Monday, December 31, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 19

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The word that jumped out to me as I began to read this chapter is: pain.  Pilate had Jesus flogged.  I don’t think the western world can comprehend the agony of the flogging.  Historical experts have written of the process that was devised by evil minds.  I try to think of painful times I have had.  I have injured a rib and pulled rib muscles.  It was basically impossible to move without excruciating pain.  My gallbladder went bad on me.  At that point I didn’t care what anyone did.  Take me out of my misery.
    I know that anything I have experienced is nothing compared to the flogging Jesus received.  His body was ripped to shreds.  Why did He go through this?  He came to take the punishment for my sin. He did what no one could do.  He was innocent, took on our guilt, and became the substitute for the human race.
    The pain Jesus experienced was also mental.  He was mocked.  When they said hail to the king, they were mocking and ridiculing Jesus.  They called His position a joke.  No person likes to be mocked.  This is especially true when a person has real credibility that is being mocked.
    The pain culminated at the cross.  Jesus was hung there to die.  Again, relying on experts, they tell us that the pain of hanging on the cross caused a person to not be able to breathe.  The person would pull themselves up by pulling and pushing on the nails through their body to get the lungs to function again.  I think of a phrase of an old song: “He was nailed to the cross for me.”  The pain and torture of crucifixion was so horrible that the Roman government did not crucify their own citizens.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The one thing that must be applied in life is to receive the benefit of the suffering of Jesus.  He did it all for each individual person.  To walk away from it is to make it as worthless.  I must continually walk with Jesus.
    I recently talked with a person who had been delivered from a very messed up life.  He called out to Jesus and He changed his life.  He was going to church and getting along well.  Then he decided that he was fine and didn’t need to worry about serving Jesus any more.  His life went lower than it had been before.  What Jesus did on the cross gives us an ongoing relationship with Him.  We must stay connected to Him continually.
    When Jesus said “it is finished”, He literally meant that the work to provide salvation was completed.  The effect will continue and there is no need for further sacrifice.  What I and everyone must do is receive His finished work and apply it daily.  There can be no greater sacrifice than for one to give their life.  That’s what Jesus did for me.

3.  How can I help someone?
    What is the greatest need any person ever had?  It is victory over sin and hope for the future.  Many politicians have promised hope.   Real hope is found in Jesus.  I must be ready to help people see that this chapter is not just a history lesson, but an up to date story of personal hope.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 18

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This chapter is part of the most important event in human history - the crucifixion of Jesus.  All human history hinges on this event, followed by His resurrection.  In the midst of these details a few things jump out to me.
    John covers the story of Peter’s three denials of Jesus.  In the safety of the gathering with Jesus Peter boldly declared that he would never turn his back on Jesus.  And yet, out of the refuge of the private meeting, when faced with those who were against Jesus, Peter failed the test.  I see this often in our modern world.  At church, or maybe youth camp, in a place where the presence of Jesus is felt and all are in agreement, commitments are made to stand up for Jesus.  Then, the person gets out in the world where there is unbelief, mocking and strong defense of sin.  When the believer has to stand on his/her own, they cave in and compromise.  It is very easy to be intimidated.  So, we must keep our focus on Jesus, on eternity, to not compromise or be afraid to stand for what we know is true.
    I see another interesting scenario in this chapter.  Verse 28 talks about the fact that the Jews would not enter the palace of the Roman governor, for that would make them ceremonially unclean.  They wanted to participate in the Passover.  And yet, what were they doing?  They were participating in a lie, in the accusation that Jesus had done evil.  History shows that there was manipulation and deception in the whole process, yet, they could justify participation while still claiming to be clean so they could participate in their religious ceremony.
    If a person is truly going to serve God, then the righteousness of God must impact every aspect of life.  They can’t participate in deception and evil in one part of life and then claim they are following God’s moral principles in another.  This is called compartmentalization.  It says that what a person does in one part of life won’t impact others areas of life.  This is false and unbiblical.  A person who cheats at work will cheat at home.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    In reading the Gospels I have seen often the call of Jesus to listen and obey His commands.  It is easy to obey them in the safety of church or gatherings with other believers.  But where the commitments must really be lived is in daily life where I meet other people.  Probably most Christians don’t openly dely Jesus, but often their silence is equal to denial.  By not speaking for the Lord in many situations it is implied that believers go along with what is being said.  While it is not always possible to speak and discuss the things of God, often silence is used as a cover to not identify with unpopular positions the Bible teaches.
    When they came to arrest Jesus, He didn’t resist.  He admitted He was the One they were seeking and went willingly, submitted to God’s plan.  This is what Christians today must do, submit to God’s plan.  This includes not being afraid to speak for Him when the opportunity arises.  Situations will often be intimidating.  The closer we get to Jesus, the more we study the Bible and learn what it really says, the more we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, the more we will accomplish for Jesus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people to see what Jesus really did, how He willingly went to the cross for the human race.  Jesus didn’t get caught up in the politics and battles of the world.  He said His kingdom wasn’t of this world.  Jesus used spiritual means to establish His continued presence in the world.  People need to see Jesus as truth.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 17

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This prayer is the last thing Jesus did before He was arrested.  And, in it He prayed for us today.  He prayed for all who would believe on Him.  Jesus prayed that His followers would be truly unified.  We must continually be unified in our love of God and reject the pull for schism.  Trying to get Christians picking at one another is a favorite activity of our adversary.  More energy has been wasted fighting over things that don’t matter than we can count.  I remember hearing someone say about their local church:  “We are going to have unity around here, even if we have to fight to keep it.”
    Jesus also prayed that the church would be holy.  This means we are set apart from active participation in sin and actively letting the character of God grow in and flow through us.  Through our Godly unity we are accomplishing the purpose God intended.  It is through a holy life that we will be able to accomplish the purpose God has for our lives.
    Jesus prayed for our protection from the forces and power of the world.  He specifically said that His followers are NOT of this world.  We live here and work for God here, but we are really citizens of His kingdom and must keep our focus on that.  As we live in God’s presence we become more and more like Him.  Our old nature dies out and continues to die out so that the righteousness of God grows.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I remember the words of a song from long ago: “I have one deep supreme desire, that I may be like Jesus.”  These words come to mind as I think of applying this chapter.  Jesus prayed for me that I would really know Him.  He prayed that through this relationship I would be kept from the taint and destruction of the world.  He prayed that I would be holy inside and out.  He prayed that I would live in unity with those who believe in Him.  He prayed that I will be victorious throughout life and be in my eternal home.
    As I think of all the things Jesus prayed for, I am reminded that I play a large part in seeing the results come Jesus desired for me.  I must live in a continual submission to Him and seek to mature spiritually.  Serving Jesus and growing in Him is a process that will take my entire life.  Jesus said He fulfilled the plan the Father had for Him.  I must continue to strive to fulfill the plan God has for me.  Whatever He has, I must seek and be faithful so that some day I hear “well done”.
    A big part of the application of what God has for me is obedience.  I must strive for and actually do it - obey.  Obedience of any authority is probably the most difficult issue most people deal with.  Getting close to Jesus is a major step in accomplishing obedience to Him.  We can come to the place where we really want to obey.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Jesus prayed for us.  I must pray for people for them to come to know this relationship with God that has been bought and paid for by Jesus.  Pray that people will see Jesus for Who He really is, not the distorted view propagated by the enemy.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 16

