Bible Chapter: Luke 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Jesus said He would suffer and be rejected, and then He would be killed. He then said that those who follow Him must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Him. The cross is a place of sacrifice. Jesus didn’t have it easy while He was here on earth. He had no place to lay His head (v. 58). Serving Jesus requires sacrifice. If we give up our own desires and follow whatever the cost, we will gain real life and spend eternity with the Lord. What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? If you have billions and trillions of dollars, some day you will leave it all behind and stand before God the same as the poorest person in the world. No one can earn or buy eternity with Jesus.
Jesus challenged His hearers to look at their perspective. If their only focus is gaining more material possessions or fame, if they are ashamed of Jesus, they will gain nothing. I believe that we will be amazed in heaven at those who have gained the most reward and have done the most for Jesus. Real life is found in turning our backs on our own desires, then seeking and living God’s will for our lives. Jesus never said, “Oh, good, we need more billionaires in heaven. Come on in.”
Jesus said greatness was welcoming the weak in His name. The modern world has confused greatness. Serving and helping is greatness in God’s eyes. It has nothing to do with having the most followers on Twitter.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter has more illustrations of faith and the miraculous. It seems like ever chapter in the gospels has something miraculous. The supernatural was a common theme in the daily life of Jesus. Jesus often chided His followers for a lack of faith. He wants all who claim Him as Savior to be continually growing in faith. Included in that faith is a clear confession of Jesus as the Savior and living sacrificially for God’s glory.
I need to be continually reminded of God’s definition of greatness. He is not impressed with anything done according to the world’s style or perspective.
3. How can I help someone?
Live sacrificially so others receive the benefit. Not only confess Christ, but live the life. I find myself often, when I get to this question, being reminded of the order of things. We used to sing a chorus: Jesus and Others and You, what a wonderful way to spell JOY.
Jesus first, then others, then you (me). Love is unselfish and the most enjoyable people to be around are unselfish.