Sunday, February 22, 2015

Bible Chapter: Isaiah 25 & 26

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God’s name is to be praised.  He is already victorious and in the end He will win the ultimate victory.  All forces that oppose Him will go down in defeat.  God is the Victor, He is the Savior.  There will be much celebration in Christ’s return and victory. Death will be swallowed up forever. This enemy that brings so much sorrow as we experience separation from loved ones will be destroyed. God will wipe away all tears from our eyes.  God will save all who have put their trust in Him.
    We also have the promise of God’s perfect peace.  God will keep His people in perfect peace as we learn about and practice trusting in God.  This is one of the most precious promises in the Bible.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I want to continue to rest in God’s peace.  God will keep us in His perfect peace.  We need this more than ever.  It is impossible to pay attention to what is happening in the world without being bombarded with bad news.  Life doesn’t mean anything any more.  God’s moral teachings are tossed out like last week’s rotten food. Selfishness takes over and people do what ever they want.  To a person serving the Lord, these things can be overwhelming.  God has promised His peace to all who put their trust in Him.  I must be careful to continue to live in God’s peace and let it carry me through. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with fear.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see that, in the end, God wins.  So, we all must be living in God’s way, following His directions.  When we do that we can have hope for the future. Eternity with the Lord is God’s promise.