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    People have always fought in a powerful spiritual battle.  The goal of the forces of evil is to destroy.  The enemy who hates God is very deceptive and convinces people of lies.  Jesus said that there are those who persecute believers, those who kill them, and they think they are doing God a favor.  This persecution will even come from those in what some would call “the faith community”.  Under the name of religion there are some who persecute believers.  This action shows they are not really followers of God’s plan and purpose for life.  Persecution will come.  It must not cause believers to give up.
    The source of power in the church is The Holy Spirit.  Jesus said He must go away so the Spirit could come to empower the church.  The Holy Spirit came to convict the world of guilt regarding sin.  Part of His work is to expose and convince.  People are good at hiding sin.  The Spirit exposes sin and brings people to a place where they must do something about it.  They can’t just keep pretending it is not an issue.  People come to a place of repentance as a result of the tugging of the Spirit in their hearts.  He leads them to make a choice to believe and receive God’s gift.  The Spirit brings conviction, but the individual must still make the decision to serve Jesus.
    Jesus promised peace to His followers.  He said that we would experience trouble, but, take heart, for “I have overcome the world”.  Believers will experience great pressure.  This must not cause them to give up, for eventually there will be victory.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must continually remember the working of the Spirit.  He is the One Who works in the hearts of people to show them their need of Jesus.  I must tell, but I cannot manipulate or trick a person into believing.  A person manipulated may say a prayer of repentance, but they won’t mean it and it won’t “stick”.  They won’t follow up and live the life.  So, I must pray for God to work in lives and be ready to give a reason for the hope I have.  As believing friends and family have passed away, I am reminded of the importance of living with God’s power and being faithful to Him.  I do have hope.  I do wrestle in the spiritual battles, but I still have hope.  God will be with me. God will enable.  God will provide.  I must be faithful and live in His power.
    An explanation in the Full Life Study Bible says that the basic meaning of “trouble” (v. 33) is pressure.  I find that interesting because we often live under pressure.  I experience pressure to do well, to keep people happy, etc.  I do live with pressures.  The comment goes on to say that we can take courage because Jesus has triumphed.  We will share in that triumph.  The promise of victory mitigates the pressure.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People who have not yet made the commitment to follow Jesus don’t like the convicting work of the Spirit. They will often push it aside and do all they can to avoid it.  This is why some refuse to come to church, for they are reminded of their need of submission to Jesus.  I must pray and find God’s leading to help people understand that God is not being mean to them, but showing them their need.  Like a doctor pointing out to a patient that they have a real medical need and radical treatment is necessary, I must help people see that the convicting of the Spirit is showing their radical need.  It’s not enough to know of the need, something must be done.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 15

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    “I am the vine.”  Jesus said that He is the source of real life.  His followers, the branches, only have real life as long as they stay connected to HIM.  The purpose of branches is to produce fruit.  An apple tree that never produces any apples is worthless.  An orchard would cut it down and not waste the space.  Jesus said that branches that don’t produce fruit will be cut off.  So, believers must abide, stay connected to Jesus.  Life from the vine flows to the branches and they flourish.  Therefore the branch must stay connected or it will die from lack of nourishment.  As we bear fruit God is glorified.
    Staying connected to Jesus makes for a powerful prayer life.  Jesus said we are to ask and believe for the answers.
    Jesus again reiterated the importance of keeping His commandments and loving one another.  He repeated the commandment to love.  Our obedience to Jesus shows that we are His friends.  He said that He has chosen us to bring forth fruit that will last. It will be good fruit.
    While we are to be careful to not be obnoxious, Jesus did say that the world would reject His followers.  He reminds us that we are NOT of the world, we don’t belong and shouldn’t try to belong.  Since Jesus was rejected, His followers can expect to be rejected as well.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    What can I do to stay connected to Jesus?  That is what I must understand and continually apply in daily life.  The concept of “abide” is an ongoing and living connection. There are several basics to the Christian life that we have probably heard many times - Bible reading, prayer, obedience, living clean and resisting sin, etc.  These must never become old, but must remain fresh so that the spiritual growth and the fruitfulness will continue.
    I find it interesting that Jesus repeated so often in this short span of a few chapters the commandment to love and the benefits of obedience.  These must have been very important.  I know they were and are.  Since Jesus was wrapping up His teaching time with His disciples, He was refreshing them with the most important thoughts.  Love, obey and let the Holy Spirit testify of Jesus and then let the world know about God’s gift of eternal life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Who is there that I know who is hard to love?  Since loving someone is a choice, who is there that I need to make the decision and effort to love?  Who needs the love of Jesus?  These are good questions to answer and then do something about.

Bible Chapter: John 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    John 14 leads into a few chapters of Jesus’ farewell to the disciples.  Jesus had just told them that His time had come and He was ready to be sacrificed.  Now, the important last words, the final words of a dying person telling His loved ones the most essential issues they needed to know.
    Don’t worry, Jesus was going to prepare an eternal place for them.  He would show them the way to an eternal home in God’s presence.  Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.  He did many miracles in their presence, they would do many miracles in God’s power. Jesus would send a very special Comforter, the Holy Spirit to come alongside them to help.  He would continue to minister to them and empower them.  This Comforter would be for them everything they needed.
    Jesus also reminded them of the importance of keeping His commandments.  He connected it with the teachings of love.  If they (we) really loved Jesus, they would keep His commandments.  The Holy Spirit would come along side them and teach, bringing to remembrance all Jesus had taught.  We see how all of Jesus’ teachings really do work together.
    Jesus also said they would have a supernatural peace.  It would not be what the world offers, it would be a peace that passes all understanding and allow believers to not live in fear.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must take the promises of God’s provision of an eternal home and His supernatural peace and let them guide me.  Since I have this amazing promise of a place to dwell that supercedes anything I have ever seen (such as the Palace at Versailles near Paris), I can have peace through the trials and tribulations of life.  Heaven beats anything we can dream of.  It is the best place to be.  So, live for Jesus and don’t let anything interfere.  Jesus is the way, follow Him.
    I must also remember to continually follow His commandments.  I am challenged by the intricacies of verse 21.
21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.  NKJV
    To have Jesus’ commandments and keep them shows that I love Him.  That opens a new river of God’s love for me and the presence of God in me.  It all stems from my obedience to God.  Obedience is one the most difficult things for people to do.  So many wrestle with doing right.  Those who get that victory gain much more than they though possible.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Always be ready to talk about the Way, Truth and Life.  Simply being religious (whatever that means) is not enough.  Going through some rituals won’t bring me to Jesus, eternal life and His peace.  I must come to Him and follow His way.  Then I can have the comfort and assurance of my eternal home.  That will allow me to live in peace.
    God’s peace does not mean that I will never have trials and struggles.  It means that He will carry me through them and I won’t be overwhelmed by the enormity of problems.  I will, with the struggles of life, find a way to bear them.  I can help people see Jesus so they can experience the same peace.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 13

