Bible Chapter: Luke 21
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.A well known story - a poor widow giving all she had. This reveals the depth of her love for God. She was devoted to Him and gave generously. Her giving was not from excess, but from sacrifice. Her giving reflected her commitment to God. There are those who look at what they have as “mine” and think it either unnecessary or excessive to give generously or sacrificially to God. We see her heart in this offering.
Jesus also talked about judgement and the end times. We must stand firm in our commitment and relationship with Him. We must persevere in our faith with a firm devotion to Jesus. There will be those who persecute believers. They will do all they can to make them reject their relationship with the Savior. No matter what happens, those who hold on till the end will be victorious.
We don’t know the day when Jesus will come to take His followers to be with Him. We also don’t know the day when we will leave this earth through illness or accident. That is why we must stay close to Jesus. When we see Jesus, any sacrifice we have made will seem small compared to what we receive. Yes, the sacrifices we make are real. And, yes, they will be worth it when we see Jesus.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What is my attitude towards sacrifice? What is my attitude towards accumulation of stuff and ease of life? Where are my priorities? These are important questions to settle so I can apply the Bible to daily life.
If I am willing to sacrifice, then I can change eternity. If I am willing to give and not have to join the rat race of “he who dies with the most toys wins” mentality; if I can establish the priorities of eternity; then I will be able to accomplish God’s plan for my life. Only God knows when the end of all these earthly things as we know them will come. I need to live ready. I think of some I have met who respond that God is asking too much of them. They do what they want and spend time and money as it pleases them. By getting my focus on God’s way, I am so much farther ahead in the long run. I believe that the main point of this chapter is to help each of us to see an eternal perspective of life.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to understand that this life is not all there is. There is a future life after life. People can see how things are changing in the world. It is common to hear that things are getting worse and worse. They are talking about changes in nature. Nothing seems to be the same. All believers in Jesus must help people see the signs and point them to HIM.
I, and all of us, need to pray for God to speak to the hearts of people to recognize their need of salvation. The enemy has given out a wide variety of excuses. None of them are worth anything. Sadly, many people hold on to them and use them. They only make the gap between them and God wider.