the ceremonies were dramatic symbols of his promises, warnings and teachings. Through these ceremonies God revealed his contempt for sin, his mercy toward the people and what he expected from them.
    The sacrifices described in Leviticus teach us about God’s love for people and His hatred of sin.  Those who insist on continuing to sin will be cut off.  The truths about righteousness and sin are not just theory, they must be applied to life.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Under the Law God provided for priests to administer the sacrifices and worship of God.  Jesus came to fulfill the Law and become the High Priest for all.  We now have direct access to come to God with our needs and requests.  Our High Priest was tempted as a man and knows what we are experiencing.  We can come boldly to Him to get help in time of need.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People must grasp that we have direct access to come to God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  Never doubt and fear.  Come and receive the new life Jesus bought on the cross.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 5 & 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Confessing sin.  There were many different sacrifices mentioned in this book.  Those who sinned were required to confess it.  Confessing requires admission of guilt before God.  God has the highest and most perfect standard of holiness.  People miss that by a long margin.  We can’t live up to what God expects, so we must acknowledge our sin and confess.  Leviticus lists many sacrifices.  They were required under the Law to receive forgiveness.  There was a cost involved in bringing a sacrifice.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Acknowledging guilt.  God requires it.  While these chapters have a complex system of sacrifices, today we don’t bring an animal but come to the Lord who paid the price for sins.  I’m glad the way has been paved for us by Jesus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to see that they need the Lord.  Many are deceived into thinking that everyone automatically goes to heaven unless they are a horrible murder or something.  People need to see they need the Lord.
Proverbs 28:13 NKJV
13 He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 3 & 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Offerings and sacrifices.  The teaching continues to reveal what Israel had to learn and apply.  We read of the fellowship offering.  This is a special privilege people have -- to be able to have fellowship with God, the Almighty Creator.  God invites us to fellowship with Him, to worship Him and express thanksgiving for all He is and does.  It is important to have people we can visit with and be encouraged by their presence.  We have the most amazing “all access pass”, we can enjoy the presence of God.
    These chapters also talk about sin offerings.  Sin is a real issue.  God’s righteousness has established right and wrong.  The things that go against His righteousness must be rejected.  When people do sin, we have a way to obtain forgiveness.  God wants us to get very close to Him and very far away from sin.  These sacrifices give us a picture of that.  They also give us a picture pointing forward to Jesus and the sacrifice He made of Himself on the cross.  Today we can receive the gift of eternal life and forgiveness because of the ultimate sin sacrifice.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Every time I read these passages, I think of all that they had to do to receive forgiveness.  It was quite an amazing process to bring the sacrifices.  God not only was calling for Israel to repent and bring a sacrifice, but He was also speaking to them to get sin “out of the camp”.  Get sin far away from them.  Live a righteous life.  These passages help us to see how God wants us to live.  He wants us to get sin far from our lives.  He wants us to live loving Him and hating sin.  This is a very practical application of the Bible for daily life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    The sacrifice for sin has been made.  Jesus provided it for any and all who will believe.  We don’t have to follow the path of sacrifices, we have to come to Jesus.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Bring an offering to the Lord.  That is the theme we see as this book begins.  Bringing an offering to the Lord brings God pleasure.  When they would come in obedience and submission to God, it brought them closer to Him.  These offerings were a means of forgiveness as well as an act of worship.  These offerings cost the giver something.  They earned the grains through their work.  They had to tend and raise the animals that were sacrificed.  They brought their offerings and drew near to God in dedication to Him. It is not an offering if it costs us nothing.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The sacrifices they brought were the best.  If they came with an old and lame animal, it would be an insult to God. They had to bring the best.  God is worthy of our best.  He must not get what no one else wants.  I have heard of modern-day stories of people bringing food to a collection for hungry people who bring old food they don’t want to eat.  When we have special times of food collection today I tell people to bring the things that they and their family like to eat.  Don’t bring the old, out of date things that you forgot about in the back of the cabinet.
    The burnt offering sacrifices brought atonement, brought forgiveness to the one bringing the sacrifice.  The concept of bringing the best and receiving forgiveness is important to remember.  I must give my best to God.  I remember the title of an old song: Give Of Your Best To The Master.  That’s good advice.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to know that God forgives.  The sacrifices we see in Leviticus point forward to the time when Jesus would come and complete the sacrifices and provide atonement through His blood.  We all need to come close to God.  We can do that through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 39 & 40