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    There is so much in this chapter.  It was Jesus’ last night on earth before the arrest and crucifixion. Jesus ate the last supper with the disciples.  We see some extremely important lessons.
    At that time, roads were very dusty.  People wore sandals and everywhere they went their feet got dirty.  It was considered good manners to offer foot washing to guests when they arrived.  But, to do this was deemed to be a lowly job done only by servants.  Jesus had been working on the disciples for a long time to teach them about the importance of being a servant.  They weren’t getting it.  The passion for greatness plagued them, even to this last supper.  Jesus powerfully showed them the importance of serving others by washing their feet.  Peter objected, considering it below Jesus’ dignity.  Jesus clearly taught that to reject this act of service was rejecting HIM.  It appears through church history in the book of Acts that they got the message and overcame their desires for human greatness and became willing servants.
    Along with the powerful messages of service and love, this chapter includes the sad story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.  Satan entered Judas and he went out and sold Jesus for money.  This only happened because Judas was complicit with the scheme.  He was willing to let the powers of evil take over.  The love of money was more powerful than his love for Jesus.
    This chapter also includes one of the foundational teachings of the Christian life.  Verses 34-35 give one of the most important commandments.  I wonder how many Christians know that Jesus COMMANDED that we love one another.  This is the sign of the genuineness of our Christianity, that we love one another.  It is the distinguishing mark of believers.  It is a sacrificial love that is primarily concerned with the welfare of others.  Love is outward.  Love is giving.  Love looks for the needs of others and seeks ways to do something about them.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Serving others.  This is a main theme of the ending of the last supper.  Jesus demonstrated this in a culturally powerful way.  No average person of that day would stand in line to be the one to wash the feet of others.  That was always considered below their dignity.  Jesus illustrated that no honest work is below a person’s dignity.  While we are not all called to do everything, and some have abilities to do certain tasks, there is nothing that a Christian should consider below their “high” status in life.  This is the battle the disciples faced.  I must be willing to serve where called.
    And, I must do it all in a loving manner.  I think that verses 34-35 are potent.  I wonder the impact if they were really practiced across the whole scope of Christianity.  I need to always be looking for ways to apply this commandment.  I find it interesting that we are commanded to love one another. That seems impossible, but since Jesus commanded us to do it, it must be possible.  This means that love is not simply some uncontrollable emotional response, but a decision we can make.  If I make the choice to love someone, I can express it and it will be genuine.  Understanding this principle would repair many broken relationships.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Continually look for ways to serve and love.  That sounds simple but it is not that easy.  I must make the conscientious choices regularly to do these things.  I must look for ways to serve and then do it.  I must keep in mind that nothing is below me and not get caught up with the struggle the early disciples had.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This chapter enters Jesus into His last week before His arrest and crucifixion.  He went to the house of his friends; Lazarus, Mary and Martha.  Mary anointed Jesus with an expensive perfume.  Judas, the thief, said it was a waste of money.  Jesus defended her actions saying it was done for the day of His burial.  After over three years of public ministry, teaching and gaining a following, the real purpose of Jesus’ being on earth was about to come to fruition.  Many of the people who gathered that day were interested in seeing Lazarus because Jesus had brought him back to life.  The chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus because he was causing many to believe in Jesus.  I wonder, didn’t they think it would be an impossible task to kill him?  Since he came back to life, it would appear that he wouldn’t die till it was God’s time.  Just a thought.
    Included in this last week was the triumphal entry.  Jesus allowed the public accolades as he rode the donkey into Jerusalem.  It was the fulfillment of prophecy.
    A few interesting thoughts from the words of Jesus.
A seed has to be buried and die. But, when it does, it brings a great harvest.
To love this life is to miss out on the eternal life Jesus offers.
Jesus is light. His followers will not walk in darkness.
To reject His words is to bring, in the end, judgement.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The story of the Triumphal Entry, also known as Palm Sunday, has been told countless times.  It is the time when Jesus fulfills prophecy and allows a large public demonstration of praise.  The crowd is looking for deliverance from oppression and many think Jesus may be the One Who will set them free.  They were missing the purpose of His life on earth.  Jesus’ kingdom is spiritual, it is eternal.  He didn’t come to become a political leader.  He came to be a spiritual leader, our Savior.
    Especially when the political activity in our culture is gaining much publicity, it is easy to think that all my answers will be found if the right person gets elected.  Political leaders are important and the decisions they make affect the lives of all the citizens of a country.  But, they don’t impact eternity or change lives.  It is only Jesus who can give eternal life and change a person’s heart.  I need to continually look to Jesus as the Savior for me and everyone.
    Jesus said that those who serve Him must follow Him.  To follow is to go where the leader goes.  This requires a personal commitment to keep His teachings, apply self-denial and take up whatever cross Jesus puts before a person.  Following means deep commitment and actions that prove it.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People must see Jesus as more than a good man or teacher.  Many in the crowds came to see Lazarus, almost like a side-show.  Some got caught up in the excitement of the triumphal entry.  When something exciting is happening, many will show up.  People must see Jesus as the Savior for the daily issues of life as well as eternity.  Jesus is the Savior when things are routine and well as exciting.  Jesus is here to carry us through the challenges of life.  When people see Jesus and His love, they will be drawn to HIM, then the other issues of life lose their control.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 11

