Bible Chapter: Luke 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Peter, James and John received an invitation from Jesus to follow Him. Jesus used an illustration of God’s power in their lives as fishermen to get their attention. They left all and followed Jesus. This thought is jumping out to me as I read, Jesus calls people to follow Him. What does it mean to follow Him? Does it only mean giving up your livelihood (as they did) and give full time service? For most of us it doesn’t mean that. It means submitting to Jesus as Lord and Savior. We need forgiveness of sins (Savior) and we need to let Jesus take control of everything in our lives (Lord).
We can follow Jesus as we receive Him into our hearts. Then we study His Word and learn. Then we put into practice what we learn and impact our world in the positive way God planned. We become a conduit for God’s love to the world. We grow in our personal relationship with Jesus and become more like Him. Not all are called to be involved in vocational ministry, but all are called to follow and serve Jesus.
Another person is called to follow Jesus in this chapter, a tax collector named Levi. Levi held a great banquet for Jesus and invited all his friends. We learn something important about being a follower of Jesus here. Jesus was chastised by the religious folks for hanging around with sinners. Jesus’ reply was that healthy folks don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. Those still controlled by sin need the “spiritual doctor”, the Savior who can set them free. If I am a follower of Jesus I need to be helping those in spiritual need find relief from sin.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to apply what I have been writing about already. I also need to apply verse 16, So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. NKJV. I keep being reminded of the value and need of a strong prayer life. I also regularly sense the battle there is to keep me from praying. I know my prayer life always needs to be strengthened. Life is a battle. There is victory in doing things God’s way, and, regular time of prayer is God’s way. Jesus spent much time praying. The more God’s people pray, the more they accomplish for Him. Luke 5 illustrates the power of God to heal. As the crowds were gathering to receive healing (V. 15), Jesus was often withdrawing to pray (V. 16).
3. How can I help someone?
I keep being reminded that the best way I can help people is to live the genuine life of a follower of Jesus. The more I learn of how to apply being a follower the more I can do that makes a difference. So, this life is a continual learning process. I have learned much, but there is always more to grasp.