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Here is an encouraging verse, one that should be repeated in the lives of all who call themselves followers of Jesus.  After completing the work on the Tabernacle, Exodus 39:32 concludes “The Israelites did everything just as the Lord commanded Moses”.  To say that a person did all that the Lord commanded is one of the highest statements that can be made.  Then in verse 42 we see that the work was inspected.  It passed.
    Doing what God says to do.  We must learn this lesson and pass this test daily.  One Bible principle that we should live by is the statement “to obey is better”.  It is always better to obey God than any other option.  The writings of Moses record many times when the people failed to obey God.  Here is one time when they did exactly as God commanded.  They were blessed by their obedience.
    This book ends with some awesome verses.  A few of them are:
Exodus 40:34-35 NKJV
34 Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. 35 And Moses was not able to enter the tabernacle of meeting, because the cloud rested above it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
    To experience the glory of the presence of God is greater than anything this world can offer.  May we seek and live in God’s glory.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    When the construction project was completed, they anointed, they dedicated it all to the Lord.  Setting apart for God and His work is a high calling.  Aaron and his sons  were consecrated as priests.  They were set apart for serving God.  To be in God’s service is a special calling.  I must always seek God’s plan for my life and follow through with it.  New doors of opportunity will open up.  Whatever God has for me is what I want to seek and follow.  I live in a culture that says one should work for a while and then retire and play.  This book tells me that Moses was 80 years old when he took on the task of leading the nation out of slavery.  I never know what God has for me next, but I know it will never be to simply do nothing.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people find God’s best for their lives.  What is the plan and how will God use them?  Moses had three major sections of his life, each one vastly different.  In each part of his life, Moses learned valuable lessons that would take him forward.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 37 & 38

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    I am trying to picture the items made for them to use as they worshiped God.  I see many of them described as covered with God.  Some were made with pure gold. Then there was much silver and bronze.  God gave the craftsmen skills to make everything just exactly according to His plans.  Some might wonder about the extravagant value of all the materials.  When that question comes up we must remember it was to honor God.  God extravagantly created the universe.  He made our world with countless forms of plant and animal life.  He made so many beautiful things for us to enjoy.  As the people of Israel were making a place of worship, it was only right to make it beautiful for the Creator.  According to one translation I read, they used almost 2,200 pounds of gold and over 7500 pounds of silver.  God was worth it.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I think about all the materials the people willingly gave to build the Tabernacle.  In a previous chapter it says they had to tell the people to quit giving as they had enough to complete the task.  God loves a cheerful giver.  This is a vital lesson to learn.  I love to be around generous people.  This is not because I am looking for something from them. It is because generosity makes for a friendly and desirable personality.  Generally, it is a stingy person who is a grouch.  Learning to be generous is a life-long process, but a great one to experience.

3.  How can I help someone?
    God has a great plan for life.  He will reveal it.  I want to help people find God’s plan for their lives and learn to be outward in their thinking, not inward and selfish.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 35 & 36

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The time came for Israel to make the tent of meeting, the Tabernacle where they would worship God.  Their weekly time of worship was so important that God said whoever worked on the Sabbath would be put to death.  They needed to learn the priorities of worship.  Many modern people who claim to be followers of God need to think on this truth.
    As they started on the Tabernacle they began to receive offerings of building materials.  The people gave and gave.  They gave with a willing heart.  They gave joyfully.  In fact they gave so much that the leaders finally told them to quit giving, they had more than they needed.  This is a beautiful picture of the joy of giving and the blessings of a generous heart.  The human concept is get all you can and can all you get.  How much can I accumulate?  I want it all for me.  But, God shows us the blessings of giving.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This chapter shows again the truth that God is the creator of everything and that He gives skills and abilities to people to understand what is needed to make things.  He gave skills to people to work with wood, metals and cloths.  He helped them understand how and why things work so they could create the Tabernacle out in the middle of the wilderness.  Nothing is too difficult for God.  He made all the laws of science and nature.  Things work because that is the way God made them to work.  So, whatever God has for me to do He is well-able to enable and equip me to do it.  He will help me understand what I need to understand.  He will help me to learn what I need to learn so I can do what He has called me to do.  I have always been amazed at the things I see people do.  I see so many people with skills make things.  I see people create and invent new things.  I am amazed that things work and we are constantly having new and more advanced technology.  These are all possible because God enables people to understand His creative truths.  If God can show people thousands of years ago how to make the Tabernacle, He can show me what I need today to do His plan for my life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Nothing is too hard for God.  He won’t always do what we want Him to do, but He is not perplexed by the challenges we face.  We must learn to trust God and let Him work on the details. We must do what He calls us to do and rely on Him.  We will be amazed at what will be accomplished.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 33 & 34

