Bible Chapter: Luke 17
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.A very interesting thought at the beginning, “Things that cause people to sin . . .” Jesus went on to say that it would be better to be drowned in the sea than to cause a child to sin. Sadly, our world today has a endless stream of examples of promoting the so-called pleasures of sin and denying any consequences. Sin will bring punishment, but the warning here is that there will be worse punishment for those who set an example that encourages others to sin.
Later in the chapter Jesus talked about what it will be like in the last days. He compares them to the times of Noah and Lot. People were actively pursuing their sinful pleasures and completely ignoring the impact of their actions and the coming judgement. Sudden judgement came and the people received the consequences of their actions. We live in days that reflect the wantonness of the days of Noah and Lot. Those who stand for biblical morality are attacked and vilified as ignorant. We need to follow the commands of Jesus no matter what anyone says.
Another part of this chapter talks about forgiving. This is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can develop. Unforgiveness causes strife. It turns people against each other and they miss out on the blessings of their relationships. To forgive does not mean that we condone sin. We don’t continue to forgive to enable habitual sin. The purpose of forgiving is not to allow someone to continue to sin (repentance must include a desire to not repeat the sin), but to help the offender be set free. Sincere repentance must be involved so we can forgive. The purpose of offering forgiveness is not to allow someone to get away with something. If their repentance is fake, they will stand before God and give an account.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to think about influence and example. It is a scary concept to think of causing someone to sin. The human nature is always looking for permission to sin, always looking for an excuse or justification. A common statement is “But, look at _____________. They call themselves a Christian and look at what they do.” The tempter convinces people to look at life from a sliding scale, as if God grades on a curve. As long as someone else is worse than I am, I’m fine. That is simply not true. Each believer must be careful to be a good example.
Jesus also talked about being a good servant. We are called to serve. Serving often takes more effort than is comfortable. Jesus called that doing our duty. I need to continue to serve in every way possible.
3. How can I help someone?
Look for ways to be a servant. These opportunities can be small or large. Make an effort to help, remembering that they can sometimes be inconvenient. I can also help by being a good example so no one gets the idea that sinning is permissible.