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Sometimes it seems like God is failing, making a mistake.  Verse 6 says that Jesus delayed two days after He heard that Lazarus was sick.  THEN He said it was time to go.  What was He doing?  He reveals that in verses 14-15.
14 Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. 15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. Nevertheless let us go to him.” NKJV
    Jesus knew what He was doing.  This was an opportunity to show God’s amazing power.  Many believed in Jesus because of the amazing miracle that was about to take place.  John wrote that Jesus loved this family.  What seemed like failure was revealed as God’s plan to draw many to Him.
    This chapter contains the shortest verse in the English Bible.  Verse 35 simply says “Jesus wept”.  It shows His compassion for the family as they were grieving their loss.  He joined them in their grief.
    When the right time came, Jesus called out to Lazarus to come out of the tomb.  Many have appreciated Martha’s honesty when she said they shouldn’t take the stone away from the tomb because by now he would stink.  The decay of rotting flesh is obnoxious.  That’s a good picture of the destruction of sin against people.  Jesus didn’t let that stinky fact stop the miracle that was about to take place.  At the command of Jesus Lazarus came walking out of the tomb (with difficulty because his body had been wrapped in burial cloths) and they celebrated new life.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Jesus did what He knew He was supposed to do in spite of the fact that it would cause people to rise up against Him.  The Sanhedrin gathered in fear.  They said that if they didn’t stop Jesus then all would believe in Him.  It would cost them political power.  Their conclusion was that Jesus had to die and they plotted to kill Him.
    This makes me think about when it is not popular to stand for Jesus.  In our culture today it is becoming more and more popular to speak against and outright mock Jesus and those who believe in Him.  Many in churches have changed their beliefs to make Jesus more palatable while also accepting the validity of other beliefs.  It is called compromise.  It is called straying from the truth.  Jesus didn’t compromise or stray from right doctrine.  He stuck with what was right even when it was not popular.  This kind of compromise that is becoming popular may appear to make things easier for a while, but it steals from God the honor and commitment He is due.  While God never called us to be obnoxious, He did call all true believers to follow and apply Biblical truths, no matter how unpopular they are.
    One of Satan’s lies these days is to say that if you disagree with me, you hate me.  We now have “hate speech” and “hate crimes”, all designated to justify sin.  Whatever the motivation, murder is wrong. Crimes should be punished because of the act, not the victim.  Because of this twisting of logic dealing with “hate”, many are compromising truth.  Jesus didn’t compromise and I can’t either.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to see Jesus.  They need to see His compassion for them.  When things go bad the deceiver convinces people to walk away from God, for, obviously God has failed them.  This is simply not true.  I need to help them see God and His plan and compassion.  When they are drawn to HIM, life will change.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Relationship.  That is a key word for all to understand.  To the one who has not yet received Jesus as their personal Savior, they need to understand that Jesus did NOT come to form a religion, but to offer a personal relationship with the Almighty Creator.  We can really come to know God.  To the one who has received Jesus, they need to continue to remember and build the relationship, not just go through the church ritual and routines that can become so familiar.  Jesus came to be the Shepherd to His flock.
    In Jesus’ time, it was extremely common to see flocks of sheep.  The shepherd wasn’t just some person who had a bunch of animals.  The shepherd named his sheep and each one was important to him.  That’s why Jesus could use an illustration of the shepherd who had one hundred sheep and, when he lost one, went out till he found it.  The people understood the relationship and why it was so important to find the one lost sheep.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  He gave His life for His sheep.  The thief is coming to steal and kill, but Jesus gave Himself on the cross to give us life.  When we have Jesus we can live life to the fullest.  Those who listen to the thief have an endless battle filled with struggle.
    Proverbs 13:15 expresses it well.
Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful is hard. NKJV
    Another translation says:  the way of transgressors is hard.  This verse clearly defines what Jesus was talking about.  The best and most real life is found in connection to HIM.  Life without Jesus is really hard.    He didn’t run away but gave His life for the whole world.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Jesus said that His sheep listen to His voice.  Listen does not mean just hear some sounds or read His words, but they FOLLOW what He says.  Their repeated and routine activity is to hear what Jesus taught and then put it into practice in their lives.  Those who refuse to listen will stray.
    I, and everyone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus, absolutely must work hard to continue to learn what the Bible clearly says about life and eternity and then DO what it says.  I think that is one of the observations I have made about so many who claim Christianity.  Their walk doesn’t match their talk.  I must make sure that my talk and walk match.  I have sadly watched people walk away and quit following Jesus.  The “fun” of the world is too attractive.  It appears easier to not become so fanatical about Jesus, so they just drift.  Reading the Bible, praying, faithfully attending church, etc. all seem like too much effort. So, they just drift.  But the truth is that when life throws a real challenge, only those who have a solid connection with Jesus have what they really need to make it.

3.  How can I help someone?
John 10:9 NKJV
I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
    This is what people desperately need to know.  Jesus, HE is the entrance to life and living.  We must go through Him and then we will find the pasture, the sustenance we need for life.  No person ever entered the presence of God and was disappointed.  Jesus is life.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 9

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Jesus showed His divine power to do anything.  Physical bodies are subject to failure.  Here is the story of a man who was blind and then healed by Jesus.  We see the spiritual blindness of the religious leaders who were so stuck in their religious traditions that they couldn’t see or accept the miracle Jesus did.  They grilled the former blind man as to how it happened.  He told them.  They refused to accept his response, for then they would have had to accept Jesus for who He said he was. So, they called in the man’s parents.  They didn’t want to get involved in the fray (for fear of the leaders), so they passed the buck by saying their son was an adult, ask him.
    The response in verse 27 is great.  The healed man said he had told them already what happened and they refused to listen.  If he told them another time would they become Jesus’ disciples?  The only response the religious leaders could come up with was to insult the man.  Then they kicked him out.  When people don’t know what to do, they react this way.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    How do I make decisions in life?  How do I decide on belief?  What is my standard for behavior?  These questions are extremely important in establishing the foundation for my thinking and actions.  What I see in this chapter is a group of people so bent on insisting they are right that they can’t see the divine power of God shown through Jesus.  Religious tradition is fine when kept in proper perspective.  It is dangerous when it controls and prohibits God from moving in the way He wants.  Jesus was revealing His power and Who He was.  The religious leaders refused to consider Him because He didn’t fit into their mold.
    Look to the Bible.  Study it and seek to let its truths saturate my thinking.  Seek to let it impact my thinking and influence my judgements and actions.  Get the proper perspective on religious tradition and Biblical teachings.  Let the traditions help but not interfere with applying God’s truth to daily life.  Be willing to grow spiritually, even when that requires changes.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I need to help people see Jesus.  Some have strongly held religious traditions.  Some reject anything religious.  When people see and get connected with Jesus, He helps them get the proper focus and balance in life.  Jesus changes beliefs when we let Him.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Condemnation.  It is a terrible place to live.  The Bible clearly tells us that God’s goal is not to condemn people, but to save them.  Jesus reiterated that message in this chapter.  There are two key and parallel thoughts expressed by Jesus - I don’t condemn you and leave your life of sin.  Receive God’s forgiveness and don’t keep living a lifestyle of actively sinning.  This forgiveness is freeing and amazing.  The lifestyle of living according to God’s plan will set a person free.
    The truth revealed by Jesus sets a person free.  Simply having knowledge of true things is not the issue (i.e. having an education), but knowing and applying the truths of the Bible sets a person free.  Free from what?  From the destructive power of sin and the domination of the forces of evil.  Jesus said that those who continue to sin are a slave to sin.  Slavery is a horrible condition that requires someone to rescue the slave.  Jesus sets the slaves to sin free.
    One of the reasons why people stay in slavery to sin is that the devil is a liar.  His native language is lying and he is really good at it.  He can take truth and twist it so it looks like the truth, but is really a lie.  He is a murderer and destroys his followers.  Jesus, through His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the grave, is the only source of deliverance from the slavery of sin.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I can and must accept the deliverance from condemnation.  Even after a person is saved and knows they are serving Jesus they can sense the condemnation of evil and believe it.  It is easy to believe that “I’m no good”.  It is easy to believe that “I can’t accomplish much, so why try”.  All of these statements cause a person to give up and not try to do anything for the Lord.  The thought is that failure is imminent, so it doesn’t make sense to waste time, energy and resources to try.
    I need to continue to live in the redemptive power of God’s truth.  This sets me free and makes life so much more enjoyable.  I need to be sharp and aware spiritually to recognize the confusion and lies that keep cropping up in the spiritual battle.  Sadly, there are many in spiritual leadership who are taking foundational truths and twisting them, ever so slightly, that leads to false doctrine.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see this issue of truth.  Amazingly, people believe that truth is what you make it.  If you believe it is true, if it “works” for you, then it is true.  Many believe that truth can be different for various people and still be truth.  Divine, eternal truth does not change from generation to generation.  It is a lie to say that today we are smarter and have greater revelation than previous generations.  This deception causes people to think they can settle on a truth that makes them comfortable and that will be what they need.  There are people with a medical need of treatment who believed some quack with a worthless treatment (but it made them feel good) who died from their medical condition.  A real doctor could have helped them, even though the truth (the treatment) would hurt for a while.  The truth of Jesus really sets people free.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 7