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    What can we do without God?  Well, actually there are many things we can do in our own strength.  The question is, why would we want to?  Moses understood the importance of God’s presence and His going with them.  Because of Israel’s sin and idolatry God said He would not go with them to the promised land.  Moses interceded with God to change His mind.  If God wasn’t going with them, he didn’t want to go.  This truth is just as important today.  We can have much material success.  We can gather a following that seems spiritual.  But, without God’s powerful presence, we are lost.  We need God’s presence.  Moses showed how potent God is.  Even being in His presence changed Moses’ countenance so that he had to cover his face.
    God emphasized to Moses that they must not make treaties or compromise with the heathen they were going to conquer.  That would result in spiritual apostasy, causing the younger generation to worship idols.  This is an important principle: stay close to God and teach the younger generation God’s truths.  It is best to live as far from any participation in evil as we can.  Those who live for God set a strong foundation for their future generations.  Those who live for sin set their future generations up for failure.  They literally teach their children to sin.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Moses learned the importance of having God’s power and presence in his life.  Even though he had the position of national leader, he didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere without God.  I can learn skills and develop the ability to do things.  I am more and more aware that I must have God’s direction and power, or I will only muddle through life.  I won’t accomplish anything of lasting value if I try to do it all myself.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Especially those who call on the name of Jesus must recognize that all good things only come from God.  We can and must develop our skills and talents.  We must use what we have for good and for eternity.  But we will never reach the heights God plans for us when we try to do things on our own.  I want to help people see the awesomeness of God’s presence.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 31 & 32

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    I have always been amazed that Israel could make the beautiful and intricate tabernacle and articles out in the desert.  They had no modern technology.  But, this was no problem for God.  God gave the skill to Bezalel to make it all.  I am also amazed these days to see the things that people can create. The high tech toys we have are the things that people used to dream about.  Now we have them.  God still gives ideas and abilities to enable people to create awesome things.  God reveals the secrets of science and people have abilities to make and produce all the things we need and enjoy in life.  The answer to the question of “why” in so many scientific truths is simply, “that’s the way God made it”.
    God also emphasized a necessary truth for life: we need to take a Sabbath rest.  He created our bodies to need a break, a time to worship God and be physically refreshed.  Sadly, this truth has been abandoned by modern society with the thought that we can go 24/7 and not have any consequences.
    Then we get in to a very sad chapter.  Shortly before this we read that Israel promised to obey and worship God. Then, when Moses was up on the mountain with God longer than they thought he should be, they made idols and started worshiping them, participating in lewd behaviors.  God severely judged them for their actions.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Two major thoughts jump out to me from this reading:
1.  God has all knowledge and will reveal what we need to know in order to do His work.  Whatever God has for us to do for Him will be empowered by Him.  We have gifts and abilities and we must develop them and then use them.  I can’t make excuses and not work to develop what God has called me to do.  I have to do what God asks.
2.  The deception that pulls people away from serving God is amazing.  I read how they made a golden calf and then said, this is the god that brought us out of Egypt.  Hello!!!  You just made something and then, this thing you just made, is what helped you previously?  If people would look at some of the things they say, they would see how silly they are.  I must listen to what God says in His Word and then respond in obedience to what it says.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see they can do amazing things with God’s help.  We often put ourselves down and limit what we can accomplish because we don’t trust God or use the gifts He has given to us.  I also want to help people see the clear message of the Gospel and receive the benefits of obedience.

