Friday, February 6, 2015

Bible Chapter: Song of Solomon 7 & 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This book ends with the continued expression of love between this man and woman. They long for the day of their marriage and know that the special gifts God gives in marriage await them. If they continue to wait to not enter into a sexual relationship till the marriage came, they would rejoice and receive God’s blessings. A thought was repeated that had been expressed earlier in the book. They were careful not to arouse or awaken their love to the point of physical intimacy until the time was right after their marriage. This is wise advice for all to follow to not stir up affections and desires until the proper time. Their love was very strong for each other. They continue to express their passionately intense devotion to each other.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God’s plans have always been good plans. They’ve always been the best way to live. In the spiritual battle to destroy people, one of the most effective ways to accomplish this by the enemy of our souls is to draw people into what the Bible calls immorality. Anyone can be tempted in this area and I continue to put my focus on my commitment to my wife to avoid that fall.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see that there is never anything better than doing things God’s way. So we must follow all of the truths of the Bible to keep our hearts and minds clean and pure. The more we do that the more victory we will have in all areas of life, including the areas of morality.