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    When people read the Bible there are times when a verse seems to jump out and speak.  Verse 24 did that to me as I read.  John 7:24 NKJV
Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
    The NIV ends the verse with “make a right judgement”.  Appearance as opposed to making a right judgement.  This is something greatly needed in our world, both the secular and church world.  Appearances are so deceiving.  The entertainment world is filled with people who look attractive but have no substance.  Their lives are so often empty of anything real.  It is easy to make things look completely different from what they really are.  The tempter always makes sin look so inviting and desirable.  The tempter makes serving God look boring and worthless.  Instead of seeing the benefits of submission to Jesus, the appearance presented often is of a price too great to pay.
    Instead of going by what something looks like, we need to grasp eternal truths and use them to make right judgements.  Judgements come from the standard used for judging.  I always find it strange when a person in a restaurant asks the waitress what is good on the menu. That is completely subjective, based on the tastes (food standards) of the person.  Do you like hot and spicy food?  Do you like simple food?  Do you like meat?  Do you like vegetables?  Those choices will settle what food is good or not.
    Making right judgements can only be done when the person understands the teachings and principles of the Bible.  Then right judgements can be made.  God’s standards endure and work.  This is a powerful verse.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    A major portion of this chapter focuses on whether Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, or not.  There were many who were conspiring to kill Him because they didn’t believe in Him.  They couldn’t take Him at that time and kill Him because it wasn’t the right time in God’s plan.  A continual application in my life of what it means to make Jesus the Lord is very necessary.  Jesus talked about making the choice to do God’s will.  I must continue to seek and follow His will for my life.  This will give God honor.

3.  How can I help someone?
    A long time ago I heard someone say, “Find the hurt, and heal it”. That’s a good guide for helping people.  What needs to people have?  How can I help?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Bread. Food.  We all like it.  There is a silly old poem that says: food, food, my favorite dish.  The more I eat the more I wish, I had more food, food, my favorite dish, the more I eat the more I wish, I had more . . . . and it goes on and on and on.  Food and water are absolutely necessary to sustain life.  Jesus used something universal that every person can understand to help us grasp the necessity of continuing to rely on HIM, our spiritual food.
    Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”.  Do you want spiritual nourishment?  You will find it in Jesus.  You will find it in His words.  It is God’s desire that every person believe in Jesus and receive forgiveness.  Then, the believer must learn the Bible and learn to apply it in daily life.  Just as a meal of delicious food is worthless until someone eats it, so the Bible won’t accomplish its purpose until people read it, meditate on it and apply it to life.
    John opened his book by declaring that Jesus is the Word become flesh.  The Bible is God’s written word that is the bread of life.  We live by every word that comes from God.  Receive and obey God’s Word.  This is an ongoing process for life.
    One of the saddest verses in the Bible is found here when many people said that the teachings of Jesus were hard.  Many had been following Him to see the miracles and get free food.  When the truth of commitment to God came up, they left.  It is sad to read that from this time many turned back and no longer followed Jesus.  Jesus asked His disciples if they would leave also.    Peter had the perfect answer in John 6:68 NKJV.
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
    There is no other one who can give what Jesus gave and continues to give.  Only in Him, no matter what the cost, will we find life and the power to face the difficult times of life.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Why do I follow Jesus?  This chapter talks about the large crowds that followed looking for the “entertainment” of miracles and the fun of a free lunch. They traveled long distances to see the latest that Jesus was going to do.  Then, when they realized that Jesus was more than just a sideshow, that He had come with a message from God and expected commitment, they went back to their mundane lives.  So, again, why do I follow Jesus?  I must follow Him for the right reasons.  I must serve Him so that He gets the credit.  I must feast on the eternal bread offered and sustain life through that.
    Jesus said that the Father draws people to Him.  This is done in cooperation with the Holy Spirit convincing people of sin.  The call is there, but each person must respond and receive it.  I must continue to live in submission to God’s call.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see the real call of Jesus.  Jesus is NOT a show, and church is not entertainment.  It is not the best performance in a church service that makes a difference in a person’s life, but the work of God revealing Himself.  I can help people see it is worth anything it takes to serve Jesus.  It is never the right thing to walk away and take the “easy” route.  That way is easy for just a short time, then the real payday comes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 5