Bible Chapter: Exodus 29 & 30

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God continued to reveal His plans for Israel to worship Him.  He had a reason for all the instructions He gave.  There are some very detailed and specific instructions for consecrating the priests to God’s service.  God was looking for men who were Godly and lived a pure life, who would be a good example.  There were very high expectations of their lives and character.  If they were going to lead and teach the people about God, they had to live the life themselves.  As a pastor, I see that.  I have had the privilege of being involved in the ministerial credentialing process.  I have participated in many interviews of those who have been called by God to minister in His church.  The high standards of life and service have always come up.  God has high expectations and requirements.  We see that, from the beginning, God has expected those who serve in ministry take it very seriously.  It is a commitment to God and a representative of God to people.
    All the parts of the construction of the place of worship, all the items used, were planned by God.  They were beautifully made.  Their times of sacrifice were to be carefully done in obedience to God.  God is pure and we see His rejection of anything sinful throughout all these guidelines He gave.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God is worthy to be worshiped.  God is worthy to receive all the glory and honor that we can give Him.  The very specific and intricate details of how they were to serve and worship God show how awesome and worthy God is.  For very important events (weddings, birthdays, etc.) the planning is detailed and done to the best way possible.  Serving and worshiping God is more important than any thing on this earth and is worthy of all our best efforts.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the Lord.  As they see HIM they will be drawn to HIM and want to worship HIM.  Life and service to God is not about me, but all about HIM.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 27 & 28

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    I have heard an expression about people who don’t know what they are doing, or who don’t plan well.  It is called “management by crisis”.  This describes people who don’t really know what they are doing and just muddle through life.  This is the total opposite of these chapters.  We see God’s amazing plans He revealed.  We see that God clearly showed Israel what they were to do to worship God.  The fine detail and the beauty of the design show the worth of God, the Creator.  Each of the pieces they created were part of their worship and growing relationship with God.  God provided for the forgiveness of sins through the sacrifices.  Everything they needed was given to them.
    One of the challenges I have found in reading these chapters over the years has been to get a good mental picture of what these items looked like.  I appreciate the drawings included in my study Bible.  I use the Fire Bible, Don Stamps general editor.  It is an excellent study tool to help me understand the scriptures better.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God has a plan for my life.  God wants everyone to come to Him.  In these chapters, as God was revealing His laws and expectations of their worship they saw God’s care for them.  I have always been impressed by the fine detail of the tabernacle, and then later, the temple in Jerusalem.  God cares about the details.  That is encouraging that He cares about the details of life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    So many people think that life is just something to endure, hopefully to have some fun along the way.  People need to see God loves them and cares for them.  He wants them to learn God’s plan and serve Him.  Just as we see God’s creativity in these chapters, we can see it in our lives as well.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 25 & 26

 Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    In the process of giving the Law to Israel, God gave them very specific instructions about the tabernacle they were to make.  This was a portable tent, a movable place where they would come and worship God.  This is the first time God’s people had a specific place set aside for their worship.  We are so used to having church buildings, but they had no place built and set aside for worship.  God was very clear about how they were to make it.  It was very ornate, made of much gold and fine building materials.
    As I was reading these chapter I was reminded of a story I heard once.  In some country where they build temples to their gods, an American asked a local person how much the ornate temple they were looking at had cost.  The man replied, I don’t know, it is for our god.  Some might question the work and materials that went in to the tabernacle.  But, it was for God and the sacrifice was worth it.  It was a beautiful place where they met God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Part of this reading includes a statement that they were to receive an offering from all whose hearts prompt them to give.  Learning to listen to God is important.  It is very important to learn to listen to God regarding being generous and giving.  Some complain that the only thing the church is concerned about is raising money.  That is not true.  But, what is true is that God blesses generosity and want us to recognize that God is lavish in His creation and He is not stingy.  It is a good thing to wisely use our resources to the best productivity.  There are those who genuinely need help.  God’s work is always in need of resources.  Don’t be stingy.  Generous people are great people to be around.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the awesomeness of God.  We see that in the beautiful tabernacle and furnishings God designed.  God is worthy of whatever it takes to serve and worship Him.  God cares about details.  God cares about the details of our lives and is always ready to be here with us.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 23 & 24

