Friday, February 20, 2015

Bible Chapter: Isaiah 23 & 24

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    There was an ancient port city, a center for world commerce called Tyre. It was a wealthy city that was filled with many evil people. Isaiah’s prophecy said that the city would be taken down for 70 years and then God would restore it for a time. When the city of Tyre started trading again, they would go back to their dishonest and immoral activities as they strove to again attract business from other nations.
    Isaiah spoke of the downfall of many cities and nations. He also spoke prophetically about the end times. There will be time when God will destroy much of the earth and its inhabitants. It will be a time of amazing horror. Because the human race has defiled all of God’s creation and corrupted itself with wickedness and immorality, God’s wrath will be poured out on the world. Today we are seeing more and more rebellion against God and open sin that is controlling societies. God is telling us that in the end He will destroy all of this sin.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    In the midst of all of Isaiah’s writing about judgment, he also talks about a remnant of people who remain faithful to God. They will raise their voices in praise to God and rejoice when the evil people are finally defeated. Isaiah grieved over all the rebellion that was around him. I want to make sure that I identify with those who are praising God and living in obedience to Him. These days I am observing more and more compromise of the Bible and hearing people literally say the opposite of what they had formerly taught. I never want to get caught up in that deception.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Some people think that as long as life seems to be going along OK, that they don’t have to worry about anything or make any changes. As I read about the city of Tyre, I see a good illustration of the danger of that attitude. After a time of judgment they went right back to what they were before. Because they did that, they again lost out. They didn’t acknowledge God’s judgment.