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Jesus is the healer.  Another example of this is found here.  He had compassion on a man lame for thirty eight years.  He spoke the word of healing and the man got up, picked up the mat he was on, and walked away.  John includes an interesting and important part of the story in verse 14.  Later, after the miracle happened, Jesus saw the man again.  He specifically told him to stop sinning, don’t keep on the sinful lifestyle, lest something worse happens to you.
    This concept of living a life for Jesus, of rejecting the continued practice of sin, while not popular, is critically important.  It seems to me that this is where many modern-day people stumble spiritually.  After saying a prayer of repentance, they don’t let the power of God work in their lives to make the necessary changes like they should.  There are not the lifestyle changes necessary to live the victorious Christian life.  There remains too casual of an attitude towards sin.  A Christian’s life should be characterized by actively living in obedience to the Bible.  There must be a distinct difference in the lifestyle of the believer and the rest of the world.  Sadly, that difference is shrinking with disastrous results.
    This principle is expanded in verse 24.  Jesus said the one who hears and believes His words has eternal life.  The experts in Greek tell us that the tense of these two words, hears and believes, emphasize ongoing action.  They are actions that must continue throughout life.  Faith and the Christian life are not historical, but current and alive.  In verse 29, Jesus expressed the final outcome of our lives, a resurrection to judgement.  Those who have been obedient and faithful will rise to reward, those who have done evil to judgement and condemnation.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Live for Jesus.  No person can live a Christian life without God’s power.  The more we have the power of the Holy Spirit active in our lives the more victorious we are spiritually.  The more we submit to the Lordship of Jesus the more we grow spiritually.  So that needs to be the prime focus in life. Keeping the final judgement in focus is also a help.  When we are tempted we never seem to see beyond the specific activity.  We don’t see the long term consequences.  If we would keep teachings like V. 28-29 In mind, it would help reject the short term “fun” of the sin presented.
John 5:28-29 NKJV
28 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29 and come forth--those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Jesus gave a great point in V. 30.  He said in Himself He could do nothing.  He didn’t seek to please Himself but the One who sent Him.  What would happen if I, and all who claim the name Christian, would apply this truth.  What if I didn’t try to please myself but the One who sent me?  What if we all did this?  So many people in the world would find the help they seek because God knows so much better than we do.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Who should a person talk with?  What kind of a person should one avoid?  Jesus gave an awesome example of rejecting the common wisdom of society when it goes against God’s plan and purpose.  Jesus was traveling north to return to Galilee.  It is interesting that John wrote that Jesus had to go through Samaria.  It was common for the Jews to go around Samaria, avoiding contact with the people that were considered lower class.  Jesus specifically sought out contact with them.  He had to take that route back north, for there was a divine appointment waiting for him.
    At a well, taking a break, Jesus met a woman who came out of the town to get water.  He surprised her by initiating a conversation with her. She said that the Jews normally wouldn’t talk with her.  Jesus told her of a gift from God she could receive, living water.  We then see a word of knowledge as Jesus talked with her about her husband.  The whole conversation convinced her that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for.  She went back to town and brought a crowd to hear Jesus.  Many in the group believed on Jesus and begged Him to stay and tell them more.  What started out with talking to one woman resulted in many converts.  Jesus stayed two days in that town.
    This story illustrates Jesus’ main purpose in coming.  He came to seek and save anyone who would listen.  He reached out to those in society that were commonly rejected.  He loves all.  For God so loved the world . . .

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I need to apply the important truth that people need to hear the good news of Jesus.  Jesus said His food was to do the Father’s will.  His sustenance was working for God.  That was more important than lunch.  Reaching people for Jesus is a team effort.  Some will plant and others will harvest where they have not planted.  I need to be ready to respond to people who are ready to hear.
    All my life I have heard about telling others of Jesus.  I have done it, but this chapter speaks to the urgency of doing it.  It speaks to reaching out and grasping every opportunity.  I know I need to be more and more attuned to the task and looking for ways to share God’s love.

3.  How can I help someone?
    How many “woman at the well” situations are around me?  I need to look for them.  This chapter also tells the story of the second miraculous sign Jesus performed, the healing of a royal officer’s son.  Jesus still does the supernatural.  Pray for that to happen for God’s glory.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 3

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    People are always looking for truth, for that one answer that will lead them in life to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.  Even religious education often leaves a person questioning.  A religious leader named Nicodemus came to Jesus asking these questions. I think he basically was asking Jesus “What is there in life that will answer my deepest questions?  Where will I find fulfillment?”.  Jesus’ response was the necessity of being born again.
    Probably the best known verse in the Bible is John 3:16.  It tells us that God loves everyone so much that He gave the most expensive gift possible.  Jesus came to the world to die to pay the price for our sins.  Jesus didn’t come to condemn.  This is one of the deceptions that the evil one promotes, that Jesus is out to condemn you.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Jesus cleared that up by offering a gift of forgiveness and giving the responsibility to believe in Him to each individual.  Belief delivers us from condemnation and eternal punishment to possess eternal life.
    Jesus described the unbelievers as those who love darkness rather than light.  These folks love evil and find pleasure in sin.  Yes, sin can be fun.  But, it is always only for a little while, and then the consequences and payday arrive.  On the other side, those who love Jesus love light and don’t have to hide their lives and actions.  In Jesus we already have life, we don’t have to keep seeking for something to satisfy.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This chapter is one of the foundational chapters of the Bible.  It is foundational to how we live life.  I have already applied its truths of believing in Jesus.  The concept of believing is not just a one-time action of saying I believe, but it is continual belief.  It is a continuing conviction that Jesus is the only Savior for me and the world.  It means that I continue to live in obedience to the teachings and principles of the Bible.  I must live in an ongoing trust that Jesus is preparing a place for me for eternity.  I have life that is worth living.
    These promises given in this chapter are a stark contrast to what the world has to offer.  When I see the lives of people trapped in sin, it is sad.  I must keep the proper focus on life so I don’t listen to the sweet song of temptation that is lying about what it offers.  I must always remember that Jesus came to save.  There is nothing better than that.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people by keeping the truths taught in this chapter on the forefront of my mind, so I am always ready to share them.  Verse 16 is well known, but the next two verses are just as important.  Jesus didn’t come to condemn and it is up to us to believe.  I can share these truths and help people understand these principles and they can find life.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    What is too hard for God?  What causes God to scratch His head and say, “Wow, this is a tough one.  I don’t know what I will do now.”?  John chapter 2 has illustrations of the miraculous signs Jesus was doing.  He helped some people out of an embarrassing situation.  These signs confirmed Him as the Messiah.  Verse 23 says, Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. NKJV
    Many became believers as they saw the power of the supernatural shown by Jesus.  Nothing is too hard for God.  This is still happening today.  People are seeing the supernatural power of God and believing in Him.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must keep in my heart and mind that God is up to the task for anything that is needed.  He can take nothing and make something very valuable.  He can provide when there is no provision.  Jesus started His miraculous work by performing a miracle at a wedding.  His miraculous power continues today.  He is well able to supernaturally intervene in any situation.  I must continue to pray and trust Him when there seems to be no solution.  I need to trust in God’s omniscience and sovereignty.  This is a high expression of faith.  He knows perfectly what is best and His plan.  He never makes mistakes. Sometimes I would rather that He gives a different answer.  But, I will continue to trust Him knowing that He does everything well.  Now we only see partially, but some day we will see the whole picture.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Pray in faith for the needs of friends.  God comes through in amazing ways.  Pray without apology and seek God’s provision and intervention in their lives.  Pray for God to show Himself to them through His miraculous power.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Light always overcomes darkness.  The Creator knew what He was doing in giving us physical illustrations to help us understand the spiritual.  Light is more powerful than darkness.  Actually, darkness is the absence of light.  Darkness will never overcome light. There is no switch to turn on to make things dark.  The only way to make a room dark is to block out all light.  Jesus is life and light.  Many places in the world work hard to block the light of Jesus from shining.  Jesus is where we find what we seek in life.  Sadly, the world does not recognize the Creator who became our Savior.  The indifference expressed shows a lack of concern or understanding.
    The good news is that to all who receive and believe have life.  A definite act of faith in Jesus provides entrance into the personal relationship with Jesus.  Then as a person perseveres in their faith and belief they have the blessings of life knowing Jesus.  This faith is active and ongoing.  This commitment causes the relationship with Jesus to continue to grow.  We live in relationship with Jesus because our act of faith causes us to be adopted into His family.
    John the Baptist fulfilled his calling in life as he pointed people to Jesus.  John 1:29 NKJV
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!  It seems like daily I see things that people do and am amazed at how blind and confused they are.  If they would respond to Jesus and be set free from the bondage of sin, they would not be trapped in the destruction of sin.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    John wrote that Jesus is full of grace and truth.  He makes that available to me.  By God’s initiative salvation is available to all.  This is God’s gift offered to anyone who will receive it.  I can live in His grace and be helped by learning His truth.
    In this chapter Jesus started calling His disciples to follow Him.  Having made the commitment to follow Him, I will continue to do that.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Jesus is truth.  Our confused world seems unable to grasp the concept of truth.  I can help people by pointing them to Truth.  I am amazed that something as foundational as truth is so commonly rejected.  But, John did write that Jesus’ own did not receive Him.  I need to help people see Him.