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God created people.  God loves and cares for people.  We see that in this passage.  He gave them laws for the ethical treatment of people, both the rich and poor, the powerful and weak.  He even told them to help their enemies.  As I read the Bible I see God’s great care for people and the benefits to society when God’s ways are practiced.  He speaks against various actions because these sinful things will destroy people.  People are God’s highest creation, made in His image.  He warned them to not get involved in the religious and immoral practices of the nations they were to conquer.  They were to stay far away from any participation in sin.
    God reassured Moses and the nation of His covenant with them.  He had a plan and told them that if they would obey, they would have amazing blessings from God.  Often we read that the people promised to do what God told them.  An example is Exodus 24:3 NKJV
3 So Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD and all the judgments. And all the people answered with one voice and said, "All the words which the LORD has said we will do."
    They clearly said they would do all the Lord said for them to do.  Sadly, they didn’t always follow through with that promise and they paid the price.  We can be assured that God will always keep His work.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God promised to lead Israel in their journey.  I love the statement where God said He would be an enemy to their enemies and He would oppose those who opposed them.  God told them to worship only Him and His blessing would be on them.  That is an encouraging promise to those who worship God.  The law He gave told them how to treat people.  Those who follow those principles will receive the benefits and blessings from God.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to see that God really does know what He is talking about.  Sadly, today many people are being very vocal about claiming to be atheists and are promoting their lack of belief.  It is interesting that they see the good things that Christians have and are copying many of them.  Some are actually starting atheist “churches” where they gather, sing songs, visit, hear a speech, and do everything Christians do, except believe in God.  That shows me that God’s way is best, these people simply refuse to accept the truth of God.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 21 & 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    After giving the Ten Commandments, God gave Israel many laws for them to follow.  These guided them in their civil matters.  They told them about how to treat people and hold people responsible for their actions.  This is an important principle for a healthy society.  People must learn responsibility for their actions.  If they don’t do things in a proper manner, they must pay the price.  Accountability is necessary.  People who live without accountability and responsibility tear down their society.
    God never approved of slavery.  He gave them laws to direct them in how they handled slaves.  They were more humane than the ways slaves had been treated.  God’s plan was that Israel would eventually abolish slavery.  Sadly, their hearts were not tender to hear from God on this issue at that time.  Throughout this section of scripture we see God’s compassion for people in need.  He gave them many laws so that people would be treated with respect, life would be honored and their culture would be a good place to live.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Treat people in the way God shows.  This passage talks about how to prevent problems and help people who have been injured or incurred a loss.  It talks about real responsibility for actions.  All of these principles must be applied. Even though these laws applied to Israel at that time, the principles they are founded on are for all people and are timeless.  God calls for us to respect life and have a commitment to fairness and justice.  These are beneficial principles to apply to life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see how God looks at life.  The term is called world-view.  It means how we look at life and the issues of life.  The foundation for our thinking, the filter we use to see and live life, must be based on the things God reveals.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 19 & 20

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God gave the nation of Israel multiple and ample evidence of His care, guidance and plan for them.  God promised to help them.  They were responsible to listen and obey His commands.  They came to the foot of Mt. Sinai and God called Moses to meet Him on the mount.  God reminded Moses of all He had done for them and how important it was for them to live a righteous life.  The people all promised to do everything God commanded.  In a very dynamic way God revealed the Ten Commandments to them.  This was the foundation of their moral law and the way to live righteously before God.  The commandments told them how to respond to God and get along with each other.
    God’s actions in these chapters show His power and holiness.  The people were warned to not touch the mountain when God was showing His presence there.  Those who follow God must grasp the reality of His holiness.  We must strive to grow in righteousness to be more like Him.  We will never be a God, but we must endeavor to take on His righteousness.  I am reminded of II Corinthians 5:21 NLT “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.”  Another translations says “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”  NKJV Taking on God’s righteousness is a necessary act for our spiritual growth and a major improvement for daily life.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The Ten Commandments are the foundation for living, the foundation for a just and moral society.  There is safety in laws the commandments express.  This passage has been the groundwork for many legal systems.  They cover the important areas of life.  I must always strive to live them.  They make life much better.  God expects obedience.  Memo to self: obey the commandments.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the holiness of God.  His nature is what we need.  We need a loving and caring God. We also need His righteousness to make life better.  We don’t have to be afraid of people who really live a godly life.  People need to see they will be better off when the follow God’s commandments.

