Bible Chapter: Luke 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Of the many events covered in this chapter, one phrase from the beginning jumped out to me. Jesus went around proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom. That says volumes. There really is good news for people to hear. The good news has nothing to do with politics or jobs or the economy. Talking about what God has done, what He will do, really is good news, it is the best news. It is good news because of the powerful personal impact it makes on all who receive it. God gives hope and strength throughout life to His followers. Even when it feels like we want to give up, He is there to help us.
Jesus told the parable of the farmer who spread seed for a crop. Not all of it produced a good crop, but some of it did. The application of the parable tells us that some people hear about the good news of Jesus and they don’t believe. Some believe and then abandon their belief when problems and trials come. Some let riches and pleasure take over (we live in a pleasure hungry and materialistic society). The ones who receive and let the good news take root in their lives have the benefits change their lives. This parable illustrates that there really is a battle for our eternal souls that doesn’t quit once we receive Jesus. Often the battle increases in intensity. But, it is worth it to persevere because you can’t beat God’s retirement plan. It is easy to let the worries of life take over. We need to let God take care of things, for worry doesn’t change the outcome.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Luke 9 tells several stories of the supernatural power of God flowing through Jesus. These include calming a storm, delivering a demon-possessed person and raising a dead girl. Every time Jesus did something miraculous, He didn’t make a big deal of it. It was what He came to do. He wasn’t looking to increase the crowd that followed Him. He told the delivered man to go home and tell what God had done for him. Jesus wasn’t trying to increase His popularity, for He told the parents of the resurrected girl to not say anything. The miraculous was a normal part of Jesus’ life. I believe it needs to be a normal part of the life of the church. In verse 25 Jesus asked His disciples, “Where is your faith?”. The closer we grow to HIM the more our faith will increase. I really do have good news to tell people, good news of what Jesus accomplished on the cross and the resurrection. Jesus called us all to be spiritual farmers, planting and harvesting seed.
3. How can I help someone?
The Bible gives examples of people who had faith for other people’s needs. Not everyone has faith to trust God for their needs. My trust and confidence in God needs to grow. Keep reading the Bible and praying and growing spiritually. That will help others.