Bible Book: John

Because the Bible is practical, here is an overview of the book.

Author: John

Type of Book: Gospel

Theme: Jesus Christ: the Son of God and Savior of People

Date of Writing: A.D. 80-95

John’s Gospel (i.e., his account of the “good news” and true story of Jesus Christ) is unique among the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). It records much about Jesus’ ministry in Judea and Jerusalem that the other three Gospels leave out, and it gives deeper insight into the “mystery” of Jesus’ personhood as both God and man. The author is identified as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20). It is clear from the Gospel that he described events from an eyewitness perspective, that he knew Jewish life well and that he was a leader of great influence in the early church. The writings of historians such as Irenaeus and Tertullian, the testimony of ancient Christianity and the internal evidence of the Gospel itself point to John, the son of Zebedee, as the author. John was one of the twelve original disciples (i.e., Jesus’ personally chosen followers) and a member of what might be called Jesus’ inner circle (Peter, James and John).
According to several ancient sources, the elderly John was living in Ephesus when church leaders in Asia asked him to write this “spiritual Gospel” in order to refute, or argue against, a dangerous heresy (i.e., false teaching) that had started among the believers about the nature and person of Jesus Christ. People who followed this faulty teaching, led by a persuasive Jew named Cerinthus, were denying Jesus’ deity (i.e., the fact that he is God). John’s Gospel continues to serve the church as a very important and authoritative statement about “the truth” as it was lived out and made known to them in the life of Jesus Christ.

John states in 20:31 that his purpose for writing is “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” Ancient Greek manuscripts of John’s Gospel have one of two tenses for the word translated “believe” (20:31): the aorist subjunctive (“that you may begin believing”) and the present subjunctive (“that you may continue to believe”). If John had in mind the first tense, he wrote to convince unbelievers to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and be spiritually saved. If he had in mind the second tense, John wrote to encourage those already following Christ so they might strengthen their faith, resist false teaching and deepen their relationship with God the Father and his Son, Jesus (cf. 17:3). While the book of John supports both of these purposes, his message as a whole favors the strengthening of Christians as the overriding purpose.

John presents carefully selected evidence that Jesus was Israel’s Messiah (i.e., the “Anointed One,” Savior, Christ) and God’s Son from the beginning—the Creator in the flesh. The supporting evidence includes (1) seven main signs (2:1-11; 4:46-54; 5:2-18; 6:1-15; 6:16-21; 9:1-41; 11:1-46) and seven main discourses (i.e., teachings, messages, dialogues, 3:1-21; 4:4-42; 5:19-47; 6:22-59; 7:37-44; 8:12-30; 10:1-21) by which Jesus revealed clearly his true identity; (2) seven “I am” statements (6:35; 8:12; 10:7; 10:11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1) by which Jesus symbolically revealed his relationship with people and his purpose for restoring their relationship with God; and (3) the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead as the ultimate sign and the decisive proof that he is “the Christ, the Son of God” (20:31).
John has two major divisions. (1) Chs. 1-12 describe the incarnation (i.e., God coming in human form through the personhood of Jesus), introduction and public ministry of Jesus Christ. In spite of Jesus’ seven convincing signs, seven profound teachings and seven astounding “I am” claims, the Jews generally rejected him as their Messiah. (2) Having been widely rejected by the old-covenant Israel (i.e., the people to whom God originally revealed his laws and promises), Jesus then (chs. 13-21) focused on his disciples as the nucleus of his new covenant people (i.e., the church he founded based on his own perfect life, sacrificial death and miraculous resurrection). These chapters include Jesus’ last supper (ch. 13), his last dialogues and teachings (chs. 14-16) and his final prayer for his disciples and for all of his future followers (ch. 17). The book ends by showing how God’s new covenant (i.e., his “life agreement” and plan of spiritual salvation for all people) was started, established and confirmed by Christ’s death (chs. 18-19) and resurrection (chs. 20-21; see article on The old covenant and the new covenant).

Special Features
Eight major topics characterize John’s Gospel. (1) It focuses on the deity of Jesus as “the Son of God.” From the introduction, which openly declares “the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father” (1:14), to the conclusion with Thomas’ confession, “my Lord and my God” (20:28), Jesus is clearly presented as God the Son—“the Word”—come in the flesh. (2) The word “believe” occurs 98 times. It means receiving or accepting, by faith, Christ as God’s Son (1:12). But true Biblical faith is not simply a matter of mental belief or recognition; it is a heartfelt response of active trust by which a person surrenders control of his or her life to Christ and continues to follow God’s purposes. This results in an ongoing commitment of one’s whole life to him (see article on Faith and grace). (3) “Eternal life” is a key topic in John. It refers not simply to endless existence—living with God forever—but also to a present-day transformed (completely changed) life and ongoing relationship with God that comes through an active faith in Christ. This relationship frees us from slavery to sin and Satan and gives us constant access to God and the life he has planned for us. The definition of eternal life given in 17:3 is “that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (4) Personal encounters with Jesus are presented throughout the Gospel (no less than 27 of them; see chart of The Ministry of Jesus). (5) The work of the Holy Spirit enables Jesus’ followers to experience Jesus’ life and power in an ongoing way after Christ’s death and resurrection (see chart of The work of the Holy Spirit). (6) It focuses on the topic of “truth”—Jesus is the truth, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and God’s Word is truth. God’s truth sets people free (8:32), makes them clean (15:3) and is the exact opposite of Satan’s character and activity (8:44-47, 51). (7) The number seven is the key number found in this gospel: seven primary signs, seven primary discourses (i.e., message topics) and seven “I am” claims, which all testify to who Jesus is. (The number “seven” is key also in John’s book of Revelation.) (8) Other key words and concepts in John are: “light,” “word,” “flesh,” “love,” “witness,” “know,” “darkness” and “world.”