Bible Chapter: Exodus 17 & 18

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

Editor’s note: up to this point in the Connect2LIFE reading, we have been reading one chapter a day. We covered the New Testament in a year.  If we continued that rate, it would take over three years to cover the Old Testament. From this point on, many days will include two chapters.  This will allow us to cover the Old Testament in two years.
1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Again, the people grumbled when they had a need.  Again they blamed Moses and acted as if he had forced them from Egypt against their will.  From their complaints one would think they actually liked it back in Egypt.  They needed water.  God instructed Moses to strike a rock and water would flow.  They kept testing God.  God showed His plans and provision.  This is another reminder to trust God.
    Then they had to deal with the Amalekites.  We are here introduced to Joshua who would eventually lead the nation.  Joshua was chosen to lead the army to fight against the attack.  Moses took Aaron and Hur with him to the top of a hill overlooking the battle.  We see a good picture of the necessity of supporting leaders to bring victory.  God gave them victory as Moses was able to hold his hands up to God.  It took them all, working together, to see it accomplished.
    Another lesson learned, and this is a good teaching for the modern church, was when Jethro came to visit Moses.  Moses was trying to lead, judge and do everything by himself for the whole nation.  It couldn’t be done.  Moses needed to appoint and delegate helpers to lead the people.  This shows the importance of a good team doing God’s work.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I see the importance of working together in both of these chapters.  Moses was an amazing man of God.  The Bible gives him many accolades.  But, when he tried to everything by himself, he couldn’t make it.  He needed help.  Working together and depending on God was necessary for Israel to have the victories they needed.  This is necessary advice for the church today.  In the past it has been the primary responsibility of the pastor to do so many things.  That just can’t be done.  More gets done as we all work together.  This principle jumped out to me very emphatically as I read these chapters.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people be enabled to do the work God planned them to do.  I want to help people step up and do more than they thought they could.  Together, we will do more.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bible Chapter: Exodus 16

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Complaining to God and blaming God.  The human race has had this ability for a long time.  It is very common today.  People try to define who God is to be and how He is to function.  If God doesn’t work exactly like they want, they refuse to believe in Him. I find this interesting.  If I am able to define and dictate God’s actions, then I must be greater than God.  If I am greater than God, then I don’t need God.  Israel was quick to complain and forget the horrors of slavery.  They said they had it good in Egypt, lots of food, etc.  They forgot all the miracles God performed to free them and get them on their journey.  They said God brought them out there to starve.  They didn’t give God much credit.
    God knew exactly what He was doing.  He had a plan and told Moses what they were to do.  God would provide all the food and nourishment they needed.  Provision for His people is never a problem for God.  They ate bread from heaven.  They had all they needed.  This bread (manna) was also a test from God.  Would they obey and take what they needed and use it as God directed?  Many of them did.  A few had a better idea.  Those who disobeyed brought God’s wrath.  Again, a lesson in obedience.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One of the lessons of the manna was to take a double portion on the sixth day.  They were to take a Sabbath rest on the seventh day.  This principle of rest and spiritual restoration was established by God at the beginning.  He still tells His followers to practice it.  The modern world has totally ignored it.  We used to have laws that made many businesses close on Sunday.  Somehow, no one starved during those days.  We made it and thrived in life.  Those laws have all been repealed and Sunday is no different than any other day of the week.  We now have a 24/7 society.  The person who says they will make this one day different and not live like the rest of the week is now an oddity.  Even many Christians don’t make Sunday special.  Church attendance is an option, but not necessarily the top option.  Churches today specialize in a sixty minute service so people can get out and get more important things done.  Throughout the Bible we see the lessons of God’s opinion of the Sabbath.  He expects us to give Him a special day of worship and rest.  We need it physically and spiritually.  We are much better off when we apply it.

3.  How can I help someone?
    God really does know what to do in every situation in life.  People need to learn this.  His wisdom leads to the importance of our obedience to His directives.  When I can help people learn this, they will receive the benefits and blessings that come.