Bible Chapter: Luke 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.A very important request from the disciples - Lord, teach us to pray. Jesus responded and taught them. He continued by teaching them about the importance of persistence in prayer. He said we are to ask, seek and knock. We are to come to our heavenly Father expecting to hear His response (praying in faith). Keep on praying. Keep on praying. Keep on praying. I need to hear this over and over and I need to keep on praying. I don’t think we pray enough. History has shown that prayer is one key ingredient to all great moves of God.
Jesus taught a key principle to the growth and strength of His Kingdom. We must be living and working in unity. A house divided against itself will fall. In the ongoing spiritual battle against evil we must remain united in Christ. When Christians can’t get along, when they bicker over little things, they give victory to the enemy. There is a constant battle. We see evidence of this in the last few verses of the chapter. The religious folks opposed Jesus fiercely and worked, waiting to catch Him in some kind of a mistake they could use to attack Him. The battle is ongoing and nasty. It is getting worse. We see continued attacks today. Especially believers in the public eye will find people sitting and watching, waiting to pounce. We must work hard to serve in unity, for God’s glory, so that we will grow stronger and see God’s work grow.
Jesus spoke woe to the Pharisees who love the most important seats in the synagogue. They had to have the most important places because they thought they were the most important. This goes along with the thought of unity. People who think they are more important and put themselves above others help to cause strife and disunity. We are all necessary in God’s plan and work.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Keep on praying. The Bible is very clear throughout that there is power in prayer. The battle is fought in prayer. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray they realized how important it is. I find it so easy to do anything but pray. I also find great power and a sense of the presence of God when I pursue in prayer. Jesus taught us to not give up. The asking, seeking and knocking are necessary for spiritual growth and strength. God’s power is available to drive out the powers of evil.
Let the Bible influence every part of life. Let it direct my desires to want to do what it says. As the Bible enters a person’s life it produces growth and God’s blessings. If I am not open to what it says to receive it, the Bible will have no effect on me. If the Bible has no effect on me, I am on my way to failure.
3. How can I help someone?
When I know of a need, actually pray for people, not just talk about it. Many have given testimony of feeling the impact of people’s prayers for them. That comes because someone actually prayed for them. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. I must put that into practice. I can also help people by seeing that I do all I can to promote unity among believers. I must help God’s Kingdom to stand.