Giving credit where credit is due.  These informational notes about this book come from the Full Life Study Bible, also known as the Fire Bible.  Don Stamps, editor.  Originally published by Life Publishers.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bible Chapter: Luke 24

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Wow!!  This is the ultimate victory.  The resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  A group of women went to the tomb and found it empty.  His enemies didn’t steal the body, for they would have paraded it through the streets to prove Jesus was still dead.  The disciples didn’t steal the body, since they later gave their lives for preaching Jesus and the resurrection.  No one is willing to die for a hoax.  Jesus showed Himself alive with many infallible proofs.  Two of the believers were walking to Emmaus when Jesus joined the journey.  At first they didn’t recognize Him, but then their eyes were opened.   They couldn’t wait, but returned to Jerusalem immediately to tell the rest that they had seen and talked with Jesus.  While they were still talking about the news, Jesus appeared in the group and gave them definite proof of His resurrection.
    Jesus told them that it was written that the Christ would suffer and then rise form the dead.  Repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached in His name.  This is the hope of the world.  When people come to truly know Jesus as their Savior, lives change.  Whole cultures change when the true message is proclaimed.  This is the victory and hope that Jesus proclaimed.  Paul write about this in Romans when he said we must believe in our hearts and confess Jesus as our Lord.  Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
    Jesus told them to stay in the city till they received the promise of the Holy Spirit.  They would be clothed with power from on high.  After the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given to the church they saw exponential growth.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The truth of the resurrection must reside in my heart.  When the struggles come and pressure wants to make me give up, the promise of the living Jesus is my hope.  Luke ends his book with Jesus returning to heaven.  The disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy.  They continued to praise God for all they knew and experienced.  That is what I, and all, must continue to do.  We must rejoice in the presence of God, worshiping Him, for He is worthy.  Experiencing the presence of God makes all the difference.  It is our encouragement.
    The believers were very discouraged when Jesus died.  All their hopes and dreams vanished.  Then, as they realized His resurrection, they not only restored their hopes and dreams, but went far beyond in faith and belief.  Keeping the end in sight, today we can have hope and live in God’s presence and power.
    It is also important to live in the power of the Holy Spirit.  We need to be clothed in God’s power.  This is the only way we will have spiritual victory.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Let me borrow two verses from John.
John 11:25-26 NKJV
25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
    I can help people see the hope of the resurrection as they apply it in their lives.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bible Chapter: Luke 23

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The first thought that jumps out to me is that people hate Jesus.  Pilate said that he couldn’t find anything wrong with Jesus.  He said Jesus had not done anything requiring charges to be brought against Him.  The mob responded in anger against His teachings.  Pilate said Jesus had done nothing deserving death.  But the crowd went into a frenzy demanding the release of Barabbas (a convicted murderer) and the death of Jesus.  This animosity against Jesus continues today.  In the public arena the voices and messages of anyone is accepted.  That is anyone but Jesus.  The message and words of Jesus are twisted to say things they were never meant to say.  Two thousand years ago the crowd was stirred up against Jesus.  It is happening again today.  There are even churches who have policies against preaching the cross and the blood of Jesus.  Throughout the gospels there are illustrations of people specifically looking for any crack in the teachings of Jesus to make an accusation.  That tactic is still employed today.
    This chapter also includes Luke’s account of the crucifixion.  It is easy to read these verses and skim over this story.  We cannot do that.  We must allow the impact of what happened to stir us.  The reason why Jesus had to endure this torture was because of sin.  The word sin is another change in the world.  “Sin” has been taken out of our vocabulary.  We have softened the words and redefined terms to make anything acceptable.  The only “sin” appears to be not accepting the actions and desires of what people want to do.  But the suffering of Jesus was real.  This is the most basic teaching about Jesus that the world needs to accept.  Major religions reject the concept that God would suffer for the human race.  If that truth is destroyed, nothing is left that matters.  The crucifixion paid the penalty for sin and overcomes the destructive work of Satan.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must stand for Jesus.  It must not be because it is popular, but because it is right.  A man named Joseph asked to bury His body.  Joseph was a member of the Council who had not consented to the decision and action to crucify Jesus.  He was in the unpopular minority.  He treated Jesus with respect and gave Him a proper burial.  I’m sure that was not popular with some of the important people. That didn’t matter, he did it anyway.
    I must keep the picture of what Jesus did, and what it really cost Him, alive in my thinking.  I have had the privilege of being in Israel and seeing many of the locations where Jesus was.  A few places stand out.  There is a place called the Pavement where Jesus was whipped.  Then there is Golgotha,  the place of the skull and the garden tomb.  These places are significant and help remind me of what Jesus did.  His motivation?  Love for people and a desire to restore our relationship with God.  I must make sure my relationship with Him is continually growing.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people understand what really went on.  Jesus came to this earth because He is our only hope.  It is the work of God to speak to hearts and convince them of their need of Jesus.  It is my work to help explain it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bible Chapter: Luke 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This is a long chapter.  Jesus talked to His disciples about true greatness.  His definition included service, which comes out of humility.  As I think of this it is obvious to me that our world today is not concerned with greatness, even a skewed version of it.  Our world today is concerned with fame.  People want to be famous and will do anything to become well known.  We even have celebrities who are famous for being famous.  They haven’t done anything particularly valuable to gain their fame, they simply have good PR people.  Sadly, that itch for fame even infiltrates the church.  I receive many ads for concerts and large meetings.  The promo is slick and promoting the personalities that will perform.  It makes me wonder about the true greatness Jesus talked about.
    This chapter also gives ample illustration of the intense spiritual battle that believers face.  Jesus told the disciples they would face it, and some of them would even fail the test.  Jesus sweat blood in the garden.  Judas left Jesus to the point of becoming a traitor.  Jesus was mocked.
    What should be done in the battle?  Jesus prayed.  He told Peter He prayed for him that he would remain strong.  Jesus prayed as He faced arrest and crucifixion.  The easiest thing to avoid is prayer.  To win the battle, believers need to step up and pray both individually and corporately.  There is power in prayer. There is encouragement in praying together.  Things happen as a result of prayer.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Judas was a part of the inner circle.  I’m sure that millions of people have said how much they would like to have been a part of that inner group and experience all the personal teaching from Jesus and have a front row seat to witness the miracles.  Judas had all of this.  And yet, he grew cold towards Jesus to the point where Satan entered him.  Money became more important to him.  I, and every believer, must keep spiritual focus to stay close to Jesus.  In the midst of struggles it is easy to forget the eternal and take the short route, that appears easy at the time.  The truth is that this is the hard and long route to problems.
    It is easy to become discouraged by all the trials and sin in the world.  The closer I stay to Jesus the more encouragement and victory I will have in the long run.
    I have been the recipient of the prayers of many people.  My prayer life need to continue to grow. Yes, I pray.  I need to pray more, simply because it is the place where the battle is fought and won.

3.  How can I help someone?
Luke 22:25-27 NKJV
25 And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called 'benefactors.' 26 But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves. 27 For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves.”