Bible Chapter: Luke 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Jesus talked about the kind of fruit that a tree produces. When an apple tree is planted, it will produce apples, not bananas. What is in the inside, what is in the genetic makeup will determine what comes out. So, apple trees produce peaches, no, apples. Verse 45 makes the application to people. The heart is the source of what comes out. A person with good in their heart will produce good. The good comes from what God does in shaping His followers. Evil people produce evil. The question is often asked after some horrendous crime, “How could they do something like that?” The answer is found in verse 45. “The evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.” Sin comes from a sinful heart. I like the saying, “When you are bumped, what is inside will come out”.
The fruit analogy leads up to a discussion about buildings. What makes for a strong building? It starts with the foundation. Any building requires a good foundation. This is even more true for buildings build in places that face conditions that will make is fall. Buildings constructed in cold climates need deep foundations to get below the frost line or they will heave and collapse in winter. Houses in hurricane areas need special construction to make them stand and not blow apart. Jesus said that foolish people build their houses (lives) on sand. When the hard times come they crash. Those who build their lives on what Jesus taught give themselves a solid foundation for the trials they will face. Jesus asked a pointed question in verse 46, Why do you call me Lord and don’t do what I say? That needs to challenge everyone claiming to be a Christian. A solid biblical foundation for life will make that life strong.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to strive to produce good fruit. I need to strive to keep my heart pure. It is important to be careful what I allow to enter my heart to keep it pure. It is very easy to compromise regarding what people think on, what they entertain themselves with, which fills their heart with lots of bad stuff. When I am faithful and obedient to the Bible, I will produce good fruit and have a good foundation.
This chapter also includes a well known verse, verse 38. Jesus encourages generosity. Give and it will be given. No, we shouldn’t give with the thought that it will make us rich. As we give, God provides. As God provides, we are able to continue to give. Give so you can give. A very interesting principle. Generous people are much more desirable to be near than stingy ones. This has nothing to do with wanting them to give me something, they just have a better attitude and demeanor about them.
3. How can I help someone?
The more that my heart is filled with eternity, the more I will be able to help people, because I will have something that makes a difference. So, I need to work to keep a steady supply of eternity in my heart. This will produce good fruit.